440 thoughts on “Having a Hissy Fit From the Pulpit”

    1. If Jesus walked up to him, Jim would say, “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

    1. So much hate in this man.

      Let’s not be so quick to ascribe this behavior to a mental illness, if by mental illness we mean depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc. As I watched this I marveled at how much abusers sound the same, whether they are in the kitchen, in the boardroom, or in the pulpit. Meds don’t fix personality disorders.

    1. That’s the kind of claim that, if it’s true, you don’t have to be saying it.

    2. That statement is woven from the beginning through the end of everything this man does.

  1. Wow. I can’t hear it very well but man, this guy is crazy. Too bad they didn’t all wake up and just walk out.

    1. This kind of thing is why so many people can’t tell the difference between love and domination.

    2. “I love you, but I’m going to yell at you in front of the entire church.” “I love you, but I’m going to let the entire church know that I think you are worthless.” Wow. 😯

  2. Where’s that Youtube clip about the Me Monster?

    There is far more Christianity in it than there has ever been in THIS sorry excuse for a man.

  3. This is excruciating to watch and listen to.
    Either this minister is having some kind of breakdown, or the church is.

    Please, somebody, get help.

    1. BG, I’m kind of thinking this is somewhat normal for him. I turned it up on a better audio system at work, and there are a number of “Jesus!” and “Amens” from people in there.

    2. BG,

      I’m guessing both. If I had to lay money, I would speculate that it started when certain church members began questioning some of his teaching/antics. He interprets that as them rebelling and subverting his authority. To try and squelch this, he really goes crazy asserting his “authority” in the hope that it either brings these people back in line (i.e. submission to him) or causes them to leave the church (shape up or ship out)…thereby leaving him with only completely subservient sheeple.

      This is Master Manipulation 101.

      Bro Bluto

  4. “I’m important! I’m somebody!” And THAT right there is the root of it. And then he has the gall to accuse other people of trying to establish their own kingdom in the video room after demanding their love and submission to…his own kingdom.

    1. Ugh, I’m so sick of these narcissistic, strutting “pastors” destroying their sheep. Everything is about them and making them feel better, but then they turn around and bash charistmatics for being emotional….

      If you’re not man enough to quit projecting your own needs and neuroses on God’s children, just get the eff out of the pulpit.

    2. I’m important! I’m somebody! I coulda been a contender… πŸ™„

    1. “I walked on the moon.” 😎 the one PARAMOUNT far beyond any and all others reason to revive the Apollo program; what man could resist THOSE bragging rights?

  5. And now that I’ve watched the whole sorry thing – oh God. God no.

    Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal one, have mercy. See this wolf beating your sheep and take action. Your lambs, God, protect them!

    If you’re from Immanuel and you show up here – this man does not love *you*. He loves to have the preeminence. He speaks out of both sides of his hypocritical mouth. He slaps you and then insists on hugs during – this is abuse, not love. Leave this horrible man. Listen to the Spirit of God warning you. Get away as fast as you can.

    1. Amen, Clara. And after this, I hope people realize that. God did not call his sheep to be spiritually strangled, no matter who says what.

    2. Good point. I almost went to the website and wrote a letter to this man after seeing this. But I know it would fall on deaf ears.

      I suppose I will let God be his judge and keep my indignation to myself.

      1. Let’s not get too hasty on when Jesus will be back. I would assume is gone for the summer at least! πŸ™‚

  6. I have to admit, the guy has cajones. I’ve long suspected that many of the fundy pastors I have known secretly felt exactly like this guy. In fact, I have heard many of them utter similar things privately. But at least this guy is saying it out loud in front of the whole congregation.

    1. I think you mean “cojones.” “Cajones” means either “large boxes” or “desk drawers.”

      And yes, I’m sure many preachers do thinkg these things, although they don’t say them from the pulpit.

      I mean, there’s a time and a place, right? And there are things one should just keep ones’ mouth shut about.

      1. I bet he has big boxes and desk drawers…full of the same thing — the pride of life.

    2. “I have to admit, the guy has cajones”

      The buy is a coward, a manipulator and a bully.
      Behavior like that takes no cajones at all, but a weak mind, full of fear and clinging desperately to the vacuous trappings of “power”.

