Are you fed up with empty-headed, high-minded preachers who think nothing of correcting the AV1611 King James Bible with their mysterious special knowledge of Greek and Hebrew? Well, are you??
Then you’ll feel right at home at, a website “shining the light of the AV1611 King James Bible on false doctrine, false teachers, and last days apostasy.”
Well done!
thank you sir 😀
Hey 2 in one week! i should get a prize…
But maybe it just means i have no life 🙁
I love the hover text. 😆
Hilarious! Darrell your blog never ceases to entertain.
Isn’t that calling the kettle black ??!!
Does the National Institutes of Health know about this???? Alert the media!!
🙄 🙄 🙄
It just occurred to me that the NSA must have me down on its list of dangerous religious fanatics, because I click on all of Darrell’s “FWOTW” links.
I stopped browsing FWOTWs at work several months back when I ran into more than one that the internet filter caught for “hate speech” or other unsavory reasons. They’re funny, but I shudder to think if my bosses thought I read them because I agreed with them, even the ones the filter doesn’t block!
Why are there men in black suits asking for me in the Lobby? Big Gary, I may have to give you up if they start torturing me by making me read more of Ezekiel3’s rantings. Sorry.
This is one special website. I noticed he has the translation feature on the sidebar. I attempted to translate his website into English, but to no avail.
Some things just can’t be done.
Re: the Greek and Hebrew article – “mysterious special knowledge of Greek and Hebrew” can also be called “education.”
He disses such education throughout his blog because of his major premise, which is this:
The King James Version is always right.
Once you believe that, education becomes absolutely unnecessary. Except for the problem that getting to that major promise presumably requires some sort of pseudo Greek and Hebrew “scholarship” of exactly the sort that he decries.
Even if his premise were true, it would not negate the need for education. Even if the King Jimmy were flawless, that does not imply that one’s understanding of it is correct.
It’s not exactly mysterious or “special” to learn a language.
I thought I was awfully cool when I learned Spanish, but my friends Antonio, Jose, and Maria Elena weren’t impressed. They’d learned it by the time they were four.
They have a “Heretic of the Month” blog post.
What must I do to be their Heretic of the Month?
Keep it up Scorpio, you’ll get it eventually.
“Question any of my teachings about the KJV, and you will be featured. You and your whole family.”
It’s that easy?
Want me to nominate you? 😉
As long as I don’t have to fill out a form.
I hope they keep the Heretic of the Month history so I can find people to fb friend!
I suspect Darrell wants to be next month’s heretic 😈
This of the Ruben Israel Institute for Fake Persecution. Doctorates of Open Air Preaching handed out like candy corns on Halloween.
Classes are pretty short, as all they teach is how to wear obnoxious, long-sleeved, neon colored t-shirts and lessons on how to incorporate words/phrases like sodomite, homo-sex, and, Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
I am happy to be on the opposite side of salvation as they are. Either way is a win to not spend eternity with these jerks.
Because these are clearly sins that all of the people in the world are tempted by (not just, oh, say, 3%), therefore, any street preacher worth his (yeah, I said “his,” because, well, I guess women are smart enough to not embarrass themselves in public in this way) salt should spend an inordinate amount of time on these topics.
LOL @ all the spelling errors in his blog post. Spell check much?
“We don’t need no education”…”Yes you do, you’ve just used a double negative”- Maurice Moss
And he just quoted an Evil Rock song – Pink Floyd FTW 😆
And I don’t need no double negatives neither !!
Just read the Mental Morphine article. My response is “Oh, really?” 🙄
It’s a nifty little theory.
About all it lacks is any evidence whatever. That and internal coherence.
My jaw dropped when I realized that “Are you fed up with empty-headed, high-minded preachers who think nothing of correcting the AV1611 King James Bible with their mysterious special knowledge of Greek and Hebrew?” was actually a direct quote from their site. Poe strikes again!
Wait wait wait…
That’s an actual quote?!
Unfortunately, it is verbatim from that site.
His August 11, 2012 post is remarkable in that it is the first time I have seen a fundy use the “From the Translators to the Readers” preface to the KJV to SUPPORT the fundy position of KJV-inspiration rather than to critique such a position as we usually do here.
(NB: he seems to believe that the preface is itself inspired.)
This blog post “answers” some questions a reader had about that post;
Spoiler alert – It’s all the Catholic’s fault. Or as he put it, “the Pope and his bachelors”.
Wow. His ahistorical “scholarship” is dizzying in its complexity and utter nonsense. It’s like reading a Dan Brown novel.
I’m not so sure. The Dan Brown novel is more cohesive & has a higher entertainment value, IMO.
“The beat of music found in “new age christianity” crosses up the bodies natural rhythms and causes the heart of the listener to reset its pulse rate to the slower hard beat of the music. This slower heart rate causes a lower oxygen level thus creating a weird satanic high[.]”
“Slower hard beat?” Sounds like somebody hasn’t yet been introduced to dubstep.
