I really had no idea we were up to all this stuff.
I’ll bet most of you didn’t either.
387 thoughts on “Hatin’ on SFL”
Wow!, just Wow!
BTW, a second First this week.
Second. Woot woot!
So close…dumb smartphone…
Does that make it a dumbphone?
I’m struggling with the radical muslim comparison, maybe I’ll get it after some cofee…but even then I don’t know….
I especially like how “Christian” is capitalized, but “Muslim” is not 🙄
And I know plenty of people have stuffed their undies. No shame in admitting that.
Pretty sure ‘professional’ wrestlers do it.
I can stuff my undies pretty well.
Um, this IS a family show. Or it was ….
What, exactly would be wrong with Muslims and Christians working together to change bad policies?
(Full disclosure: When I lived in Dallas, I did exactly that with Muslims.)
… Oh, and my head is still connected to my body.
I had written a letter to Mike Gendron (Anti-Catholic Crusader) who said joining with Catholics to present a united front on any social justice issue no matter how important it was would amount to compromising and no “true Christian” would ever join with Catholics to work together because that would be condoning our corrupted Gospel. (Better to let everyone starve and die then go joinin’ up with them inferior wanna be Christians you know.) Sigh….I was speechless and gave up on talking reason. 😕
Coffee is a Muslim (Arabic) invention ya’know.
So are numerals, algebra, and medicine.
Woah O.o…coffee didn’t help this at all…
I was so distracted by the racism and confusing analogies, I totally missed the underwear comment. reaaaal classy.
I just don’t understand. I’m didn’t grow up “fundy” I was exposed to it at my school. I just don’t understand how these men can say they love God and then behave like this.
Matthew 12:34 for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
This heart has no love or desire to help people grow and change to be more like Christ. Isn’t THAT supposed to be the goal of the pastor? To be like Christ?
My bad. Please relplace “pastor” with “Christians”
This kind of behavior is justified because of how Jesus treated the Pharisees – he called them “snakes” and “vipers” and said that they were hell-bound.
And, in the OT, Elijah mocked the false prophets…
So, the belief is that those “preaching” a false doctrine are OK to mock.
I check SFL before I go to work. Nothing new. I check it when I get to work. New post and 4 new comments. I guess I’m not the only one who constantly lurks.
I take it the good Doctor didn’t get his degree in English grammar.
Who is this guy anyway?
Separation means everything to these guys. Because our community includes different voices, whatever we say means nothing?
And isn’t it strange that this caricature of fundamentalism that Darrell is supposed to have made up resonates with so many of us? Why do you suppose that is? Could it be because it’s no caricature but an accurate description? It’s also interesting how post after post, Darrell actually says little; all he has to do is post what the fundamentalists themselves say.
but they only separate in one direction. So even to connect historic fundamentalism with a focus on separation (which is a new trend among the fundy apologists) is a highly suspect idea when they do it, and remarkably charitable for their critics.
You will hear (and this is in moderately fundy midwestern churches) alot of talk about John MacArthur or Mark Dever, or T4G, etc. and how fellowship or agreement with these “new-evangelicals” is so wrong and evil, but they won’t speak a word about the mess in Hammond, or their buddy at the sister church down the street who was caught banging whoever, or their friends who are out there proclaiming heterodoxy of every kind and calling it the old paths. Its not separation, its isolation and wagon circling, and its neither necessary for proper biblical practice or in any way commendable.
In fact in most cases it at the very least makes them guilty of causing division in the body, and at best makes them idolaters who should be taking a long hard look at their own heart because what they are embracing is not Christ.
Very true! They separate from other believers over issues that aren’t even in Scripture, but refuse to separate from others in their own camp who are involved in the most egregious sin which is cleary condemned in Scripture.
This is madness!
That was very well put. “Wagon circling” describes it very well.
