This is Jack’s book about the many dangers of using screens in church:
This is Jack’s plea for money to buy screens for his church:
Any questions?
252 thoughts on “Not Changing at All”
That’s sort of what you’d expect from someone named Adam.
Second? 😕
One question: screens are dangerous?
Oh yeah, ALL things are evil UNTIL the pastor wants it! Flat screens are too “worldly” — they are used at rock concerts so people can see the entertainers, you know. Trieber and King Tommy were the same — don’t use the Internet, television is evil, there’s nothing coming out of holiday that is better and since movies were evil in the 60s, they have to be worse now!
BUT when they can use it for their benefit — like Skyping with missionaries during the missions conference so you can see and hear how needy they all are!
Fundies should probably have kept lying and saying that the internet is evil. Its ability to broadcast their scandals is going to cause them headaches.
There is no closing that Pandora’s Box. It has gotten much harder to keep the peons ignorant.
Two words for Jack: Slippery
Why the next thing ya know they’ll be selling one of those W-H-I-T-E pianos to make room for the praise band set.
What pianos?
The white pianos are behind the giant purple harps. 😉
I’ll raise you two more words to add to that –
Haha. So typical.
At first, I was thinking, “Screens are bad, but God loves an LCD monitor, hay-men?”
Then I watched the sales pitch and heard Jack say “2 GIANT *screens*.”
Potayto, potahto, right?
Oh, you GUYS. Screens are bad for OTHER PEOPLE. They’re totes ok for those of us who are doing the work of GOD. It’s all the OTHER GUYS who are all sinful and stuffz.
Polecat – Your post captures the very essence of practical fundamental theology…”Whatever YOU do is BAD, whatever I/WE do is GOOD.” The casuistry of fundy MOGs is such that they can change direction like a weathervane without the slightest hint of embarrassment, but let someone else do it and “they have abandoned the faith.”
Yes to both of you.
It’s maddening, illogical, and unfair.
Not to mention wrong, uncharitable, unchristlike, pig-headed, and absurd.
It is not sinful to use a screen to display the faces and upper bodies of those singing and especially preaching! It would be wrong, however, to display scripture verses on screens during the preaching (as the preacher hops through the Bible at breakneck speed). If anyone should ever use Deuteronomy 6:9 as a proof text, they shall ever and anon be declared a liberal legalist trying to use the Old Testament as a smokescreen to justify their illicit exposure of scripture!
It would be equally wrong to debase the grand old hymns of the faith by turning them into images to be worshipped as they are projected upon a manmade screen! “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things which are His!” One can only project worldly things that do not contain holy writ (such as scriptures, sermon outlines, and spiritual songs) on these formerly demonic, now made holy by their use in certain churches!
Such is the logic in many of “our” churches today.
When Rick Warren did it, it was obviously sinful and worldly.
Once Jack Trieber, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, does it, it is now sanctified behaviour acceptable by God and it better be accepted by you (though last time your heard me preach, I preached against it), because I have changed my mind!
A little humor…
Reminds me of an older gentleman at church when he asked a young assistant pastor about a verse. When the younger man showed it on an electronic device, the older guy said,”No. I mean a real Bible.”
I have recently begun carrying only my cell phone to church, unless I am preaching. When my in-laws and wife noticed, they asked why I didn’t take my Bible to church. I said that I get tired of lugging it around. Besides, it’s on my phone, and I generally don’t need to use it, because most preaching preach on passages I have committed to memory. I actually pay attention better when I am not using my Bible. They let me know how disappointed they were in me. I told them I wish more churches would display the Bible verses on a screen–that was definitely jumping out of the proverbial frying pan into the fire!
I believe the term cognitive dissonance has been used on this website a time or two–it is more common than we would like to think among Christians of all stripes!
What difference does it make what form it’s in? If it’s the written word, does it really matter if it’s done in calligraphy on calfskin, carved in stone (what would that guy say had he seen the commandments Moses had and then saw them on a scroll?), or on a screen? Time to bang my head against a wall now.
Totally off topic as usual, but if you can answer a couple of questions it’d be appreciated.
Someone told me that Congregationalism is the church equivalent of a democracy and Presbyterianism is the church equivalent of a republic. If that’s the case, the closest analogy to the church government of extreme fundy churches is that of an absolute monarchy with the pastor claiming the divine right of kings.
1.)Can you point to any scriptural and historical evidence as to what is a more biblical model for church government or can you recommend some books that might discuss this.
There are probably others here who have heard teachers in fundy churches claim that the name of the worst of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation (the church of the Laodiceans) means the church of the laity. They never come out and say it directly, but the message is pretty clear– “Just look what will happen if you let the sheep run things!”
2.) Is there any truth to that claim whatsoever or is it poppycock, tommyrot, rubbish, balderdash, etc?
Thanks, and blessings,
I believe this is a great article addressing some of those issues:
But I’m not going to be preaching from the screen, Haymen? I’ll be using them to show videos to guilt trip you into giving to my next pet project.
Exactly! The only thing consistent about legalism is inconsistency! 🙄 😮
People have a screen-filled life. It’s natural.
I’ve seen screen use in church since I was a tiny boy. It’s just that the screen was called an “overhead projector”.
So 1. Object that produces an image on a wall is bad
or 2. Object that is post 1965 is bad?
Take your pick…
Unfortunately, I think most fundy churches feel that #2 is the best option.
The church I visited last week avoided the screen issue entirely by projecting everything on a blank wall.
I think Nehemiah has some strong condemnation of projecting on a wall (or should have).
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.
That was him that pisseth against the wall, and it’s 1 Kings. 😎
so-o-o-o… he was tekel-ing against the wall?
Wait, the architect cut 60 feet off the stage. Wouldn’t that put him further back where it would be easier to see his performance? Sounds like they didn’t slope the seating enough.
But whatever crazy wants.
WOW! I never knew the proper name was the “Great” North Valley Baptist Church. Glad he had to tell me of his greatness.
Good to know the purpose is so people can see Jack and the other performers. He did rationalize his need for screens to make sure folks know they aren’t to help the preaching any, just get his picture up there.
I didn’t know he wrote on the evils of technology. I would like to read that.
It’s awfully modest of Jack to explain that they need the screens so everyone can see Jack Trieber better, hay-men?
Hey, at least it actually looks like a church and not an ugly, boxy auditorium or high school gym! 😉
I still think “the catholics ®” build the greatest buildings. Baptist churches are boring and look cheap. Non-mega church baptist churches are usually pretty crappy buildings. I mean just look at La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona!
Have you climbed the spiral staircase in the Sagrada?
It is a great view from the walkway between the spires.
La Sagrada Familia took more than a hundred years to finish building. I don’t think most American churches would accept that completion schedule.
Th projected finish is in 2026, the centenary of Gaudí’s death, making it a 144 year construction project.
But then, this is a country with beautiful churches whose “new wings” were built in the 1200s.