If that claim were true, it would make rap, Christian rock, and the others good therapy for people with heart disease.
Doing regular cardiovascular exercise can cause the resting heart rate to be slower because the heart is stronger. So as a runner because my heart beats at a slower rate does that mean that I experience a weird “satanic high” when I am resting? How can the “high” be avoided? Do I have to stop resting?
Definitely some weird science going on here. Is this something that explained in the 1611? Can someone please point me to the scripture passage so I can study this issue further?
So many question. Let me help.
1. does that mean that I experience a weird “satanic high” when I am resting? – yes
2. How can the “high” be avoided? – read your KJV more
3. Do I have to stop resting? – No. You must be out soul-winning and street-preaching.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, Scorpio.
I have been convicted that I need to integrate witnessing in my running to help counter the effects of the resting “satanic high.” I shall begin throwing tracts at passing cars, they may be covered with sweat and cause the driver to swerve off the road, but at least the gospel will be getting out.
What?!? He appears to know as much about modern music and biology as he does about Greek and Hebrew!
“Christian Rock: Drug of Choice” – Ah yes, the old pseudo-musicology. I’m fairly certain it was when I was a young teenager, while watching some video about the evils of all rock music, Christian or not, and how Satan can use the pagan beat that’s at the root of it, that some sort of light went on, and for the first time, I actually thought “They’re lying to me.” I just could not bring myself to believe it.
Now, time to turn the iPod back up and alter the natural rhythm of my body…
Yeah. And don’t forget that rock music also kills plants.
That’s why all plants are extinct now, after 60 years of the rock era.
The Fundamentalist criticism of rock music has always been race related. Music from black folks is necessarily evil (the same way the Christian school movement has more to do with opposition to racial integration than an abhorrence of evolution).
August 18, 2012 post makes it clear that while the Hebrew and Greek are unacceptable sources for understanding the meaning of the Scriptures, we are to look to the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary for the meaning of the “Koine English” (see what he did there?) of the 1611 KJV.
He says this in the context of explaining that snake handling is not biblical because the verse in the NT that refers to handling snakes is using the word in the sense of “snake” being a false teacher. (Or something like that.) Never mind the fact that the only reason why Noah Webster added that extra definition of “snake” was because that was one interpretation of that verse that was current at the time. So, basically, all we are left with is the usual: “the KJV means what we say it means.”
Using Webster to correct the KJV is definitely a new wrinkle for KJV-onlyists.
Ummm…Koine English??? What on earth is that?
Hmmmm….. I must’ve missed it. Where were the citations to medical journals? I’m sure their in there somewhere. I’ll keep looking.
This guy seems like he’d be a hoot at parties.
BTW…I despise Christian Contemporary music. But not because it’s a “drug.” I despise it because it’s crappy music.
It can be bad music (and it is) without being a secret plot to turn us all into Satanists. But that’s not a Manichean enough view for people like Bro-Ray.
I’m with you, ITBand. I don’t care for contemporary Christian music. I prefer to listen to real rock, metal, and other such music. 😈
The post linked below says this:
“One hundred fifteen men in drag and resembling old chicken hawks at a gay pride parade assembled behind closed doors yesterday to campaign for and select the REPROBATE/POPE who will sit in the seat of anti-Christ till the ANTI-CHRIST shows up in the papal chair.”
This site will keep us busy for hours.
@ “This site will keep us busy for hours.”
Ooooh yeah!!!
I’m curious about how this guy knows terms like “chicken hawks.”
That’s pretty worldly.
Is he saying that we shouldn’t go to the gay pride rally?
That term’s been around a while though. I suppose he learned it from another preacher. Or maybe he learned it through the testimony of “ex-gays”! I like that one, just for maximum amusement. 😀
The phrase is actually pretty old-school. I don’t even know if it’s still current lingo.
Oh come on. He got that from a Chick tract, no doubt.
Well, color me naive. Until a few moments ago, I thought chicken hawks were birds. 😳
They ARE birds. Or gay guys. Until a few minutes ago, the bird type was all I knew about too. Country girl here!
While I knew about bears, otters, jocks, kings, and queens, I’d never heard of that one. I learn something new every day! 😆
“Otter” is a new one to me. After some Googling, I now know that an “otter” is more or less a small, skinny “bear.”
Thank you fundy site for stealing my innocence.
I recently experienced some pretty nasty anti-Catholic venom that upset me quite a bit. Not because of the general nastiness or the deep ignorance it displayed, but because it came from some people close to me. I asked our pastor wheat we could do about it, and he said this, “You can’t reason a person out of a position that he hasn’t been reasoned into.”
When people spout stupidity like that, I used to get pretty bent out of shape. Now, I just realize that they are not speaking out of any sense of love or compassion or concern. They’re either 1) Just angry people looking to spew venom wherever they can; 2) Profoundly misled by someone they trust; or 3) Mentally unbalanced.
Not much we can do about any of those positions, is there? Best to just let it go.