      1. And you are so right, btw, about it being about power and may I say control over other people. They behave like this because they are depending on this kind of behavior to guarantee that everyone is too scared, too intimidated, to ever question them or confront them. They have to make the façade big and threatening so no one will ever know the real, weak, insecure them behind the mask.

  7. “Have I convinced you that I love you?!?”

    Do we really have to wonder why so many grow up conflating love with abuse?

    1. “If you really loved me, you wouldn’t … ”

      I’ll bet that poor boy ended up having the daylights beaten out of him when he got home.

      And learned a terrible, horrible lesson about “love” in the process. Humiliation, pain, fear and terrorization do not equal love. They just don’t. πŸ™

    2. “You’re one of the sorriest church members I have. You’re not worth 15 cents…”

      No Jim, you’re not worth 15 cents.

      1. I hope and pray that couple had the courage to walk out and find another minister to officiate their wedding ceremony ➑ and never return.
        Too bad he didn’t head for the door while he was on his feet. Couldn’t this be grounds for public slander?!!

    3. I’ve never really associated that with classic abuse, but it definitely is. I’ve always just associated it with people who never were loved and didn’t know what the word meant.

  8. That was horrible.

    “I am going to verbally abuse you and humiliate you in public. If you object, I will leave and go find someone else.”

    Classic abuser lines.

    1. But I love you, of course. Don’t you see, I only abuse you and torment you because I love you. Don’t get angry–remember, I’m doing this all out of love. Because I love you just so darn much.

      *shudder* The manipulation evident here (not that this is the first time we’ve seen that sort of thing on SFL…) is just creepy.

    2. The only thing missing is “It’s not me saying these things. It’s the Holy Spirit. So if you have a problem with what I am saying, then you have a problem with God.”

      1. I do have a problem with God.
        The problem is how horrible a lot of God’s spokespeople are.

    3. Yep, or he could have threatened to commit suicide if things didn’t go his way. Several people at my old church heard that from the pastor’s wife.

      1. I once had someone threaten to kill herself if I didn’t do what she wanted.
        She might have been serious (I’m still not sure).
        I didn’t do what she wanted.
        I didn’t want her to die, but I didn’t think her threat was a valid basis for my own decision-making.
        I haven’t been in contact with this person for a long, time, but as far as I know, she’s still alive.

  9. “there’s no one finer, than young Cox back there.” I cant be the only one who shook my head and chuckled at this…………. πŸ˜†

  10. Church members!

    Just get up and walk out. You do not have to accept this abuse


      1. Just in time for the Wednesday night message. I’m sure it’ll be about persecution.

        1. they are deleting the prayers and blog posts as quickly as they are being written

      2. A couple are still on there, bad grammar and all…..

        Prayer Topic:

        Submitted by:
        An anonymous requester

        Prayer Request

        “Pray for healing of your church. Your pastor has the seed of
        the devil in him and it is coming out in his sermons. Dont’
        let satin use him to get to you. I have lifted my hands up to
        the heavens for church heal …”

        Viewed 3 06-26-2013 @ 05:19:45 PM
        Prayer Topic:

        Submitted by:
        Julia Smith

        Pray for your church

        “Please pray for your church. Your pastor has been lead astray.
        Pray for his humility before God. I pray for him and all the
        people he leads.
        Lord Jesus, as you sit with your Father in
        heaven, please make your presence known to this pastor. Remind
        him that what he does to the least of men, he does to You. Remind
        him of his role as servant to You and the congregation he leads.
        May he gain clarity and peace within and use his experience of
        growing through his self-righteousness to teach others about the
        very subtle ways the enemy assaults those of us who follow You.
        Show him how to set his eyes on You, yes even at, especially at,
        the cost of his own pride. Thank you Jesus, may Your will be done
        here, in Your name I pray. A …”

  11. http://www.ibcskiatook.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=85&Itemid=191

    “Dr. Jim Standridge is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill pastor. When it comes to preaching a gospel of change and higher living, we are not engaged in a run-of-the-mill relationship. Bro. Jim’s style is Spirit-led, encouraging, and practical, engaging the believer in matters of the heart and barring no word in confronting the follower of Christ on issues of sin and iniquity. Bro. Jim toes the line, counsels with the Word of God, and has a heart for God and the church.”