I’m definitely of mixed feelings on this. I LOVE beautiful architecture. I do prefer worshipping in a beautiful building more than in someplace that looks like an office or a warehouse. But I also understand that our money should probably be invested in PEOPLE not necessarily in an expensive building. So I’m torn.
I always dreamed of being married in a cathedral. It could never have happened in my family at that time, but it was such a beautiful dream.
You don’t need to have screens to enjoy the choir in a Cathedral. The choir is located above and *behind* the congregation, so that the music comes from above, and nothing distracts from it (as far as focusing on individual choir members).
I always close my eyes during worship music, but if I was in a Cathedral, I might gaze at frescoes or stained glass scenes which take me outside of myself, and bring to mind (however limited and anthropomorphic) the majesty of God.
Otherwise, I’d be wandering with my mind; “why doesn’t the drummer do a fill here? The bass needs to be brought up…. Didn’t she just have a baby recently?… I wonder if that new family is going to join the church?”…etc.
Btw, that’s why a church has a spire… To draw focus upward.
I’ve heard him say NVBC is the world’s best church. He stops short of saying he’s the world’s best pastor but how can you have one without the other?!? Gag.
I can’t believe the architect was allowed to make a decision that should come only from the mog. How dare he cut off the platform.
And SIXTY feet of platform? Our whole auditorium is barely 60′ long. How many performers does one church need?
I think we should assume that a 60′ platform would primarily be to house a 30-50′ podium, not increased circus performers! 🙂
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a church with a front platform more than 60 feet long, and I’ve seen some big churches.
To quote a comment I saw on another web site, he has the gall to say, “We built this multi-million dollar building so poorly that a lot of people can’t see. Now send me a huge amount of money to fix the problem.”
It’s a sibling of the other begging videos in this series, where Jack says, “We haven’t kept up our (pick one: bus fleet, air conditioning, parking lot, physical plant in general …), so now YOU must pay to make up for our negligence.”
“…but it’s not our fault; the architech died” (and apparently, the design was in such a mess that no one knew what the plans were.
How convenient! Blame the dead architect; he isn’t here to defend himself or state his POV. Just a thought — shouldn’t HIS sheeple pay for the opportunity to see their shepherd? And how is seeing his face going to spread the gospel to the Silcon Valley and the utter most parts of the World ❓ If they want to see, they can get there early and sit in the front. 😆
Has anyone added up the total dollar amount of his begging, er… “opportunity to give” vids?
Lets see…
1) 19 a/c * $7,000 = $133,000
2) roof $40,000
3) new bus fleet $1M
4) parking lot $65,000
5) shuttles $200,000
6) 15 vehicles (no price given) * $30,000 = $450,000
7) shed $3,000
8) New property $4M
9) Pay off old prop $2.9M
10) Screens $30,000
Total: $8,821,000
(I estimated their 15 vehicles – 4 trucks, 5 vans, 6 passenger cars – at $30,000 each)
Thanks, GR. I was never very good at math — esp numbers followed by lots of zeros. 😆
Big Gary,
Being as I am in the commercial/institutional construction & development business, I think I can speculate on what happened:
1. Unless they hired a hack architect, be certain that the Owner (Jack) approved the design at the Schematic, Design Development and Construction Document levels. So if there are design problems, there is a very good chance that Jack approved them multiple times.
2. I would guess that this was also role-reversal for the architect. It is a running joke in the design/construction business that whenever an architect “gilds the lily” on a building (i.e. chooses a more expensive design than the project warrants) we call that “building a monument to himself/herself”. In this case, the architect needed to understand that this building was to be a monument (actually more like a shrine) to Jack. I’m certain this created more than a little tension during the process…
But it is so much easier to blame the dead guy than actually admit responsibility.
But of course no one at his church would dare call him out for this SNAFU.
That is SO seeker friendly. I never thought he’d stray from the old paths™.
The Mormon God has been known to change his mind, like he did in 1978 about black people. Evidently, in 2013, the Fundamentalist Baptist God changed his mind about screens in church. 😯
Bob Jones’ god changed his mind about interracial dating, just to be fair to the Mormons.
He mentioned the visible sight lines being changed. Wondering what happened to the audible sight lines, or where I can find visible sight lines for the department of redundancy department.
Don’t forget the invisible sight lines …
Good one, BG. Btw, I don’t need sight lines to hear a message from God. No one does. If he’s not going to use the screens for song lyrics or sermon outlines and text references, his only interest seems to be so that everyone can gaze upon his visage. That’s useful for actors… The original “hypocrites” who used masks with exaggerated emotional features while playing their roles.
Near me is a business that advertises their expertise in Visual Photography.
I am always tempted to ask what other kinds of photography there are since I sure can’t think of any.
Infrared and X-ray photography use wavelengths that we can’t see. But the whole point of those technologies is to render those images visible.
Bahaha busted!
Does anyone know what was actually said in “Preaching With Screens”? Does it say they are sinful, worldly, fleshly, etc.? Has anyone ever read this “book”?
I’d like to, but all I can find is a chance to buy it from their bookstore.
I figured something that important should be available as a .pdf download. I guess that $2.95 + shipping and handling is more important than spreading the “truth”.
Neither Amazon nor Google seems to know anything about this book. Where does one find a copy?
Oh wait, refined my search and found it. Seems to be a listing of “points to consider” when thinking about using them. Which, in fundyland, means a listing of things that “good” Christians realize means you can’t do whatever the item under consideration is.
And yet leaves enough wiggle room to say “oh, we were just being careful. We never really said they were BAD.”
It’s a great game.
I for one, don’t care for that game at all! 🙂
^ Of COURSE I’m missing the comma after I! Ugh!
The great game of “Take the high road lest other’s stumble”, and “Let us all be above reproach.” A game in which no one wins, and the players are miserable, regardless of the way they choose to play or not play:(
I look forward to the next book, which covers the use of wireless microphones, carpeting colors, and drapes.
At a time when over 16 million children in the US live in poverty this guy creates a 5 minute video asking for prayer and that God will raise someone up to buy his church 2 giant screens…I guess it’s all about priorities.
You should see what else he is asking strangers to give him in the other 9 videos.
Just good ol’ 21st century panhandling. We can’t use screens for preaching, but we can use the ‘net for begging.
Speaking of strangers… I visited there earlier in the year on a Wednesday. It was OK, except for the multiple references to “great” NVBC and “great” staff and “great” people (what about a “great” Savior?)
I apparently was put on their mailing list; I received email asking for money to make JT’s birthday special, and I received this email asking for funds, no prayer, no funds to make their top ten ministry needs – none of which are nice-to-have. The screens were #10. #9, if I remember rightly, was to pay off their original property. But there are not nice-to-haves.
I will be about 45 minutes away from NVBC next week. I actually considered visiting, but since I won’t have a vehicle, it isn’t worth all the time for a train or cost of a car rental.
I wanted to read some of his reasons why preaching with screens is bad.