Yes, I noticed that what he’s calling a “caricature of Fundamentalism” is mostly just direct quotes from Fundamentalist literature, promotional material, videos, and broadcasts, produced by the (self-identified) Fundamentalists themselves, and as often as not qoted in their entirety here, or excerpted with links to the whole documents provided. Which gets us back to the theory that this kind of Fundamentalism parodies itself.
I think it was that horribble Communsit Athiest Lenin who said “Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself” It happens in Fundystan all the time.
Yep. First thing I thought was that often posts here are videos, websites, etc directly from the Fundy world. How is Darrell creating a caricature of Fundamentalism again? ❓
This letter shows very well the belief of fundies and even some hardcore evangelicals that you are either one of them or you are some kind of queer liberal atheist who hates America and wants to kill babies.
Then they wonder why people are repulsed by them.
Don’t forget we also want to chop the heads off real Christians.
I think that is what he is implying?
How dare you create a web site and let people who don’t believe just like you visit it and comment! Such a sinful act.
Yes indeed. Doesn’t Darrell know Christians are only allowed to talk to and share beliefs with and witness to other Christians?
Apparently, it’s now un-Christian to let people with varying opinions make comments, and even (gasp) listen to them. Who knew?
Fundamental to Fundyism is the belief that the Good News is too good to be given to really bad people.
It seems he needs to blame some one else for young people walking away from his beliefs rather than look in the mirror.
So what’s for dinner?
Four things:
#1 – Does “Dr. James Ach” defending his traditions remind anyone of “Dr. Johann Eck” defending HIS tradtitions nearly 500 years ago?
#2 – Dr. Ach called ’em “fundies” in the last sentence of paragraph 2 😀
#3 – The venerable Dr. Ach claims Darrel makes up a caricature. The Darrel posts this
#4 – His Majesty, the honorable Dr. James Ach, contradicts his “caricature” claim by saying that Darrel draws directly from the stories of “sinful fundies.” (or maybe I misunderstood that beast of a run on sentence)
*then. #3 Should read: “Then Darrel posts this.”
Exactly. As long as the Dr. Aches of the world keep churning out this kind of thing, who needs to make caricatures?
Regarding your #4 – yeah, I’m not sure I could follow that either. But it is pretty clear that he does not consider himself a “sinful fundy.” That alone says a lot.
What a way for this guy to twist a scripture verse to fit the point he’s trying to make! 🙄
For Fundies who usually like to “have their toes stepped on with some good preachin bruther”, this guy doesn’t seem to enjoy it when somebody outside the “group” steps on the toes of his pet religious movement. 😆
So then it’s okay for them to say ANYTHING they wish about anyone they disagree with, but when our Dear Leader simply posts their own YouTube videos of THEMSELVES behaving like idiots he’s no better than a Muslim terrorist?! Riiight…. 🙄
I think in between the lines it says, “Darrell Dow is working for the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet to bring about a one world religion.” (Or perhaps he is the False Prophet)
It’s the first letter of every sentence, not between the lines. 😉
I don’t think it’s us who are stuffing our undies…
You’re still likely to get your read chopped off!
Brilliant. This could be the next big thing on the internet, to replace Godwin’s Law.
Sooner or later, someone’s going to claim that no matter what, you’re still going to get your head chopped off.
You can cite Godwin’s Law, but you’re still likely to get your head chopped off.
Hah! Genius.
If you get your “read” chopped off, does that mean you’re now illiterate, or is George messing with you? 😆
So when Ach disagrees with someone, he can …
1) make false accusations (Darrell can recognize Scripture seeing he uses allusions to Bible verses consistently in his writing)
2) Call someone an idiot
3) Make huge (and false) generalizations
4) Insult others by turning the name of their site into a joke about underwear
But of course SFL isn’t allowed to discuss anything since we have a mix of perspectives in the comments.
Double standards much?
The underwear joke is really old. Someone made it back in the very early days of SFL. So he loses points for dragging it out again.
It’s SFL vs. Fundies
Stuffed Undies vs. Polished Shafts
All these guys seem to have a strange obsesion w/ what’s in people’s underwear.
Stuffed undies vs. Polished Shafts, you say?