Papa Francesco – The Ant-Christ.
Finally the souls of all those ants I’ve mercilessly killed can be rescued from Hades.
Wonder what he thinks about Aaron’s outfit. A few weeks ago our pastor gave a children’s sermon on why clergy wear robes. He said it is because people who were teachers used to wear robes in academia. Pastors are teachers.
For our further edification and benefit, October 23, 2012 generously provides us with an “Official Complaint Form” to raise our criticisms of his website.
Hmmm. Would a complaint like “Your writing doesn’t make sense” be entertained?
Bro-Ray seems to have some connection to the Official Street Preachers blog, of “I’ve been rebuked by a street preacher” fame.
Oh, frabjous day!
Callooh, callay!!
Oops. That sounds like tongues. I suppose we are now going to be rebukified.
My vorpal sword will do the trick!
Snicker snack!
He is connected to this group indeed. Here’s a lovely sample.
Every time!
FYI, I’m not going to watch that. I’ll just assume it’s an abrasive individual demonizing passers by.
In our town, there is a man who often stands at a busy intersection on Sunday afternoons, holding up a large, black Bible at passing vehicles. Despite my numerous requests, my spouse had never pulled our vehicle over to the side of the road so I could speak with this man.
My spouse, being less cynical than I, suggested the man is praying blessings on the automobiles & their occupants.
How is this different from Westboro Baptist?
Dr. Fundystan,
I think the difference is only that Westboro is what some call hyper-calvinist and they also believe that the church and Israel are one and the same.
The guys in this video guys are “Stop sinning and get saved!” from the Free Will Baptist flavor.
Of course, I may be wrong, I’m just too lazy to go looking for confirmation. I guess I really don’t give a crap. I don’t like any of them. How’s that for bitter?
Westboro Baptist believe that only their own church is saved. Everyone who disagrees with them is not. They believe that God hates everybody who is not in their camp. They go and picket at people’s funerals and take advantage of very hurtful events in peoples’ lives to try and get attention to themselves.
I disagree with Calvinism but I don’t get the hatred for Calvinists. Many of them are nice, loving people who happen to believe the bible states things differently to how I believe. Westboro are evil, and I strongly suspect most Calvinists would agree with that statement.
Thanks for clarifying their position Tiarali. I personally do believe close to what is expressed in the doctrines of grace according to the interpretation Calvin expressed.
I looked at their website one time years ago and vowed to never go back.
They even say to hell with their children who disagree. It’s heartbreaking to think of their continuous damage.
Their hate could only be matched by someone running through the streets cutting people down with machetes and laughing about it.
He is making fun of people who live on trailer parks, Democrats, and gay people. What a great example of “loving your neighbor”!
Their interpretation is “love your neighbor*”
November 3, 2012 post starts a theme that seems to recur throughout the rest of the blog. Namely, he has this weird idea that translation per se is inadequate vis-à-vis the Scriptures because (1) no two translators will come up with the exact same translation and (2) it’s difficult to back-translate English texts (particularly including his blog, using “English” in the broadest possible sense) into ancient Koine Greek.
With respect to item (1), I get the distinct impression that he thinks that the 70-odd KJV translators all translated separately and voila!, magically all came up with the exact same thing, which is of course evidence that it was the Holy Spirit all along.
With respect to item (2), his point about the difficulty of being fluent in ancient, dead languages seems to suggest that because the KJV translators didn’t have such knowledge either that they just came up with their stuff on the fly just like all subsequent translators (as he alleges). But if that’s true, then how exactly is the KJV superior to any other translation? Again, the “well, I think the KJV was itself inspired” is the only way around that.
You know what would be fun? Someone needs to pick some other translation at random like the NIV or Message and start a website about how that version is the only true version of the Bible in English and so on and so forth.
“Someone needs to pick some other translation at random like the NIV or Message and start a website about how that version is the only true version of the Bible in English and so on and so forth.”
I’m powerfully tempted to do this, to ‘prove’ that Lord Buckley’s is the only acceptable translation.
Why pick at random when you can select the NRSV-CE (it’s not just the NRSV, it’s the NRSV after the Catholic church edited it) or Complete Jewish Bible (which Lifeway actually sells)?
Or really mess with people and use the usual 1611-only arguments to claim the 1611 text complete with the apocrypha and every typesetting error present in the first edition is the only true version of the Bible?
Yes! The NRSV, or “Newly Reviled Substandard Version,” as they like to call it, would be a great choice. 😀
In response to some of my friends “KJV only-ness” me and a buddy of mine decided on two things:
1) We were going to become “Geneva’s Witnesses” and persuade others that the only God inspired translation is the 1560 version of the Geneva Bible.
2) we were going to be ESV only-ists. I think Geneva’s Witness has a better and more historical ring to it. 😀
For some reason, “Geneva’s Witnesses” sounds like some really trashy Broadway revue from the 1920s.
The first thing it reminded me of was “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” but then I’ve always been a bit weird.