In his justification for his use of screens he seems to make sure everyone knows he is not going to use the screens in a certain way–probably the way he is against in his book–but then he said it is ok for other preachers to use screens in a different way. He seems to flip flop on this screen issue… it ok for preachers to use screens so congregation can see pastor better only, is it ok to use to map out the points of the sermon or not? Or do we not want to offend anyone who might be using the screens in an evil way who might be lead to give more money to the church?
It’s good to know his priorities are in the right place. It’s going to be his face on the screen, not the scripture text, outline, or visual aids to help the congregation understand the message.
Repeat after me: all you need is the MOG.
Apparently Trieber’s face is the only visual aid the people need to understand his message.
… because who wouldn’t be more blessed by looking at Jack Treiber’s face than at Scriptures?
They’re buying giant screens so that the people can…see the preacher more clearly? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but my mind refuses to no boggle.
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
Nothing you can make that can’t be made
No one you can save that can’t be saved
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time
It’s easy
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
All you need is mog
All you need is mog
All you need is mog, mog
Mog is all you need
Perfect! 😀
Whenever I get gloomy about the state of the world I think about the arrivals gate at Bob Jones……. around.
(Yes. I watch movies with nudity. Pray for me.)
Thanks for the laugh!
Of course they must keep the attention of the people on the mog’s face at all times during the message! If they aren’t staring enraptured at his face, they might be tempted to actually read that Book in their lap and think “Wait a minute, I don’t think these verses mean what he’s telling us they mean 😯 .”
Ooooo! That reminds me of the times I heard a preacher or evangelist say, “Look at me!” I HATED when they said that. It was so bossy and rude. Who were they to make a demand like that? If I wanted to look, I would.
And anyway, if I wasn’t looking at them, it’s because I WAS looking at my Bible and I was never so drunk on the koolaid that I thought a man was more important that Scripture.
I share your ire. Nothing says “you have been bad, and I’m your superior” like “Look at me!!”
PW: Here is a sermon where an moG admonishes a 4 year old boy (Dayton) from the pulpit:
If they sell enough copies of the book, they’ll be able to buy their giant screens. Win-win!
Great fundraising plan, Jewels!
I hope you’ll forward that suggestion to Jack Trieber:
Just sell more copies of your book about how screens are bad, and you’ll have enough money for your screens.
Such folly results when people preach preferences instead of the simple Word of God.
My in-laws avoided going to churches with projector screens because their “unsaved” relatives who lived on the other side of the country might visit and they couldn’t possibly be saved if they visited a church with a projector 🙄 .
At about 0:06, I’m pretty sure he says, “… and perhaps God will grease you up ..”
Since Josh already made a BOHICA joke I guess it is okay for me to reference Rule 34.
I can just imagine the new rules that will be written to the camera/video switcher operators on what and what not to put on the screens how its put up there, and how it glorifies the MoG.
LCD screens? Not projection? Sounds expensive!
When I would go to the youth conferences (9-10 years in a row and when they were still in the old auditorium), they just used the screens to play the opening video before the skit. I can’t remember them using it for the songs, and it definitely wasn’t used for the preaching! 🙂 In fact, we used little paper booklets for the singing.
This is just a slippery slope for the great NVBC and the greater jack T. First it is flat screens TV’s. Next it will be little kids allowed to have suckers. We all know that eating suckers is not ABSTAINING from ALL appearance of evil (someone might think the 8 year old is actually smoking a cig)
He also has the gall to claim that there is a “dearth of churches” in Silicon Valley. I have friends living in Silicon Valley, and there are plenty of churches there, as there are almost everywhere in the U.S.
But there is a dearth of churches…that look and believe exactly like he does!
He changed his mind and …. ?
Good point Bill, thanks for bringing it up! He did change his mind… Now use your critical thinking skills to process the ramifications – all of them – to the fundamentalist narrative of this man-o-gid speaking for god and being gods man and being lead by the inner holy spirit that he possesses and all the other nonsense these religious propagandist uh I mean “preachers” purport. I recently had the same scape-goating pulled on me when I called out a fundy preacher on a post he put about the false teaching of tithing. Well his son – also a deacon at the church – proceeded to call me a “dumb ass” with no answer to my objections that “tithing” is not actually “biblical” in the sense that its commanded as they teach it. His retort is that he has changed his mind, but at the time he was “speaking gods word”! So what these men do is make it all up. When the great equalizer of the internet comes along and people can figure out that what they are preaching is not actually correct or just contrived, well then they are “growing in grace”. The same thing is not extended to you if you object to a current teaching however. So What else is he teaching now that is FALSE and you will let him “change his mind” on a few years or so down the road? How about call him out on what he is: a snake-oil-salesman making it all up. Yet this man will have a house of lemmings willing to waste precious life sitting under his lecturing for some time to come probably. Everyone makes up their own religion – triebers is a brand that is a waste of time. ❗
Anyone else note the irony of the phrase on the pulpit & having the Face of Jack projected larger than life on screens at the front of the church?
You are so right!
Obviously, the antecedent of “HE” in that phrase is “Jack Trieber.”
Better that than in a jar in New New York… (But _that_ Jack was a lot better looking…)
Former fundy here, and former NVBC member. One of the most crazy-makiing, confounding and confusing things in the world to me personally is that ANYONE actually believes that the KJV of the bible is the inerrant word of God. How? I don’t get it! It just drives me insane. How can people be so stupid?!!! There. My vent for the day.
They are making themselves idols of paper.
That is, they are making *for* themselves idols of paper.
Heh. I just got a mental image of a little origami figure holding a KJV.
You were pretty close the first time, BG. You should have stopped at, “They are making themselves idols“
BG – Your statement is 100% correct, but I feel it is misplaced in response to Huh’s post. Mr. Huh? appears to have problem with the KJV (as opposed to the KJV-onlies). I submit to you that the KJV itself is not a problem (and is my translation of choice). If I were to say that you can only be saved if “your personal soul winner used the KJV”, I would be a heretic. If I were to say that the KJV included advanced Revelation, I would be a heretic. If I were to imply that all other English translations were corrupt and/or the work of the devil, I would have made an idol out of it (as you point out). Why must people who like/use the KJV be synonymous with the KJV-onlies?
I’ve always said the KJV itself is not the problem.
It’s worshipping it as an idol that is the problem.
There’s nothing wrong with having a blue toothbrush and using it. But if you believe that no other color of brush can clean your teeth, and when you denounce anyone who uses a red or white or green toothbrush as part of some Satanic conspiracy, there’s a problem there.
BG – I currently have a musical toothbrush that plays “What makes you beautiful” while I’m brushing…I like it so much that I’m certain all other toothbrushes are inferior.
Thank you.
“Why must people who like/use the KJV be synonymous with the KJV-onlies?”
Largely because those who like/use the KJV consistently make grandiose claims about why it’s the best translation instead of stopping at liking/using the KJV. /shrug (Not that you in particular have done that from what. I have seen.)