    1. “Forgive me” would seem to be a couple of words that are barred from his vocabulary when confronting sin in the church.

    2. The only thing that makes me happy about that paragraph is the fact that they correctly used “toes the line” rather than “tows the line”.


  12. “You can’t get this in any other church in town.” (After yelling at someone and forcing them to hug him). PRAISE THE LORD FOR THAT!

    1. I, too, realized that that statement is basically an ad for all the other churches in town.

  13. A few observations. Look at the body language of the congregation. None turn and look at him, and most are looking down. Quite uncomfortable, it was.

    Secondly, I think the “big boy” might have displayed his physical strength when he hugged him and shook his hand. It took me a couple of listens, but he says, “I’m the real deal”, and then seems a little cowed when he finishes, “but, you’re never here”.

    Thirdly, if you think this “man” would leave quietly if asked, you musta fallen off of the turnip truck yesterday, cause he would fight tooth and nail.

    1. Yes, John Fincher! I noticed that about #2. He did seem to ligthen his tone after the bear hug he got.

  14. “You can’t get this in any other church in town.”

    Translation: You better submit to my abuse and humiliation, or I’ll leave and find some other woma–I mean church who’ll make you look like roadkill! Spiritual violence and domestic violence are chillingly similar.

    This video was four and a half minutes of spiritual abuse, and I hope his congregants have enough sense to flee. He had no right to humiliate people in front of the congregation and make ridiculous accusation, such as setting up one’s own “kingdom” in the video room.

  15. “You can’t get this in any other church in town.”

    Thank God. That was horrible.

  16. “Are you keeping the camera on back there in the … video room?” *shrugs shoulders almost as if he’s understanding his error at that moment.
    This man confuses me. I can’t tell if he knows he’s evil or not. Does he believe himself?

    1. I hope he ends up regretting that he said that. I certainly doubt he’ll regret anything else he said. πŸ™

      1. In our family study tonight we discussed this. I hope so too Petrushka1612. It would be great to see a heart change, repentance and apologies for many he’s hurt. It would be good too, if he’d voluntarily step down and serve doing something that has nothing to do with counsel for a long time.

        1. This guy needs to go and plant trees for a couple of years in the mountains.

        2. That may be the answer to more problems than just this! In fact, I look up and out of my cubical and planting trees for a while could help me greatly.

  17. β€œYou can’t get this in any other church in town.”

    Maybe not. But for $150 I can get 30 minutes of “this” with a dominatrix.

  18. This is just sad, and unfortunately I have sat through too many “sermons” like this. My old MOG would turn church announcement time into abuse time.

    Those who were called out in this video have two options:
    1) Get right with MOG, come down to the old fashioned alter and made a public apology before the church.
    2) Leave the church, then the pastor will call upon the men of the church to pray that God rains down his wrath upon their lives.

    I’ve personally seen both of these. For many, when they choose #2, the MOG will attempt to contact their new church and tell them everything as this is what they like to call “ethical”.

    I’ve seen many who left and let the “power of the MOG” continue to hover over them and I believe that the fear they retained destroyed their lives.

    This stuff is horrible.

    1. My former pastor said something similar. I just laughed and laughed. NO MAN will have any authority over me.

      Like Glenda the Good Witch said to the Wicked Witch of the East – Be gone. You have no power here.

      1. I always think of Sarah saying to the Goblin King, “You have no power over me!”

      2. Well, saying “No man will ever have authority over me” isn’t a very Biblical response either.

        I don’t know if you’re a disciple of Jesus or not, but if you are, the Bible shows us many examples of leadership within the church that we must submit to. That, of course, does not mean that they get to lord over us like this man, but to rule out all authority or submission is the other extreme, and neither has Biblical foundation.

        1. Uhhh, let’s see.

          Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1)

          Not even the Apostle Paul demanded that people submit to him. Paul laid out his case for his Apostleship, but he did not demand.

          We are called on to submit to each other. We are not called to be brought into bondage.

          So yes, there are institutions of government that have authority over me, and the men represent the institution. But spiritually, these men call themselves men of God and demand loyalty — when the fact is they should be loyal to their people.

          I found out the hard way that allowing these “men of God” too much authority in my life was damaging.

          So I understand the sentiment, and agree with it for the most part. Cooperation is well and good. But there are too many wolves for me to submit easily or readily.