Well, at least we know when to keep it in our pants… *ba doom ching!*
I’m still tickled pink that the guy Freudian slipped scare quotes onto his own “Godly Love”. I’m pretty sure Godly isn’t an adjective, but I’ve never known anyone that tried to use that term, and didn’t meant manipulative passive aggression.
I prefer “Goddy” as the adjective.
Goddy Love, my goddy love
I need you, Oh how I need you
Yeah, why the quotation marks? Does he mean it’s not really godly, or it’s not really love?
RT @stufffundieslik: Hatin’ on SFL: I really had no idea we were up to all this stuff. I’ll bet most of you didn’t either. http://t.co …
my response to CAFE’s posts
“I’ve been dying to tell you what I thought of you! And now… well, being a Christian woman, I can’t say it”
I like the way Auntie Em thinks.
All one needs to do is look at the Facebook pages he “Likes” on the CAFE page to know where he is coming from. He’s just another IFB/FBCH/Hyles koolaid drinker.
Oh the good doctor is using the fundy playbook today.
Page 1.
1. Take a piece of scripture out of context and twist it to suit your needs.
2. Did it work? Yes or No. (multiple answers are allowed)
3. If no (or a portion of no), go back to point #1.
End of fundy playbook.
😀 Second verse, same as the first
♪♫ a little bit faster and a little bit worse! ♪♫
Which groups are joining angry Muslims to protest policies? Or is this just typical hyperbole? Either way, it is poor logic and improper argument.
Dr. Ach, if you brave enough to speak to us, please explain where on SFL you got these ideas, and also could you share the subject of your doctoral dissertation?
Also, why are you tempting our thought lives with your Stuffed Undies comment? You may be leading a weaker brother to sin.
2nd sentence should be “if you are brave”. My apologies.
The thought arc goes like this:
1. I hate Muslims.
2. I hate people who criticize Fundamentalism.
3. Therefore, people who criticize Fundamentlism are Muslims, or as bad as Muslims, or they are Muslim sympathizers.
Class, can you spot all the errors in logic?
I can’t see the forest for the trees.
Is there any logic in your errors?
I believe the Venn Diagram of that would be Me in 1 circle completely mutually exclusive from everyone else in the “completely wrong” circle with no intersection points.
Or weaker sister. More women than men are interested in undies with a bulge in them…
Wow, Darrell, I’m impressed! You have a real life, you write two interesting blogs, one satirical but therapeutic, one experimental but serious; and you still have time to honk off the likes of Dr. James Ach for failing to display “Godly love” in a way that agrees with him! When do you sleep?
He has young children. I doubt sleep is an option, really 😉
“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should’ve behaved better.” – Anne Lamott
Heh. “Stuffed Undies.”
Your failure to be continually filled with hatred is what indicates your lack of Christian love.
Unfortunately, too many people believe that way!
“Dr” Ach couldn’t recognize a true Christian if one beat him over the head with an original 1611 hardbound KJV with Apocrypha. He probably can’t even spell Apocrypha. He probably doesn’t know that it was included in the original 1611 KJV.
I spit on his shadow.
There is nothing passive about my aggressive.
This past weekend, I heard a beautiful and very Scriptural message on why prejudice and partiality not only have no place in the church, but are flat-out sin. The primary passage focused on was Peter preaching to Cornelius and other Gentiles (Acts 10), specifically where he says, “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” (Evil Sinful Version)
It was just a really nice reminder–and a bit of a kick in the pants–that Christianity is not an exclusive clique. It’s not only open to the “right” people. God’s mercy is open to everyone, even the ones we don’t like.
So in other words, the obvious hatred in Ach’s post toward Muslims, atheists, agnostics, homosexuals, anyone who has “anti-Christian themes” in their discourse, that’s all completely, utterly nonsense. (I would use a stronger word, but unlike Ach, I believe what comes out of my mouth (or fingers!) matters.) No–not nonsense: sin. God loves everybody. Why is it so wrong for Christians to aspire to that ideal?