I would happily fund the setting up of a website declaring The Message to be the only true translation of the Bible. In fact, I’m half-inclined to set it up myself. That would just be too perfect!
Pretty much not a single statement in the Mental Morphine article was based on any actual fact – apparently you cam “make this stuff up” in the defense of “truth”
Lol. That’s what I would say if I took him seriously enough to respond.
His article in February 2012 calls Mardi Gras this:
“this Roman Catholic event sponsored by the Vatican.”
Yeah, he seems to confuse permission with promotion there. Not the only mental typo he struggles with, I gather.
He says, “We are commanded to preach the gospel, not play and sing to them.” Except the entire book of Psalms commands us to play and sing.
Also, he says “Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and teach all nations, not reach them with music.” Well, when did Jesus tell us to reach them with blogs?
Ps. 96:1-3 – “Sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.”
Seems like singing so unsaved people hear our praises is perfectly fine with God.
Reminds me of the lady who lives next door to our church… she’s lived there for decades and has never once set foot inside our doors that I know of. It’s not that she dislikes us–she’s good friends with my grandma and mother–I think she just doesn’t want to think or hear about God. At any rate, she made a comment before about how she could hear us singing if our windows were open in the summer.
I can only think that if we could never reach her through some elaborate soul-winning program, if she never came in to hear the preaching in person, if we could never read the Bible with her… at least she heard about God and the Bible in our songs.
But no, there is one way and only one to “win souls”, apparently, and if you don’t follow the prescribed method, you clearly are a bad Christian.
As for reaching them with blogs, it looks like it took him till Feb. 3, 2013 to finally realize that he hadn’t actually posted his version of the gospel on his blog.
Self-Righteous Ignoramus Invents New Religion!
And says that others are divisive.
This slower heart rate causes a lower oxygen level thus creating a weird satanic high and limits the individual’s ability to reason.
Some people experience this by climbing Pikes Peak.
The listener now suffering from a lack of oxygen has little or no ability to hear the words of God or determine if the message being preached is line upon line and precept upon precept.
Why not start another religion demonizing the satanic sanctuary falsely called Pikes Peak?
‘I beseche you brethren marke them which cause division and geve occasions of evyll contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned: and avoyde them. For they that are suche serve not the Lorde Iesus Christ: but their awne bellyes and with swete preachinges and flatteringe wordes deceave the hertes of the innocetes’ [Rom 16:17-18 — Tyndale]
Does Ray have a link that translates archaic texts into English?
Christian Socialist
Pike’s Peak IS satanic. It’s named for Albert Pike, the infamous masonic Satanist:
(Okay, it actually isn’t, but we’ll just say it is. That is what I think the word “Pike” means: masonic Satanist.)
I remember when I was a teenager, they used to ask: “How many have been saved listening to rock music?” and I would be silent, I knew there must have been a lot but I have never thought that was important.
If we take so-called Christian rock and tape it and play the tape backwards a voice says something about “Paul is dead.” Is that Saint Paul?
But you can’t just play it backwards. You have to either speed it up, or slow it down. Then filter out all the hiss. Then take the preacher’s word for it that what you’re hearing is actually what he’s suggesting you’re hearing. THEN you hear “Turn me on dead one…Paul is dead….this music is evil….blah blah blah…”
If you play most BJU songs backwards, you lose your salvation and “peace within” and no longer ascribe all the bad things in your life to God’s sweet will.
When you play a country and western song backwards, your sweetheart comes back to you, your dog comes back to life, and you get your turck back.
I’m fascinated one can lose his turck.
I put url in my turck
Hey, Turks have love lives, too. 😉
Ehrmegerd, a turck!
Are you sure he didn’t flub up and mention “Strawberry Fields?” 🙄 That is actually a major part of the Paul-Is-Dead of the late ’60s (am I ever dating myself!) The critical bit is at the very end, after the music fades out, fades in again, then fades out again; if you can catch it, you can barely hear, “…i… buried… paul…” or “…cran…berry…sauce…” depending who you talk to. 😀
Don’t recall the Beatles as being a Xtian group at all, did this guy just get his wires crossed? Or else he’s upset that no one else cares about it anymore?
But didn’t George Harrison sing ‘My Sweet lord?’
Continuing on. The November 6, 2012 post tells us that “Selah” means “study these things.” Nope, brother, if GOD wanted us to know what selah meant, HE WOULD HAVE TOLD US SOMEWHERE IN THE KING JAMES. He didn’t, so selah just means what it means.
November 9, 2012. It gets better:
“Before he was converted, Bro. Karr was familiar with rock concerts and the spirits that accompany them. [There are at least two unintentional bad puns there, but I digress.] He noted that the same type of “spirits” that accompany Satanist Ozzie Osborn’s concerts were present at this “Christian” event.”
So, even though most of his blog is devoted to trashing charismatics, apparently it’s A-Okay for “Bro. Karr” to stand around “sensing spirits.”