That used to be me. I wasn’t ever nutso KJV-only, but I did sniff superiorly that it was the best translation Then I got my hands on a NASB and couldn’t put it down. It was like water to a parched soul. For all my familiarity with it, study in it, and memorization of it, it was like I had never read the Bible before.
I’m an NLT gal, now. 🙂 Most days. Just cuz I like it and it speaks to me. If you like the KJV and it speaks to you, then great.
Sorry, I know my previous note has nothing to do with the screen issue at the GREAT North Valley Baptist Church. I think they should get a big scoreboard to hang from the ceiling ala sports arenas, with the jumbo-tron. They can keep score of all their baptisms, salvations, new members, display hymn numbers. NOT bible verses of course, cuz everyone has to carry their own bible. 😯
Perhaps they could project the images of the big tithers up there. Scratch that. They could threaten to project the images of people who don’t tithe.
My church prints the names of people who tithe in the bulletin. Almost as embarrassing as a jumbo tron but not quite!
Oh, wow! None of that “let not thy right hand know what thy left doeth” for them, huh?
How do they know who is tithing? They would have no know your income to know if you tithe, or are keeping some back.
I’ve heard of churches that demand to see payslips. Haven’t attended one so not sure if that’s true.
At my former fundy church we gave in cash only. It was nobody’s business what we gave “not by compulsion or of necessity.”
We were never approached at tax time for not having a giving statement though. That’s to their credit.
How much would projectors and projector screens cost?
They would be no more or less intrusive, and also show good stewardship.
Good stewardship?
We are talking about a guy who could have paid $20-30 for a wonderful Kawaii piano for the platfform, but instead chose to spend about one-half million on four Bosendorfers for the platform…plus one in the lobby area.
what? you don’t want to give Jeebus your best? Go big or go home.
Wait a minute, UTBF. Are you missing some zeroes there? I know that most pianos cost way less than half a million dollars, but I never heard of one you could get for $20 or $30.
Hahaha! Yes, there were three missing zeros. $30,000.
I only wish I could pick up a beautiful Kawaii for only 30 bucks.
I prefer Yamaha, but I’ve no idea what they’re going for these days.
When a preacher is hiding sexual offenders/child molesters in his church, I guess he will settle for anything as a distraction of his willingness to hide and shelter sin:
Do you post that link to every Trieber/NVBC panhandling video you come across?
Because I would. 👿 What absolute scum.
Blarg! I meant “post that link *on the comments to* every video, etc., etc.”
/glares at George/
PS: You say “I would.” You certainly can. Copy the link and paste it where ever you see Trieber. I have an index of these guys. If people would dash over to the Roll Call of Shame, click the appropriate name on the index, and paste the URL that comes up (which takes readers to the full array of articles about the person), we would get the word out a lot more pervasively about how corrupt these guys are and the monsters they are hiding in their churches.
I mean, we don’t all need to do it here on SFL, but where you see these preachers named or posting in other forums and web boards, nail them with some facts about what they’re permitting in their churches.
Bassenco: Thank you for posting the link. It’s a good read, a prophetic voice about sexual abusers who are inside the church.
Woe be to people who leave their children in a church, blindly trusting the church people who oversee the children’s ministries. Most are good people; but 26 years in law enforcement has taught me that child molesters gravitate to places where children gather. And churches are usually so eager to get workers that they don’t engage in due diligence to weed out the abusers. Keep up the good work. ~BJG
Thank you, and what you said is very true.
I so appreciate our little, simple church and auditorium. And our projector and screen. Our little church is all about what can we do to help our community.
The size and grandness of his church/auditorium is repulsive to me. The money and focus on the temporal things is vulgar in comparison to the message of Jesus Christ. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, in my opinion. 🙁
“Is not this great Babylon NVBC, which I have built?”
The first three centuries of church history knew nothing of church buildings, clergy, tithing and most Old Testament or post-Constantinian man-made traditions.
HA! Things Really have changed… the co-author now works at Lancaster Baptist(or West Coast Baptist College) which uses screens for EVERYTHING! awesome.
Has anyone found access to this book online, maybe in PDF form? I’d love to have a look at it but don’t want to order a hard copy.
Never say in 30 seconds what you can say in 5 minutes. 🙄
Also I wonder what the architect did to get “called home” in the middle of the building project?
Forgot to put Armor All on his tires?
Someone should Armor All the soles of Jack T’s wingtips.
Why did Jack allow screens? Gather round boys and girls for an IFB history lesson.
When Jack wanted to design a wonderful new auditorium building for NVBC, he used the services of a fundy architect friend.
For some reason during the process of permits and planning, Jack had to shrink the footprint of the building and therefore the size of the auditorium.
His fundy architect friend was happy to draw up new, smaller plans. However, being a true fundy, the architect forgot to adjust the pitch/height of the balcony for the new, smaller auditorium.
So on grand opening night of the new, magnificent, much glorified auditorium (during pastor’s conference to boot), no one beyond the first few pews in the balcony could see the platform at all. 😯
Voila! Screens are now okay! 😀
Is this what actually happened?
Yes. I was there the first night that the auditorium was open. NVBC had advertised and pushed the wonderful superb promised land known as the new auditorium building, so everyone was looking forward to it.
In true IFB fashion, NVBC was behind on the paperwork with the city/county on the new building AND they had no backup plan for the conference in case the building did not pass inspection. Because, you know, nothing is impossible with gid.
On the first night of pastor’s conference, everyone from the conference was literally waiting outside in front of the building until they got clearance from the powers that be to use the new auditorium. In the end, I believe they had to get special clearance and supervision from the fire department to hold the meetings in the new auditorium for pastors’ conference that year.
After all of that some of my friends got stuck in the back of the balcony and had a nice view of the wall above the platform that first night.
Does NVBC have its own equivalent of “Pastors SChool?”
That Pastors’ School web site deserves a whole SFL post of its own, but I couldn’t help noticing this testamonial there:
”the spirit was wonderful. the fellowship was great. the music was tremendous. the preaching, however, was the highlight of the meeting.” (lack of capitalization in the original)
“– A Pastor from Indiana –”
They moved it to march, interesting.
Could they have moved it to March, because too many younger fundies are sneeking off to J.Mac’s Shepherd’s Conference in March? Coincidence? I think not!
Who is he asking for help? The members, or other churches? This type of video seems like one a mission work would send to their supporting churches. Isn’t NVBC well beyond self-supporting?
I visited his church ONCE earlier this year, and I was sent the begging video. He MIGHT have meant it to be prayer requests only, but it really comes across as begging for money.
Trieber wishes!! Earlier this year, he sent a video of thanks to all the ‘outside’ supporters that helped him reach his $$ goal to keep things afloat. Said they couldn’t have done it without them! His gimmick this time, was a wall of buckets that needed to be filled with donations! What gall!
Comments are closed.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.
That’s sort of what you’d expect from someone named Adam.
Second? 😕
One question: screens are dangerous?