I find it interesting that persons of this ilk always seem to use some type of sexual reference when confronted with something like this from with they disagree.
Remember when Persickity Polecat was referred to as “pole dancer”?
Makes me go “hmmmm” 😉
What a Jackass.
The form of Christianity he is refering to I suffered from at the hands of Roloff’s goons in Corpus.
“Dr. James Ach has a doctorate in theology, masters degree in Christian counseling (Nouthetic), Paralegal degree, and a former special forces intelligence agent. He has the entire New Testament committed to memory and methods on how to memorize the NT within 2-5 years are available upon request, and will be available on youtube soon. (At 5 verses a day, you can memorize the NT in 5 years, 10 verses a day cuts the time in half, and takes @ 1.5-2.5 hours per day for review, if you are dedicated, I will show you how to do it.)”
I smell the strong odor of BS wafting from the previous paragraph. 🙄
We get a good example of how Real Christians™ are supposed to behave:
“All scripture quotations are taken from the King James Bible without apology. Any deviations therefrom are not intentional. If you email me with ignorant questions about “which KJV do you use” I will likely return your comment with a picture of James White photoshopped with you on a street corner holding a sign that says “Will Mock God For Food””
Oh, hey, look! Another person claiming to have been in special forces. I was reading the other day that there have been three times as many proven fraudsters as actual members of one of the groups (Navy Seals?).
I was just thinking the same thing. A few of the people who say they were something like intelligence agents, or members of Special Forces or the like, really were, but for each real one there are a hundred BS artists saying they were.
Perhaps more to the point… what does being in the Special Forces have to do with the quality of your theological arguments? If you were a SEAL, or a Green Beret, etc, and you had an opinion on the best way to sneak into an enemy base and slit the commander’s throat, I’d be inclined to give your thoughts on that topic extra weight. If you offer me advice on cooking, programming in Java, or art history, and say, “I was a Navy SEAL!” as a way of increasing your credibility in those areas, I’ll just look at you funny. (Obviously, at least for the first two, it’s possible you could have gained those skills in the military, but I don’t think that being Special Forces has much to do with how good a cook or coder you are. Or art historian. Admiral Thrawn showed how valuable that could be to a war.)
Lol. I laughed at that too. It just screams of inflatable cod-piece. But more to Lizards point, how is it relevant?
+500 for the Thrawn reference!
My dad really did memorize the whole New Testament and it did take an extensive amount of time for him to do his review every day, so I have no trouble believing that part of this guy’s bio.
Well, technically, according to the structure of that sentence, he [i]has[/i] a former special forces intelligence agent. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Someone should call him on that.
Yes, that sounds like either kidnapping or slavery, unless it’s a consensual relationship.
From what he wrote on his facebook page, clear communication is not a high priority for him:
In response to Scorpio’s criticism of his grammar, he wrote, “I’m not a spell-checker-onlyism theologian. (A spell-checker onlyist is a person that spends 15 minutes on a one paragraph post, runs it through a spell checker, sends it to their editor, and only then if the material is 100% grammatically correct is it considered truthful and/or relevant)”
But why shouldn’t he try to use good grammar (to enhance clarity) and if you make a mistake, admit it instead of defending your mistakes and denigrating people who DO spell-check?
Yeah, he can’t tell you where his doctorate is from but he can tell you his name and that he was in military intelligence. 🙄 🙄 🙄
Because people who work for intelligence agencies are always supposed to say that… doesn’t make them a target of foreign intelligence agencies and/or terror organizations. 🙄
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. If you actually took part in highly top secret actions, had access to still-classified material, etc, you would not say, “Oh, I have all these amazing secrets, but I’m not going to tell you any of them, ha ha!” You’d say, “My military service? Oh, I was just an infantryman, never ever saw much action.” You’d do nothing that would let anyone with malicious intent suspect you might know something worth knowing… because then you become a target. I’m pretty sure that military service is a matter of public record, even if specific operations and actions might be classified. So, if you were a SEAL, this will be documented. If you were involved in something so secret that your public records were changed to cover it up — you wouldn’t drop a bunch of coy hints like a fifth grader with a secret. (And if you brag about having a doctorate, but won’t say where it’s from, that’s a sure sign you know that it’s laughable. If there were such a thing as a “secret doctoral program”, you wouldn’t then call attention to it by mentioning said doctorate.)