        2. Yes.

          Paul said something along the lines of “follow after me as I follow after Christ.” He also talked about how careful he was to NOT lord it over people, even though he could have.

      1. Cox: You can’t claim this room, I’m in charge.
        Standridge: Do you have a flag?
        Cox: No.
        Standridge: No flag, no kingdom. Those are the rules.

  19. Did any of the other old fogeys who watched this video think of Captain Queeg?

    I am a little surprised that the young man he humiliated didn’t deck him right then and there, or at least walk out, hand in hand with his fiance (which would have been the better choice).

    It sure amazes me that even such an open display of ranting narcissism won’t drive those people to seek a better church with a qualified pastor.

    1. I’m afraid I don’t know any Captain Queeg

      But hey, holdings hands is not allowed! :mrgreen:

    2. @Bassenco: yes!! I was waiting for him to accuse the “subjects” in the Video Kingdom of stealing strawberries…

      Unfortunately, I’m doubtful there will be a mutiny here as the MOG continues to “raise Caine”. (See what I did there?)

    3. @Bassenco: Yes!! Paranoia leads to scathing accusations… I was waiting for him to blame young Cox and his “subjects” in the video booth for stealing strawberries. There should be a Mutinee at this “church” while “pastor Queeg” continues to “raise Caine”. (See what I did there?) πŸ˜‰

  20. Wish I’d been there for that message. If he’d have called me out, I would have knocked him out, and then announced that “it’s ok, he’s not my pastor, I’m just visiting. So I don’t have to “submit”.”

    1. From one side of the room you would have heard, “Persecution!” From the other, standing ovation.

    1. Wow. The speaker is a liar. He said that Joe was entirely dependent and reliant on Jesus. There is not one person on this earth who is 100% completely given over to God.

      I’m sure there’s more crazy in this wanna-be sermon but it’s too close to bedtime. I don’t want this to be the last thing I contemplate before I fall asleep.

    2. In the sermon, at the 56:34 mark (yeah and he wasn’t finished yet) but at the 56:34 mark he turns to 2 Corinthians 3:3 and preaches error. The first time he reads it correctly, “Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us…” when he gives his interpretation he interjects the preposition “to” into the verse so it reads “…ministered to by us…” By doing this he is taking the focus off of Christ and exalting the “minister.”
      Then he goes on a rant about some not coming to the altar once since he’s been their pastor.

      The spirit of Diotrephes is strong in this one.

      1. A true rendering of the 2 Corinthians 3:3 verse is this: “And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
        Not “ministered to” but “delivered”, which keeps the focus on what Christ has done and not making it about the performance of the “minister.”

  21. Have they voted him out yet? He disqualified himself from being a pastor in that 4 minutes alone…although he was likely unqualified long before this.

  22. “Remember when I came here Kelly? Remember where your wife was? Where your sisters were?”
    And the secret is no longer a secret. πŸ™ 😳

  23. I can’t be sure, obviously, but such a hissy fit like he threw makes me hopeful that he is starting to lose control of his congregations (who are hopefully waking up and getting tired of the constant abuse), and his throwing a fit is a poor attempt to regain it. There where a few scattered “amens” that I heard, but only a few. As someone pointed out, most people wouldn’t even make eye contact. His ranting about the video room becoming a “teen hangout” makes me think that there are people finding any excuse to get out of sitting in the auditorium during the service. And the screaming about “YOUR KIDS WILL TURN AGAINST YOU IF YOU TURN AGAINST ME!” did more to convince me. Threatening a family with their children does not speak of a secure man.

    I might be wrong, but I hope and pray that this hissy fit is a sign that this church will give this abusive, egotistical man the boot and soon. And that the church down the street he was talking about is smart enough to lock their doors.

    1. I think you might be right, Mandy. I was kinda wondering what the whole “If ya’ll don’t want me” piece was there for. I initially thought it was just grandstanding, but it came up persistently enough, there is probably something to it.

      Again, what a terrible terrible man. I hope the poor abused sheeple figure it out and get rid of him.

    2. You know, I worked in the tech department at the church I used to attend (love that church, I left for practical reasons) and if my minister started disparaging the tech people (who come in early every day, leave late, and are the first to get yelled at if something goes wrong in the service), I probably would have typed “Who is John Galt?” on the projector screen and walked out of the church (note: I do not endorse Ayn Rand or her libertarian philosophy but that sure does fit in this situation).