Took me far too long to catch those puns, but I laughed hard enough to make up for the time.
These guys are locals in my area, they have a beef with the place I worship. They stand on the street with their signs and T-shirts thinking they are better than everyone else. The Ezekiel blog is full of plagiarism and they bear false witness about other people and ministries. One of them claims to be a pastor but he could not even be a minister to his wife let alone the congregation he was a shepherd over. They use signs but no signs ( miracles ) following.
Oh, lawd, lawd, he embraces the “Baal bush” fallacy on December 22, 2012.
So I’m still good with my Festivus pole, though, right?
Only if you incorporate it into your feats of strength. 😈
Mercy days where would we all be if we didn’t have Crusaders for Righteousness (such as Bro. Ray and Brer Rabbit)to help lead us sheeple from the errors that constantly tempt us away from the path?
Does this guy go to church anywhere? Or is he just a one-man crusade against music, TEH GAYZ, katlicks and Bible perversions?
Unfortunately, he’s had to separate from all the churches because of their apostasy. He, and he only, is left to speak the truth.
Dear Scorpio:
Christian Socialist
“To all this nonsense I say, ‘phooy’” – from Aug. 8, 2013
I think my wife ordered that at the Chinese restaurant we frequent.
“2 IF we allow men to tell us what the Bible teaches instead of what the AV1611 says, their doctrines of devils will damn us.
#3 IF we allow men to convince us what the AV1611 means instead of what it says, we will find ourselves on the broad path that leads to destruction.”
Ummmmm, isn’t he telling us what the Bible says too?
Oh, but that’s ok, you see, because he’s right & everyone else is a tool of Satan. 😈
Wow. So many idiocies to address.
September 3, 2012–The Septuagint did not exist in Jesus time? And when he “explains” it, his explanation is: The idea of a B.C. Septuagint is a farce and that is putting it lightly, because there WASN’T ONE! The Septuagint was penned by a heretic named Origen and some of his cohorts down in Alexandria, Egypt Then Ray, I guess the big question is, if Jesus didn’t quote the LXX, what did he quote? It certainly wasn’t any Hebrew manuscript we have today. I find it interesting in all my study of translation history, no one else seems to have “discovered” this “fact”.
Ray, if someone shows you this page, answer a couple of questions for me.
1)What was the denominational background of the King James Translators?
2) What does “Received Text” actually mean, and from where did the phrase come?
Another whole-cloth lie from this brilliant mind…I suppose it wouldn’t help to tell him that Jesus quoted from the LXX when he spoke the OT. I suppose it also wouldn’t help to tell him that the KJV translators went with the LXX rather than the Masoretic when there were contradictions.
He claims that Jesus could not have quoted the LXX, as it was written in Egypt 200 years after Christ. He actually claims that the LXX was forged 200 years later. When I saw that earlier, my sleep deprived mind had the thought of Origen writing the LXX in a blacksmith shop over an anvil with a very hot pen. Now that I have napped a bit, I realize he is calling the Septuagint a forgery.
This is a cut and pasted quote from his September 3, 2012 diatribe:
The idea of a B.C. Septuagint is a farce and that is putting it lightly, because there WASN’T ONE! The Septuagint was penned by a heretic named Origen and some of his cohorts down in Alexandria, Egypt. Origen tampered with the scripture by changing the Old Testament Hebrew to make it match the New Testament Greek quotations of Christ. This sleight of hand by this “original Catholic”, Origen, makes it appear that Christ was quoting the LXX.
If history doesn’t back up what you say, call it a lie long and loud. Surely Bro Rob is the only voice of truth left in the world.
So…the KJV translators were Catholic?
How on earth is Origen “the Original Catholic”? I believe they still have him anathemized as a heretic!
Can’t tell if he is opposed to all music, or just Christian rock.
Also, he’s complaining about how good music makes you happy as if there’s something wrong with that. If you don’t enjoy listening to it, it probably isn’t a very good song.
I have a problem with his apparent premise: That anything that induces pleasure is evil. That road leads to places we’d best not go.
If only that would keep him from reproducing (yeah, I went there…). 🙄
Sigh. My Fundy pastor says something a bit similar. He says that after one gives up the “world’s” music, then Christian music might be a little boring. That bugs me. Wouldn’t the God of all creation, the One who created music, be able to give His children music that will make them happy? Understandably, the HAC or GSBC tour CD’s he’d probably recommend are boring and crappy. But there is much better Christian music out there. With the references in Psalms about joyful music, I believe music can bring some joy and happiness to a Christian’s life.
so i tried to leave a *fairly* snarkless comment on the music post about how all music triggers dopamine production in your brain, and this mofo edited my comment to say: “Thanks for an informative article about the dangers of Christian rock and rap. I will share this with all my friends. Again, many thanks. Jordan”
He changed your words but made it look like you said it? That’s not very ethical.
Not ethical indeed! More like bearing false witness against your neighbor, if you ask me.