Oh yeah, ALL things are evil UNTIL the pastor wants it! Flat screens are too “worldly” — they are used at rock concerts so people can see the entertainers, you know. Trieber and King Tommy were the same — don’t use the Internet, television is evil, there’s nothing coming out of holiday that is better and since movies were evil in the 60s, they have to be worse now!
BUT when they can use it for their benefit — like Skyping with missionaries during the missions conference so you can see and hear how needy they all are!
Fundies should probably have kept lying and saying that the internet is evil. Its ability to broadcast their scandals is going to cause them headaches.
There is no closing that Pandora’s Box. It has gotten much harder to keep the peons ignorant.
Two words for Jack:
Why the next thing ya know they’ll be selling one of those W-H-I-T-E pianos to make room for the praise band set.
What pianos?
The white pianos are behind the giant purple harps. 😉
I’ll raise you two more words to add to that –
Haha. So typical.
At first, I was thinking, “Screens are bad, but God loves an LCD monitor, hay-men?”
Then I watched the sales pitch and heard Jack say “2 GIANT *screens*.”
Potayto, potahto, right?
Oh, you GUYS. Screens are bad for OTHER PEOPLE. They’re totes ok for those of us who are doing the work of GOD. It’s all the OTHER GUYS who are all sinful and stuffz.
Polecat – Your post captures the very essence of practical fundamental theology…”Whatever YOU do is BAD, whatever I/WE do is GOOD.” The casuistry of fundy MOGs is such that they can change direction like a weathervane without the slightest hint of embarrassment, but let someone else do it and “they have abandoned the faith.”
Yes to both of you.
It’s maddening, illogical, and unfair.
Not to mention wrong, uncharitable, unchristlike, pig-headed, and absurd.
It is not sinful to use a screen to display the faces and upper bodies of those singing and especially preaching! It would be wrong, however, to display scripture verses on screens during the preaching (as the preacher hops through the Bible at breakneck speed). If anyone should ever use Deuteronomy 6:9 as a proof text, they shall ever and anon be declared a liberal legalist trying to use the Old Testament as a smokescreen to justify their illicit exposure of scripture!
It would be equally wrong to debase the grand old hymns of the faith by turning them into images to be worshipped as they are projected upon a manmade screen! “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things which are His!” One can only project worldly things that do not contain holy writ (such as scriptures, sermon outlines, and spiritual songs) on these formerly demonic, now made holy by their use in certain churches!
Such is the logic in many of “our” churches today.
When Rick Warren did it, it was obviously sinful and worldly.
Once Jack Trieber, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, does it, it is now sanctified behaviour acceptable by God and it better be accepted by you (though last time your heard me preach, I preached against it), because I have changed my mind!
A little humor…
Reminds me of an older gentleman at church when he asked a young assistant pastor about a verse. When the younger man showed it on an electronic device, the older guy said,”No. I mean a real Bible.”
I have recently begun carrying only my cell phone to church, unless I am preaching. When my in-laws and wife noticed, they asked why I didn’t take my Bible to church. I said that I get tired of lugging it around. Besides, it’s on my phone, and I generally don’t need to use it, because most preaching preach on passages I have committed to memory. I actually pay attention better when I am not using my Bible. They let me know how disappointed they were in me. I told them I wish more churches would display the Bible verses on a screen–that was definitely jumping out of the proverbial frying pan into the fire!
I believe the term cognitive dissonance has been used on this website a time or two–it is more common than we would like to think among Christians of all stripes!
What difference does it make what form it’s in? If it’s the written word, does it really matter if it’s done in calligraphy on calfskin, carved in stone (what would that guy say had he seen the commandments Moses had and then saw them on a scroll?), or on a screen? Time to bang my head against a wall now.
An ancient fundamentalist—
Totally off topic as usual, but if you can answer a couple of questions it’d be appreciated.
Someone told me that Congregationalism is the church equivalent of a democracy and Presbyterianism is the church equivalent of a republic. If that’s the case, the closest analogy to the church government of extreme fundy churches is that of an absolute monarchy with the pastor claiming the divine right of kings.
1.)Can you point to any scriptural and historical evidence as to what is a more biblical model for church government or can you recommend some books that might discuss this.
There are probably others here who have heard teachers in fundy churches claim that the name of the worst of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation (the church of the Laodiceans) means the church of the laity. They never come out and say it directly, but the message is pretty clear– “Just look what will happen if you let the sheep run things!”
2.) Is there any truth to that claim whatsoever or is it poppycock, tommyrot, rubbish, balderdash, etc?
Thanks, and blessings,
I believe this is a great article addressing some of those issues:
But I’m not going to be preaching from the screen, Haymen? I’ll be using them to show videos to guilt trip you into giving to my next pet project.
Exactly! The only thing consistent about legalism is inconsistency! 🙄 😮
People have a screen-filled life. It’s natural.
I’ve seen screen use in church since I was a tiny boy. It’s just that the screen was called an “overhead projector”.
So 1. Object that produces an image on a wall is bad
or 2. Object that is post 1965 is bad?
Take your pick…
Unfortunately, I think most fundy churches feel that #2 is the best option.
The church I visited last week avoided the screen issue entirely by projecting everything on a blank wall.
I think Nehemiah has some strong condemnation of projecting on a wall (or should have).
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.
That was him that pisseth against the wall, and it’s 1 Kings. 😎
so-o-o-o… he was tekel-ing against the wall?
Wait, the architect cut 60 feet off the stage. Wouldn’t that put him further back where it would be easier to see his performance? Sounds like they didn’t slope the seating enough.
But whatever crazy wants.
WOW! I never knew the proper name was the “Great” North Valley Baptist Church. Glad he had to tell me of his greatness.
Good to know the purpose is so people can see Jack and the other performers. He did rationalize his need for screens to make sure folks know they aren’t to help the preaching any, just get his picture up there.
I didn’t know he wrote on the evils of technology. I would like to read that.
It’s awfully modest of Jack to explain that they need the screens so everyone can see Jack Trieber better, hay-men?
Hey, at least it actually looks like a church and not an ugly, boxy auditorium or high school gym! 😉
I still think “the catholics ®” build the greatest buildings. Baptist churches are boring and look cheap. Non-mega church baptist churches are usually pretty crappy buildings. I mean just look at La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona!
Have you climbed the spiral staircase in the Sagrada?
It is a great view from the walkway between the spires.
La Sagrada Familia took more than a hundred years to finish building. I don’t think most American churches would accept that completion schedule.
Th projected finish is in 2026, the centenary of Gaudí’s death, making it a 144 year construction project.
But then, this is a country with beautiful churches whose “new wings” were built in the 1200s.
I’m definitely of mixed feelings on this. I LOVE beautiful architecture. I do prefer worshipping in a beautiful building more than in someplace that looks like an office or a warehouse. But I also understand that our money should probably be invested in PEOPLE not necessarily in an expensive building. So I’m torn.
I always dreamed of being married in a cathedral. It could never have happened in my family at that time, but it was such a beautiful dream.