      1. I would have been even more pointed. I would have typed “ICHABOD” on the projection screen, cut off his mic and put on a continuous loop of “Just as I Am,” cranked up the volume and ripped the knobs off before I changed the password on the computer and put it in standby mode.

        1. Actually, a lot of them; that’s what happens to a church that isn’t soul-winning 25 hours a day.

  24. In the end it is all about Jim. And he still needs Jesus. The pity of it is, he will say to Jesus, “but you know I love you.” We know what Jesus has promised to say. πŸ˜†

  25. Did you notice the little girl reacting from 2:13 to 2:22? I hope her grandfather (I am assuming) takes her and the other granddaughter (another assumption) far away from that place.

    1. I noticed her, too, and it made me sad to think that she will probably grow up thinking this is what church is all about.

    2. JiW, did you get the right timeframe for that? The camera was on him from 2:13-2:22. I wanted to see what happened.

      1. Yeah, look at the girl sitting in the front row. It actually goes through 2:30 or so. He’s reminding some poor guy about his wife and sisters.

  26. “I don’t care what your mama thinks and your daddy thinks…” ~ Anonymous Dead Man

  27. I truly wish they would stand up against him. Somehow he’s cowed them all. A few years ago, I would have been just like they are: silent, intimidated. This man is actually a coward. My father is like this. I was terrified of him for years. Then I got tired of the stress and anxiety and starting standing up to him. And the huge blustery angry act is hiding a small, insecure, weak man. It’s kind of like the wizard in Oz.

    1. ” And the huge blustery angry act is hiding a small, insecure, weak man. It’s kind of like the wizard in Oz.”


    1. There’s a whole collage of fundy preachers’ pictures under that word.

      1. Ain’t that the truth!

        It’s all about power and the ability to control others. This is advanced cult tactics being practiced in a live experiment.

  28. How did anyone hear what this guy actually said? I can barely make anything out with the volume maxed and my ear on the speaker.

    Is the audio unhearable for everyone?

    1. The audio on the post is very bad. The audio on the sermon link is a tad better, but not by much. You have to really work at it if you want to hear it.

      1. I had to load the app on my PS3 and max out the volume on my TV to hear a very mild/muffled version, but I finally did.

        1. Thats because they were having a party back in the video booth with the teens. Wonder if Schapp was there.

  29. I think someone needs to identify several deacons in the church and e-mail them a link to the video and the reactions to it. Surely they are not so blinded by this idiot that they couldn’t do something about him…

    …but, then again…

    1. In these cirles you can Schaap off your rod in youth conference and the deacons won’t do a thing.

  30. A question to consider: Obviously, Sanbridge himself posted this video on the church website. What does he think he is communicating? And what does he hope we will gain from seeing this message?

  31. I am in no way defending this guy. He’s certainly being an ass. But in the midst of berating him and fundy preachers like him, let’s not forget that there are at least an equal number of non-fundy churches that have asses in lay-leadership that wield power which they use to terrorize the pastor and his family. The people sitting in the pews aren’t perfect either. Trust me. I know.

    1. Very True.
      But the IFB movement itself enables men of lesser character to populate it’s pulpits, and in fact promotes this type of behavior by asserting the office sanctifies the holder of it. The IFB movement has adopted and at least tacitly promotes the Diotrephes Model of Leadership.

      1. Agreed. I grew up IFB. Thank God he got me out of there 20 years ago. I’m just saying that in the “church” at large, the abuse goes both ways.

        1. One of the greatest problems being that we (the body of believers/redeemed/the church) have never properly learned the command in Ephesians 5:21 “submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Submission is always taught to be one way, towards the assumed authority.

        2. Amen Don. Our Lord teaches in that same text that He loves his church as much as he loves himself. He instructs the husband to love his wife as much as he loves his own body. Remember the illustration he gives husband to Christ, and wife to the church. It’s a picture of the depth of love he has for us. He desires mercy and not sacrifice, Jesus quotes Hosea to the scribes.
          This person lords over these people as a tyrant. He is mean. He is manipulative. He is screaming for sacrifice and displays no mercy.
          Eph 5:28a
          In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies.

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