Isn’t it slander to quote somebody as saying something that they didn’t say, and that is actually opposite to what they were saying? Are there any lawyers around here who would be happy to write him a letter?
I was wondering if he literally changed what Jordan said or if he left off key words and sentences, keeping certain words but changing the context and the intent.
Let’s see if he edits mine.
my original comment was: sorry, but ALL music releases dopamine into the brain. so every time you listen to “amazing grace” you’re basically a drug user
Did he credit David Cloud with the “c-rock” and “c-rap” abbreviations?
If not and Cloud finds out about this…well, I’ll be off to get some popcorn. 😉
I’ve found that a good gin & tonic releases dopamine into my brain. Add a little rock & roll and the dopamine sweetly flows like divine nectar.
For me, its cheese and cigars. Although a good bourbon also does the trick.
Big Gary, thanks for the cigar reminder. In a spirit of full disclosure, every Friday evening I indulge in one Macanudo.
Oops, I meant to address that properly to Dr. Fundystan. My sincere apologies.
Very nice. I prefer a 4″ Cohiba (Cubanwhen I can get them, Dominican when I can’t) in 32 ring size with a Connecticut wrapper. Its in the budget.
Dear SFL Reader:
The KJVO movement means to discredit all other Christian traditions on the ground that their worship is heretical. What this says about God’s family matters less than what saying such things indicates about the KJVO church itself. At the very least, it has forsaken the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone. The gospel must be heard from a KJV preacher. And joining a true church means that you are baptized by a KJV preacher, in a KJV church, using KJV-church water. Here alone is God served/glorified.
The ’emerging’ KJVO church [neo-Roman {with apologies to any RC readers}] labors hard to construct itself into a sacerdotal system, a private repository where alone exits Bible preaching, access to God, to saving grace, to Christ’s intercession and to his meditorial reign. In other words, the KJVO church is itself evolving into a secondary mediator through which the blessings of Jesus’ death and resurrection are brought down from heaven and are made incarnate on earth. Having reduced Christ’s dominion to private property, the KJVO ‘church’ confers God’s blessings on the ‘faithful few’ who ‘merit’ them by their involvement/service in the one society on earth where God is served and glorified – the KJVO church.
Paul’s letter to the Galatians lays out a moral logic with considerable bearing on the KJVO ‘church.’ He uses the language of desertion of Christ and of a different gospel [Gal 1:6]. He speaks of those who disturb and unsettle believers and who pervert the gospel [Gal 1:7]. Apparently, critics also accused Paul of being a ‘men-pleaser,’ [Gal 1:10] a charge unheard today. In context of addressing the ‘received’ [Gal 1:12] message, Paul said that a any other gospel should be accursed – even if delivered by an angel from heaven [Gal 1:8].
Paul knew of no KJVO debate, and we’ve never heard circumcision debated. But Paul and us have seen, heard of and dealt with the same forms of moral logic belonging to both debates. As in circumcision debates, KJVO exponents rely on compulsion [Gal 2:3] and subterfuge to attack liberty and to bring into bondage [Gal 2:4].
This state of ‘eleutheria’ [liberty] is opposite to ‘douleia’ [bondage, slavery] [Friberg’s Lexicon, entry 9010]. Also on eleutheria: “In a number of languages the concept of freedom is expressed as a negation of control or domination, for example, ‘where the Spirit of the Lord is present, there is no longer domination’ or ‘… a person is not dominated’ or ‘… a person does not feel under constraint’” [Louw-Nida Lexicon, entry 37.133].
Paul replies with two words: ‘eiko’ [yield] and ‘hupotage’ [submission]. Eiko also implies giving place and submission [Friberg], whereas hupotage also connotes obedience and subjection. Louw-Nida adds the idea of surrender to a superior power or force. In Ac 27:15, Luke recounted Paul’s sea voyage saying that ‘since it was impossible to keep [the ship] headed into the wind, we yielded and were carried along.’ That is the response which the KJVO church wants of Jesus’ body. It wants capitulation. It wants surrender. It wants everyone to return to it the way that the Church of Rome calls Orthodox and Protestant believers to return to it.
Before our eyes, we are witnessing an apostasy from evangelicalism. Paul’s refused submission even for one hour on the ground that this was a ‘truth of the gospel’ issue [Gal 2:5]. Now we are told that ‘unless you use the KJV as we proscribe, you cannot be saved’ [Ac 15:1]. This led to the first ecumenical church council, which was held at Jerusalem. The issue which threatens the gospel today is different. But the way that this attack works is no different than any other issue has attacked the gospel. Our response must be equally unyielding and as uniform as it can be made.
No one and no sect within the broad arc of the faith gets to excommunicate the whole body. But persistence in rebellious ways will lead to KJVO faction to sever itself from the body of Christ. In an irony which will be lost on many in the KJVO church, they themselves recognize that they have no true part among us. We might add:
‘They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us. But you have an anointing from the Holy One …’ [1Jo 2:19].