You don’t need to have screens to enjoy the choir in a Cathedral. The choir is located above and *behind* the congregation, so that the music comes from above, and nothing distracts from it (as far as focusing on individual choir members).
I always close my eyes during worship music, but if I was in a Cathedral, I might gaze at frescoes or stained glass scenes which take me outside of myself, and bring to mind (however limited and anthropomorphic) the majesty of God.
Otherwise, I’d be wandering with my mind; “why doesn’t the drummer do a fill here? The bass needs to be brought up…. Didn’t she just have a baby recently?… I wonder if that new family is going to join the church?”…etc.
Btw, that’s why a church has a spire… To draw focus upward.
I’ve heard him say NVBC is the world’s best church. He stops short of saying he’s the world’s best pastor but how can you have one without the other?!? Gag.
I can’t believe the architect was allowed to make a decision that should come only from the mog. How dare he cut off the platform.
And SIXTY feet of platform? Our whole auditorium is barely 60′ long. How many performers does one church need?
I think we should assume that a 60′ platform would primarily be to house a 30-50′ podium, not increased circus performers! 🙂
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a church with a front platform more than 60 feet long, and I’ve seen some big churches.
To quote a comment I saw on another web site, he has the gall to say, “We built this multi-million dollar building so poorly that a lot of people can’t see. Now send me a huge amount of money to fix the problem.”
It’s a sibling of the other begging videos in this series, where Jack says, “We haven’t kept up our (pick one: bus fleet, air conditioning, parking lot, physical plant in general …), so now YOU must pay to make up for our negligence.”
“…but it’s not our fault; the architech died” (and apparently, the design was in such a mess that no one knew what the plans were.
How convenient! Blame the dead architect; he isn’t here to defend himself or state his POV. Just a thought — shouldn’t HIS sheeple pay for the opportunity to see their shepherd? And how is seeing his face going to spread the gospel to the Silcon Valley and the utter most parts of the World ❓ If they want to see, they can get there early and sit in the front. 😆
Has anyone added up the total dollar amount of his begging, er… “opportunity to give” vids?
Lets see…
1) 19 a/c * $7,000 = $133,000
2) roof $40,000
3) new bus fleet $1M
4) parking lot $65,000
5) shuttles $200,000
6) 15 vehicles (no price given) * $30,000 = $450,000
7) shed $3,000
8) New property $4M
9) Pay off old prop $2.9M
10) Screens $30,000
Total: $8,821,000
(I estimated their 15 vehicles – 4 trucks, 5 vans, 6 passenger cars – at $30,000 each)
Thanks, GR. I was never very good at math — esp numbers followed by lots of zeros. 😆
Big Gary,
Being as I am in the commercial/institutional construction & development business, I think I can speculate on what happened:
1. Unless they hired a hack architect, be certain that the Owner (Jack) approved the design at the Schematic, Design Development and Construction Document levels. So if there are design problems, there is a very good chance that Jack approved them multiple times.
2. I would guess that this was also role-reversal for the architect. It is a running joke in the design/construction business that whenever an architect “gilds the lily” on a building (i.e. chooses a more expensive design than the project warrants) we call that “building a monument to himself/herself”. In this case, the architect needed to understand that this building was to be a monument (actually more like a shrine) to Jack. I’m certain this created more than a little tension during the process…
But it is so much easier to blame the dead guy than actually admit responsibility.
But of course no one at his church would dare call him out for this SNAFU.
That is SO seeker friendly. I never thought he’d stray from the old paths™.
The Mormon God has been known to change his mind, like he did in 1978 about black people. Evidently, in 2013, the Fundamentalist Baptist God changed his mind about screens in church. 😯
Bob Jones’ god changed his mind about interracial dating, just to be fair to the Mormons.
He mentioned the visible sight lines being changed. Wondering what happened to the audible sight lines, or where I can find visible sight lines for the department of redundancy department.
Don’t forget the invisible sight lines …
Good one, BG. Btw, I don’t need sight lines to hear a message from God. No one does. If he’s not going to use the screens for song lyrics or sermon outlines and text references, his only interest seems to be so that everyone can gaze upon his visage. That’s useful for actors… The original “hypocrites” who used masks with exaggerated emotional features while playing their roles.
Near me is a business that advertises their expertise in Visual Photography.
I am always tempted to ask what other kinds of photography there are since I sure can’t think of any.
Infrared and X-ray photography use wavelengths that we can’t see. But the whole point of those technologies is to render those images visible.
Bahaha busted!
Does anyone know what was actually said in “Preaching With Screens”? Does it say they are sinful, worldly, fleshly, etc.? Has anyone ever read this “book”?
I’d like to, but all I can find is a chance to buy it from their bookstore.
I figured something that important should be available as a .pdf download. I guess that $2.95 + shipping and handling is more important than spreading the “truth”.
Neither Amazon nor Google seems to know anything about this book. Where does one find a copy?
Oh wait, refined my search and found it. Seems to be a listing of “points to consider” when thinking about using them. Which, in fundyland, means a listing of things that “good” Christians realize means you can’t do whatever the item under consideration is.
And yet leaves enough wiggle room to say “oh, we were just being careful. We never really said they were BAD.”
It’s a great game.
I for one, don’t care for that game at all! 🙂
^ Of COURSE I’m missing the comma after I! Ugh!
The great game of “Take the high road lest other’s stumble”, and “Let us all be above reproach.” A game in which no one wins, and the players are miserable, regardless of the way they choose to play or not play:(
I look forward to the next book, which covers the use of wireless microphones, carpeting colors, and drapes.
At a time when over 16 million children in the US live in poverty this guy creates a 5 minute video asking for prayer and that God will raise someone up to buy his church 2 giant screens…I guess it’s all about priorities.
You should see what else he is asking strangers to give him in the other 9 videos.
Just good ol’ 21st century panhandling. We can’t use screens for preaching, but we can use the ‘net for begging.
Speaking of strangers… I visited there earlier in the year on a Wednesday. It was OK, except for the multiple references to “great” NVBC and “great” staff and “great” people (what about a “great” Savior?)
I apparently was put on their mailing list; I received email asking for money to make JT’s birthday special, and I received this email asking for
funds, noprayer, no funds to make their top ten ministry needs – none of which are nice-to-have. The screens were #10. #9, if I remember rightly, was to pay off their original property. But there are not nice-to-haves.Bah.
I will be about 45 minutes away from NVBC next week. I actually considered visiting, but since I won’t have a vehicle, it isn’t worth all the time for a train or cost of a car rental.
I wanted to read some of his reasons why preaching with screens is bad.
In his justification for his use of screens he seems to make sure everyone knows he is not going to use the screens in a certain way–probably the way he is against in his book–but then he said it is ok for other preachers to use screens in a different way. He seems to flip flop on this screen issue… it ok for preachers to use screens so congregation can see pastor better only, is it ok to use to map out the points of the sermon or not? Or do we not want to offend anyone who might be using the screens in an evil way who might be lead to give more money to the church?