Quote from “Dr.” Ach on his blog– All scripture quotations are taken from the King James Bible without apology. Any deviations therefrom are not intentional. If you email me with ignorant questions about “which KJV do you use” I will likely return your comment with a picture of James White photoshopped with you on a street corner holding a sign that says “Will Mock God For Food”.
If you don’t know the proper answer, insult the questioner. I’ll try to help you, Ach. It is most likely the 1769 Cambridge Edition.
Anything to avoid answering a simple question. Sheesh.
Cambridge? Heresy! The true KJV is only from Oxford, and by no means ever from Westminster.
Geez. I was just reading through the CAFE FB page and I think Darrell may have a stalker. This guy is creepy.
He got booted from the forums; he’s just bitter.
From our forums? What was his name there?
My apologies. DrJamesA was his screen name and, yes, he was banned.
BTW, on the forums he claimed “D.D., MACC, paralegal”. I suggest that only the last is probably true.
James A has been targeting the Do Right groups too. I think he might of been the guy who was calling people satanists (not sure on that though).
A few people have theorised that he might be Dave Hyles. I’ve heard conflicting evidence, so I’m not sure. But this guy seems to be obsessed, and he seemed to come out after Schaap got arrested – and DH would have reason to be scared, since people are now talking about his alleged sex abuse of minors and the suspicious deaths of his step-son and son.
Dave Hyles is literate. This guy is not. Two different people.
What is the one thing most macho psycho BS slingers claim? Yep, there it is. He used to be in the special forces.
I was going to show my wife my comment on the Facebook post from last night, but it and the follow-up comment have mysteriously disappeared.
My guess is that the good “Dr.” can’t handle (or answer) the truth. All he can do is insult and belittle. I did make a comment wondering how he earned his higher degrees without the proper preliminary degree. Maybe that was deemed offensive.
It is offensive. To anyone who has put the hard work into real graduate degrees. For what its worth, the fundy doctorate is just another form of stolen valor. It didn’t surprise me a bit to see him claim SpecOpsIntel (if he knows what that is); his title is a lie, so why would I believe any of the rest of it?
There is an epidemic of people lying about their military experience, including a senator from Connecticut.
There are people and websites that monitor false claims of military service. http://www.fakenavyseals.com/
If they really believe that they are right, have the truth and God on their side. Then why are they so insecure? Do they really believe what they are saying?
Ok, ok, I’ll admit, I was ok with the right to his own opinion until I got to the last few words. That immaturity right there blew his whole case.
Heh-heh, he said “undies”, heh-heh-heh. 😆 😎
We’ve been up to all kinds of things. This guy doesn’t know the half of it…
We could tell him, but then we’d have to kill him.
People who are genuinely secure in their faith, philosophy, worldview, etc, who know they have come by their beliefs honestly (by evaluating many ideas, comparing them to others, and to the real world, and to their personal sense of morality and justice) do not fear being exposed to other ideas. Those who know they can’t defend, justify, or explain their ideas, who believe them tautologically (“It’s true because it’s true!”) are the ones who insist that any exposure to dissent or criticism is bad for faith.
so true
I’m reading through the comments on the CAFE post. He was banned from the SFL forums?
I’ve done some extensive research; hit the internet so hard this morning that parts of it will never recover. I’ve asked living (and dead) theologians and bible scholars, but i can’t find any support for the concept of a bible verse being able to prepare food. The closest thing was when Luke 12:2 ordered a pizza on papajohns.com,but that’s not the same.
Your username is ever so appropriate, methinks.
I am ashamed of myself for associating with such malcontents and heretics. Or not.