Christian Socialist
Very good, although…I suspect you may be guilty of taking this loon too seriously.
The claim of exceptionalism or exclusivity for one church or one doctrinal camp is about as old as Christianity, and it recurs several times in each generation.
But it seems like a rash and regrettable decision to make the perfect sufficiency and inerrancy of one Bible translation the issue on which you will stand or fall.
That’s like saying: “Foreign policy” -The United States Constitution
It’s essential to their farcical claim to rely just on the “words of Scripture” and not on any interpretation thereof. Incidentally, many of the same people believe that the US Constitution can be read (NOT interpreted, just read) the same way.
I just posted this in “Doctrine”
When I hit submit the only thought that passed through my mind was Pearls:Swine… but if he approves it maybe someone will see it and “Think” for themselves. The tapestry of the KJVO position is a very fragile work and once you stat pulling its threads it begins to unravel unless you deny the reality of the threads in the tapestry to begin with.
I posted:
Don – You should realize by now that when the Bible says “All Scripture” it really means the King James Version. 😉
I can’t wait to see how he responds.
I had to laugh… he was the one who quoted those verses in the post I replied to. 😯 😆
I would laugh if it wasn’t so pathetically sad. Gail Riplinger?? Really? Her degree is in what? Interior design?
My last reply:
I’ve read most of the comments concerning my blog. With over 150 of them, I find it hard to answer each individually. Most questions and comments are answered or addressed in Ezekiel3 posts already. I will read the comments again and consider writing an inclusive answer to address a good part of them at a new post at Ezekiel3. Thanks go out to all who read my blog and may God take away the scales from your eyes that you many see the truth of God’s words. Bro. Ray P.S. Jordan, Jordan, Jordan you’ve been REBUKED BY A STREET PREACHER!
Actually, he’s been misquoted by a liar and a charlatan.
Wait, same thing. Never mind.
Yes, indeed.
Rebuked by a street preacher? That means… absolutely nothing. Some of those street preachers I’ve seen have the worst doctrine ever, others just love the spotlight, some just love being hateful. So… rebuked by a street preacher? *twirls finger in the air* Whoo hoo.
IDK if this is real or an impostor, but if it’s real, the delusion is tangible.
Indeed, indeed.
“Most questions and comments are answered or addressed in Ezekiel3 posts already.”
Bro. Ray – Telling people to believe the 1611 KJV or burn in hell is not a valid answer or properly addressing any question.
Thank God for neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin! They are among His many good and perfect gifts to humanity.
Oh dear Lord, amen, baby. As someone who has suffered from severe clinical depression – I LOVE YOU, NEUROTRANSMITTERS!
Indeed, indeed, indeed.
Posted in the wrong place.
Nobody look.
Oh, I think that response works here pretty well.
From his post on April 2, 2013:
“The born again believer in Christ Jesus must consider what awaits him or her at the judgment seat of Christ when they fail to be a doer of the word and a hearer only concerning God’s standards (AV1611 Bible) for method of worship as set down in the holy script. Hosea the prophet warned Israel and we would do well to heed this warning also! They have deeply corrupted themselves,…(CHRISTIAN ROCK) and their abominations were according as they loved…(CHRISTIAN RAP) Woe also to them when I depart from them! Hosea 9:9-10, 12”
Isn’t he adding to God’s Word here, even if he puts his words in parentheses?
“Search the lyrics of these christian rock, rap and CCM songs for the name of Jesus or the gospel. These ecumenical minstrels can write entire songs without mentioning the name of Jesus Christ.”
I used to believe this because I never listened to CCM. That’s why it’s so important to me to show that this statement is utterly false. Notice the lyrics of the following songs listed as “Most Popular”:
1. How Great Is Our God –
“The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son”
2. Mighty to Save –
“Forever author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave”
3. Our God –
“Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome and power
Our God, Our God…
And if Our God is for us,
then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us,
then what can stand against?
4. Blessed Be Your Name –
“You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name”
5. Here I Am to Worship –
“I’ll never know how much it cost
to see my sin upon that cross.
6. Revelation Song –
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Holy, Holy, is He . . .
Jesus, Your Name is Power,
Breath, and Living Water”
7. Everlasting God –
“Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord …
Our God, you reign forever
Our hope, our strong deliverer…
You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God
You do not faint, you won’t grow weary”
8. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)-
“Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I’ve been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me”
9. Jesus Messiah –
“He became sin, who knew no sin
That we might become His righteousness.
He humbled himself and carried the cross –
Love so amazing, love so amazing!
Jesus Messiah, name above all names
Blessed redeemer, Emmanuel
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all”
10. In Christ Alone –
“Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev’ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.”