It’s good to know his priorities are in the right place. It’s going to be his face on the screen, not the scripture text, outline, or visual aids to help the congregation understand the message.
Repeat after me: all you need is the MOG.
Apparently Trieber’s face is the only visual aid the people need to understand his message.
… because who wouldn’t be more blessed by looking at Jack Treiber’s face than at Scriptures?
They’re buying giant screens so that the people can…see the preacher more clearly? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but my mind refuses to no boggle.
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
Nothing you can make that can’t be made
No one you can save that can’t be saved
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time
It’s easy
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
Mog, mog, mog
All you need is mog
All you need is mog
All you need is mog, mog
Mog is all you need
Perfect! 😀
Whenever I get gloomy about the state of the world I think about the arrivals gate at Bob Jones……. around.
(Yes. I watch movies with nudity. Pray for me.)
Thanks for the laugh!
Of course they must keep the attention of the people on the mog’s face at all times during the message! If they aren’t staring enraptured at his face, they might be tempted to actually read that Book in their lap and think “Wait a minute, I don’t think these verses mean what he’s telling us they mean 😯 .”
Ooooo! That reminds me of the times I heard a preacher or evangelist say, “Look at me!” I HATED when they said that. It was so bossy and rude. Who were they to make a demand like that? If I wanted to look, I would.
And anyway, if I wasn’t looking at them, it’s because I WAS looking at my Bible and I was never so drunk on the koolaid that I thought a man was more important that Scripture.
I share your ire. Nothing says “you have been bad, and I’m your superior” like “Look at me!!”
PW: Here is a sermon where an moG admonishes a 4 year old boy (Dayton) from the pulpit:
12/02/2012 AM SERVICE
TIME: 37:37
Jack looks a little more tanned than the last time I saw him…natural or sprayed ❓
Got to step up your game for those “giant,” high-def flat screens.
Someone has to tell him him that you can’t use Armor All on those screens
Or not tell him…
Why does Jack need those Giant screens?
“The Great and Powerful Jack…”
Doppleganger? hmmmmmmm?
If they sell enough copies of the book, they’ll be able to buy their giant screens. Win-win!
Great fundraising plan, Jewels!
I hope you’ll forward that suggestion to Jack Trieber:
Just sell more copies of your book about how screens are bad, and you’ll have enough money for your screens.
Such folly results when people preach preferences instead of the simple Word of God.
My in-laws avoided going to churches with projector screens because their “unsaved” relatives who lived on the other side of the country might visit and they couldn’t possibly be saved if they visited a church with a projector 🙄 .
At about 0:06, I’m pretty sure he says, “… and perhaps God will grease you up ..”
Since Josh already made a BOHICA joke I guess it is okay for me to reference Rule 34.
I can just imagine the new rules that will be written to the camera/video switcher operators on what and what not to put on the screens how its put up there, and how it glorifies the MoG.
LCD screens? Not projection? Sounds expensive!
When I would go to the youth conferences (9-10 years in a row and when they were still in the old auditorium), they just used the screens to play the opening video before the skit. I can’t remember them using it for the songs, and it definitely wasn’t used for the preaching! 🙂 In fact, we used little paper booklets for the singing.
This is just a slippery slope for the great NVBC and the greater jack T. First it is flat screens TV’s. Next it will be little kids allowed to have suckers. We all know that eating suckers is not ABSTAINING from ALL appearance of evil (someone might think the 8 year old is actually smoking a cig)
He also has the gall to claim that there is a “dearth of churches” in Silicon Valley. I have friends living in Silicon Valley, and there are plenty of churches there, as there are almost everywhere in the U.S.
But there is a dearth of churches…that look and believe exactly like he does!
He changed his mind and …. ?
Good point Bill, thanks for bringing it up! He did change his mind… Now use your critical thinking skills to process the ramifications – all of them – to the fundamentalist narrative of this man-o-gid speaking for god and being gods man and being lead by the inner holy spirit that he possesses and all the other nonsense these religious propagandist uh I mean “preachers” purport. I recently had the same scape-goating pulled on me when I called out a fundy preacher on a post he put about the false teaching of tithing. Well his son – also a deacon at the church – proceeded to call me a “dumb ass” with no answer to my objections that “tithing” is not actually “biblical” in the sense that its commanded as they teach it. His retort is that he has changed his mind, but at the time he was “speaking gods word”! So what these men do is make it all up. When the great equalizer of the internet comes along and people can figure out that what they are preaching is not actually correct or just contrived, well then they are “growing in grace”. The same thing is not extended to you if you object to a current teaching however. So What else is he teaching now that is FALSE and you will let him “change his mind” on a few years or so down the road? How about call him out on what he is: a snake-oil-salesman making it all up. Yet this man will have a house of lemmings willing to waste precious life sitting under his lecturing for some time to come probably. Everyone makes up their own religion – triebers is a brand that is a waste of time. ❗
Anyone else note the irony of the phrase on the pulpit & having the Face of Jack projected larger than life on screens at the front of the church?
You are so right!
Obviously, the antecedent of “HE” in that phrase is “Jack Trieber.”
Better that than in a jar in New New York… (But _that_ Jack was a lot better looking…)
Former fundy here, and former NVBC member. One of the most crazy-makiing, confounding and confusing things in the world to me personally is that ANYONE actually believes that the KJV of the bible is the inerrant word of God. How? I don’t get it! It just drives me insane. How can people be so stupid?!!! There. My vent for the day.
They are making themselves idols of paper.
That is, they are making *for* themselves idols of paper.
Heh. I just got a mental image of a little origami figure holding a KJV.
You were pretty close the first time, BG. You should have stopped at, “They are making themselves idols“
BG – Your statement is 100% correct, but I feel it is misplaced in response to Huh’s post. Mr. Huh? appears to have problem with the KJV (as opposed to the KJV-onlies). I submit to you that the KJV itself is not a problem (and is my translation of choice). If I were to say that you can only be saved if “your personal soul winner used the KJV”, I would be a heretic. If I were to say that the KJV included advanced Revelation, I would be a heretic. If I were to imply that all other English translations were corrupt and/or the work of the devil, I would have made an idol out of it (as you point out). Why must people who like/use the KJV be synonymous with the KJV-onlies?
I’ve always said the KJV itself is not the problem.
It’s worshipping it as an idol that is the problem.
There’s nothing wrong with having a blue toothbrush and using it. But if you believe that no other color of brush can clean your teeth, and when you denounce anyone who uses a red or white or green toothbrush as part of some Satanic conspiracy, there’s a problem there.
BG – I currently have a musical toothbrush that plays “What makes you beautiful” while I’m brushing…I like it so much that I’m certain all other toothbrushes are inferior.
Thank you.
“Why must people who like/use the KJV be synonymous with the KJV-onlies?”
Largely because those who like/use the KJV consistently make grandiose claims about why it’s the best translation instead of stopping at liking/using the KJV. /shrug (Not that you in particular have done that from what. I have seen.)
