Hey at least at Huisache Baptist Church: they’re using the right Bible.
All posts by Darrell
MOY: Why I Hate CISPA (and You Should Too)
When I was a student at Fundy U it was a common that during chapel agents of the dean’s office would wander into our rooms and poke around looking for visible contraband. It was an invasion of privacy that assumed that students were guilty until proven innocent. I hated it.
Now the US government wants the ability to pull the same kind of invasion of privacy by granting themselves the right to wander in and poke around in your e-mail, social media profiles, and other electronic data. I hate that even more than I hated being spied on by the PCC deans.
SFL Flashback: Car Codes of Conduct
This post was originally featured on SFL in July of 2010.
Since its inception, the primary purpose of the automobile has always been to provide venue for pastors to lose their testimonies. It may also (as a strictly secondary function) provide some modicum of useful transportation.
It is a well known fact in fundamentalism that even the most restrained and moderate of people lose all self-control once they set foot in a motor vehicle. Unless carefully monitored, riding in a car with a member of the opposite sex can lead to fornication, drunkenness, and head-on collisions with trains — possibly all three at the same time.
In the interest of preventing these unfortunate occurrences, the following rules should be observed by any fundamentalists who intends to travel by automobile.
– Pastors should never enter a car with a woman. Ever. If that means leaving her to be eaten by wolves then so be it. Your ministry is too important to risk.
– If two people who are dating should happen to need to travel together for sanctioned ministry purposes such as traveling too and from Bible college, they must travel in no smaller vehicle than a 15 passenger van and be seated for maximum separation distance between them. Please consult the following chart:

– If two people are currently pretending not to be dating so they can sit together on the long, long missions trip to Mexico they must be separated at all times by the width of a King James Bible (Wide Margin, Oxford Press, 1769 edition, 3rd printing).
– Chaperons shall be strategically placed in the vehicle in such a manner that all hands, feet, elbows, and knees are in plain view at all times. If a chaperon is unavailable this task may be relegated to a child who has demonstrated great alacrity in the tattling department.
– Every trip shall begin with a prayer in which the driver shall make it clear to all within earshot that the continued safety of all passengers from accident or freak avalanche depends on the above rules being kept with utmost vigor.
Observe these rules well and it may be possible to keep the inevitable vehicular orgies to a bare minimum. And keep an eye out for those oncoming trains.
Back Later
Hey, folks. No new post today.
There is no new post for one of two reasons. Either…
A: I’m just tired and badly managed my time this week
B: You’re being punished for that bad thing you did that you thought nobody knew about.
SFL will be back next week with a whole new heaping bowl full of crazy. Or possibly some posts on an unrelated topic. How would you all like to spend a week hearing helpful tips on laundry? I do a lot of laundry these days. Maybe I should write about it.
See ya.