I love how he accuses Darrell (& SFL by extension) of not having “Godly Love.”
I also noticed how love exudes from the good “Doctor’s” “writing.” I can feeeeel it through my monitor. Do you feeeeel the Spirit moving, bruth-ahs and sis-tahs? What you think is irritation-ah or frustation-ah is the convicting pow-ah of the Holy Spirit-ah! Do not mock-ah the Spirit-ah, for that is only un-foh-give-uh-bul sin-ah! Confess-ah your sins against-ah Fundamentalism-ah or you will burn-ah fo-evah!!!!!
Comments are closed.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.
Wow!, just Wow!
BTW, a second First this week.
Second. Woot woot!
So close…dumb smartphone…
Does that make it a dumbphone?
I’m struggling with the radical muslim comparison, maybe I’ll get it after some cofee…but even then I don’t know….
I especially like how “Christian” is capitalized, but “Muslim” is not 🙄
And I know plenty of people have stuffed their undies. No shame in admitting that.
Pretty sure ‘professional’ wrestlers do it.
I can stuff my undies pretty well.
Um, this IS a family show. Or it was ….
What, exactly would be wrong with Muslims and Christians working together to change bad policies?
(Full disclosure: When I lived in Dallas, I did exactly that with Muslims.)
… Oh, and my head is still connected to my body.
I had written a letter to Mike Gendron (Anti-Catholic Crusader) who said joining with Catholics to present a united front on any social justice issue no matter how important it was would amount to compromising and no “true Christian” would ever join with Catholics to work together because that would be condoning our corrupted Gospel. (Better to let everyone starve and die then go joinin’ up with them inferior wanna be Christians you know.) Sigh….I was speechless and gave up on talking reason. 😕
Coffee is a Muslim (Arabic) invention ya’know.
So are numerals, algebra, and medicine.
Woah O.o…coffee didn’t help this at all…
I was so distracted by the racism and confusing analogies, I totally missed the underwear comment. reaaaal classy.
I just don’t understand. I’m didn’t grow up “fundy” I was exposed to it at my school. I just don’t understand how these men can say they love God and then behave like this.
Matthew 12:34 for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
This heart has no love or desire to help people grow and change to be more like Christ. Isn’t THAT supposed to be the goal of the pastor? To be like Christ?
My bad. Please relplace “pastor” with “Christians”
This kind of behavior is justified because of how Jesus treated the Pharisees – he called them “snakes” and “vipers” and said that they were hell-bound.
And, in the OT, Elijah mocked the false prophets…
So, the belief is that those “preaching” a false doctrine are OK to mock.
I check SFL before I go to work. Nothing new. I check it when I get to work. New post and 4 new comments. I guess I’m not the only one who constantly lurks.
I take it the good Doctor didn’t get his degree in English grammar.
Who is this guy anyway?
Separation means everything to these guys. Because our community includes different voices, whatever we say means nothing?
And isn’t it strange that this caricature of fundamentalism that Darrell is supposed to have made up resonates with so many of us? Why do you suppose that is? Could it be because it’s no caricature but an accurate description? It’s also interesting how post after post, Darrell actually says little; all he has to do is post what the fundamentalists themselves say.
but they only separate in one direction. So even to connect historic fundamentalism with a focus on separation (which is a new trend among the fundy apologists) is a highly suspect idea when they do it, and remarkably charitable for their critics.
You will hear (and this is in moderately fundy midwestern churches) alot of talk about John MacArthur or Mark Dever, or T4G, etc. and how fellowship or agreement with these “new-evangelicals” is so wrong and evil, but they won’t speak a word about the mess in Hammond, or their buddy at the sister church down the street who was caught banging whoever, or their friends who are out there proclaiming heterodoxy of every kind and calling it the old paths. Its not separation, its isolation and wagon circling, and its neither necessary for proper biblical practice or in any way commendable.
In fact in most cases it at the very least makes them guilty of causing division in the body, and at best makes them idolaters who should be taking a long hard look at their own heart because what they are embracing is not Christ.