That used to be me. I wasn’t ever nutso KJV-only, but I did sniff superiorly that it was the best translation Then I got my hands on a NASB and couldn’t put it down. It was like water to a parched soul. For all my familiarity with it, study in it, and memorization of it, it was like I had never read the Bible before.
I’m an NLT gal, now. 🙂 Most days. Just cuz I like it and it speaks to me. If you like the KJV and it speaks to you, then great.
Sorry, I know my previous note has nothing to do with the screen issue at the GREAT North Valley Baptist Church. I think they should get a big scoreboard to hang from the ceiling ala sports arenas, with the jumbo-tron. They can keep score of all their baptisms, salvations, new members, display hymn numbers. NOT bible verses of course, cuz everyone has to carry their own bible. 😯
Perhaps they could project the images of the big tithers up there. Scratch that. They could threaten to project the images of people who don’t tithe.
My church prints the names of people who tithe in the bulletin. Almost as embarrassing as a jumbo tron but not quite!
Oh, wow! None of that “let not thy right hand know what thy left doeth” for them, huh?
How do they know who is tithing? They would have no know your income to know if you tithe, or are keeping some back.
I’ve heard of churches that demand to see payslips. Haven’t attended one so not sure if that’s true.
At my former fundy church we gave in cash only. It was nobody’s business what we gave “not by compulsion or of necessity.”
We were never approached at tax time for not having a giving statement though. That’s to their credit.
Hey guys… as Bill pointed out a few posts above “he changed is mind”.. so what right?? right??
This makes sense if you buy into the “fundy org chart” that Lord Don so ingeniously crafted here:
How much would projectors and projector screens cost?
They would be no more or less intrusive, and also show good stewardship.
Good stewardship?
We are talking about a guy who could have paid $20-30 for a wonderful Kawaii piano for the platfform, but instead chose to spend about one-half million on four Bosendorfers for the platform…plus one in the lobby area.
what? you don’t want to give Jeebus your best? Go big or go home.
Wait a minute, UTBF. Are you missing some zeroes there? I know that most pianos cost way less than half a million dollars, but I never heard of one you could get for $20 or $30.
Hahaha! Yes, there were three missing zeros. $30,000.
I only wish I could pick up a beautiful Kawaii for only 30 bucks.
I prefer Yamaha, but I’ve no idea what they’re going for these days.
When a preacher is hiding sexual offenders/child molesters in his church, I guess he will settle for anything as a distraction of his willingness to hide and shelter sin:
Do you post that link to every Trieber/NVBC panhandling video you come across?
Because I would. 👿 What absolute scum.
Blarg! I meant “post that link *on the comments to* every video, etc., etc.”
/glares at George/
PS: You say “I would.” You certainly can. Copy the link and paste it where ever you see Trieber. I have an index of these guys. If people would dash over to the Roll Call of Shame, click the appropriate name on the index, and paste the URL that comes up (which takes readers to the full array of articles about the person), we would get the word out a lot more pervasively about how corrupt these guys are and the monsters they are hiding in their churches.
I mean, we don’t all need to do it here on SFL, but where you see these preachers named or posting in other forums and web boards, nail them with some facts about what they’re permitting in their churches.
Bassenco: Thank you for posting the link. It’s a good read, a prophetic voice about sexual abusers who are inside the church.
Woe be to people who leave their children in a church, blindly trusting the church people who oversee the children’s ministries. Most are good people; but 26 years in law enforcement has taught me that child molesters gravitate to places where children gather. And churches are usually so eager to get workers that they don’t engage in due diligence to weed out the abusers. Keep up the good work. ~BJG
Thank you, and what you said is very true.
I so appreciate our little, simple church and auditorium. And our projector and screen. Our little church is all about what can we do to help our community.
The size and grandness of his church/auditorium is repulsive to me. The money and focus on the temporal things is vulgar in comparison to the message of Jesus Christ. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, in my opinion. 🙁
“Is not this great
BabylonNVBC, which I have built?”The first three centuries of church history knew nothing of church buildings, clergy, tithing and most Old Testament or post-Constantinian man-made traditions.
HA! Things Really have changed… the co-author now works at Lancaster Baptist(or West Coast Baptist College) which uses screens for EVERYTHING! awesome.
Has anyone found access to this book online, maybe in PDF form? I’d love to have a look at it but don’t want to order a hard copy.
Never say in 30 seconds what you can say in 5 minutes. 🙄
Also I wonder what the architect did to get “called home” in the middle of the building project?
Forgot to put Armor All on his tires?
Someone should Armor All the soles of Jack T’s wingtips.
Why did Jack allow screens? Gather round boys and girls for an IFB history lesson.
When Jack wanted to design a wonderful new auditorium building for NVBC, he used the services of a fundy architect friend.
For some reason during the process of permits and planning, Jack had to shrink the footprint of the building and therefore the size of the auditorium.
His fundy architect friend was happy to draw up new, smaller plans. However, being a true fundy, the architect forgot to adjust the pitch/height of the balcony for the new, smaller auditorium.
So on grand opening night of the new, magnificent, much glorified auditorium (during pastor’s conference to boot), no one beyond the first few pews in the balcony could see the platform at all. 😯
Voila! Screens are now okay! 😀
Is this what actually happened?
Yes. I was there the first night that the auditorium was open. NVBC had advertised and pushed the wonderful superb promised land known as the new auditorium building, so everyone was looking forward to it.
In true IFB fashion, NVBC was behind on the paperwork with the city/county on the new building AND they had no backup plan for the conference in case the building did not pass inspection. Because, you know, nothing is impossible with gid.
On the first night of pastor’s conference, everyone from the conference was literally waiting outside in front of the building until they got clearance from the powers that be to use the new auditorium. In the end, I believe they had to get special clearance and supervision from the fire department to hold the meetings in the new auditorium for pastors’ conference that year.
After all of that some of my friends got stuck in the back of the balcony and had a nice view of the wall above the platform that first night.
Does NVBC have its own equivalent of “Pastors SChool?”
You betcha.
That Pastors’ School web site deserves a whole SFL post of its own, but I couldn’t help noticing this testamonial there:
”the spirit was wonderful. the fellowship was great. the music was tremendous. the preaching, however, was the highlight of the meeting.” (lack of capitalization in the original)
“– A Pastor from Indiana –”
They moved it to march, interesting.
Could they have moved it to March, because too many younger fundies are sneeking off to J.Mac’s Shepherd’s Conference in March? Coincidence? I think not!
Who is he asking for help? The members, or other churches? This type of video seems like one a mission work would send to their supporting churches. Isn’t NVBC well beyond self-supporting?
I visited his church ONCE earlier this year, and I was sent the begging video. He MIGHT have meant it to be prayer requests only, but it really comes across as begging for money.
Trieber wishes!! Earlier this year, he sent a video of thanks to all the ‘outside’ supporters that helped him reach his $$ goal to keep things afloat. Said they couldn’t have done it without them! His gimmick this time, was a wall of buckets that needed to be filled with donations! What gall!