(These ten were the top 10 on the list of Top 100 CCLI Songs This Period found here:
The following songs are listed as Top Christian Songs this week:
1. Hello My Name Is –
“What love the Father has lavished upon us that we should be called His children
Hello, my name is child of the one true King
I’ve been saved, I’ve been changed, I have been set free
‘Amazing Grace’ is the song I sing
Hello, my name is child of the one true King
What love the Father has lavished upon us
that we should be called His children”
2. We Won’t Be Shaken –
“You know my every longing
You’ve heard my every prayer
You’ve held me in my weakness
Cause You are always there
So I’ll stand in full surrender
It’s Your way and not my own”
3. Help Me Find It –
“I’m giving You fear and You give faith
I giving you doubt, You give me grace
For every step I’ve never been alone.
Even when it hurts, You’ll have Your way
Even in the valley I will say
With every breath
You’ve never let me go”
4. Every Good Thing –
“You’re the reason for every good thing …
There will be days that give me more than I can take
But I know that You always make beauty from my heartache”
5. Overcomer –
“Hang on to His promises
He wants You to know
The same Man, the Great I am
The one who overcame death
Is living inside of You”
6. Words –
“Let the words I say be the sound of Your grace
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You
I wanna speak Your love
Not just another noise
Oh, I wanna be Your light
I wanna be Your voice.”
7. My God (Jeremy Camp) –
“There is no other one, who’s given a greater love
Laying aside His own life on the cross
Reaching out to us
My God, You are the unchanging love
My God, Your heart sends hope from above
The Great Creator, Beautiful Savior
I’ve been redeemed
There is life now from Your victory
You are my God (You are my God)”
8. Lord, I Need You –
“My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You
Where sin runs deep Your grace is more
Where grace is found is where You are
And where You are, Lord, I am free
Holiness is Christ in me …
My one defense, my righteousness …
Jesus, You’re my hope and stay”
9. You Are I Am –
“You are the one Messiah.
You are I am! You are I am!
The veil is torn
And now I live with the Spirit inside
The same one, the very same one
who brought the Son back to life
Hallelujah, He lives in me”
10. Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies) –
“My strength is in Your name
For You alone can save.
You will deliver me.
Yours is the victory.
Whom shall I fear?”
Many of these directly address God saying “You” even as the Psalms do, but in context of the song, it is very clear that God is the one being talked about. Many of these songs include phrases taken directly from Scripture.
I am so tired of people saying that CCM is not Biblical or not focused on Christ. They can say they dislike the drums or the melody line, but to say the lyrics do not express Scriptural truth is a blatant lie.
Songs found on
The first CCM artist I ever listened to was Steve Green. My boyfriend, a Bible major I met at BJU and to whom I’ve been married for over twenty years, first shared his music with me. I was so moved by the deep Scriptural truths he conveyed in his songs.
It still took me years to move beyond that though; I’d been thoroughly indoctrinated in the “CCM is sinful” teachings. But a few years ago, a friend was playing “Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns in her car; immediately the song caught my attention with the Biblical truths it contained. Around that same time, I heard “I Can Only Imagine.” I began to listen to CCM, and I believe it has brought me closer to the heart of God. Over and over again, contemporary songs have expressed my heart cry to God. I am so grateful that I broke free from the lies that this music was sinful for it has truly fed my soul with God’s truth.
Keith Green was one of my first Christian CCM artists that I ever listend to back in the early 1980’s. He had a huge impact on me spiritually. I’m not able to stomach much of the modern CCM crown though.
“crowd,” not crown
Interesting handle.
Most CCM music is not “sinful” It’s just bad music.
Yes. To my taste, anyway.
A few months ago, my IFB pastor said this about “I can only imagine.”
“One of MercyMe’s most popular releases, ‘I Can Only Imagine’ illustrates this well. The emotionally charged song, which was the first in Christian music to exceed 1 million downloads, asks the questions “Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still? Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah; will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine.” Poetic license notwithstanding, such questions are unnecessary for the Bible gives us abundant insight on what we will do when we enter His presence. Worse still, these questions are dangerous because they invite us to root our concepts of heaven and ultimately of God Himself in our imagination rather than in His revelation. This is the fundamental error and it is not a small one. “
Wait a minute!! pw just mentioned how much a song brings her closer to God. But that doesn’t cut it for you. Why? Because the song doesn’t pass some mythological “music check”? Based on what? One man’s opinion. Because of the classic “dangerous question” clause. What other boogeymen are you or your pastor afraid of? Sound like you and your pastor are the types that are also afraid of little kids dressing up to get a snickers bar on Halloween because it is Satan’s holiday.
Me thinks all of the talking heads on this page are lightweights. I must refer you to Larry McCune and Dwayne Karr for a sound scriptural thrashing that you may be sound in the faith. Larry and Dwayne are waiting for you on Facebook. Bro. Ray
P.S. Jordan, Jordan, Jordan where are you? Got rebuked by a street preacher didn’t you boy!
Oh, come on. Surely if we’re such lightweights, you wouldn’t mind a little verbal sparring with us on our turf here. And with your own words, not someone else’s.
Come on, man. Try it. You might like it. Where are we wrong?
😛 😆