Very true! They separate from other believers over issues that aren’t even in Scripture, but refuse to separate from others in their own camp who are involved in the most egregious sin which is cleary condemned in Scripture.
This is madness!
That was very well put. “Wagon circling” describes it very well.
Yes, I noticed that what he’s calling a “caricature of Fundamentalism” is mostly just direct quotes from Fundamentalist literature, promotional material, videos, and broadcasts, produced by the (self-identified) Fundamentalists themselves, and as often as not qoted in their entirety here, or excerpted with links to the whole documents provided. Which gets us back to the theory that this kind of Fundamentalism parodies itself.
I think it was that horribble Communsit Athiest Lenin who said “Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself” It happens in Fundystan all the time.
Yep. First thing I thought was that often posts here are videos, websites, etc directly from the Fundy world. How is Darrell creating a caricature of Fundamentalism again? ❓
This letter shows very well the belief of fundies and even some hardcore evangelicals that you are either one of them or you are some kind of queer liberal atheist who hates America and wants to kill babies.
Then they wonder why people are repulsed by them.
Don’t forget we also want to chop the heads off real Christians.
I think that is what he is implying?
How dare you create a web site and let people who don’t believe just like you visit it and comment! Such a sinful act.
Yes indeed. Doesn’t Darrell know Christians are only allowed to talk to and share beliefs with and witness to other Christians?
Apparently, it’s now un-Christian to let people with varying opinions make comments, and even (gasp) listen to them. Who knew?
Fundamental to Fundyism is the belief that the Good News is too good to be given to really bad people.
It seems he needs to blame some one else for young people walking away from his beliefs rather than look in the mirror.
So what’s for dinner?
Four things:
#1 – Does “Dr. James Ach” defending his traditions remind anyone of “Dr. Johann Eck” defending HIS tradtitions nearly 500 years ago?
#2 – Dr. Ach called ’em “fundies” in the last sentence of paragraph 2 😀
#3 – The venerable Dr. Ach claims Darrel makes up a caricature. The Darrel posts this
#4 – His Majesty, the honorable Dr. James Ach, contradicts his “caricature” claim by saying that Darrel draws directly from the stories of “sinful fundies.” (or maybe I misunderstood that beast of a run on sentence)
*then. #3 Should read: “Then Darrel posts this.”
Exactly. As long as the Dr. Aches of the world keep churning out this kind of thing, who needs to make caricatures?
Regarding your #4 – yeah, I’m not sure I could follow that either. But it is pretty clear that he does not consider himself a “sinful fundy.” That alone says a lot.
What a way for this guy to twist a scripture verse to fit the point he’s trying to make! 🙄
For Fundies who usually like to “have their toes stepped on with some good preachin bruther”, this guy doesn’t seem to enjoy it when somebody outside the “group” steps on the toes of his pet religious movement. 😆
So then it’s okay for them to say ANYTHING they wish about anyone they disagree with, but when our Dear Leader simply posts their own YouTube videos of THEMSELVES behaving like idiots he’s no better than a Muslim terrorist?! Riiight…. 🙄
I think in between the lines it says, “Darrell Dow is working for the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet to bring about a one world religion.” (Or perhaps he is the False Prophet)
It’s the first letter of every sentence, not between the lines. 😉
I don’t think it’s us who are stuffing our undies…
You’re still likely to get your read chopped off!
Brilliant. This could be the next big thing on the internet, to replace Godwin’s Law.
Sooner or later, someone’s going to claim that no matter what, you’re still going to get your head chopped off.
You can cite Godwin’s Law, but you’re still likely to get your head chopped off.
Hah! Genius.
If you get your “read” chopped off, does that mean you’re now illiterate, or is George messing with you? 😆
So when Ach disagrees with someone, he can …
1) make false accusations (Darrell can recognize Scripture seeing he uses allusions to Bible verses consistently in his writing)
2) Call someone an idiot
3) Make huge (and false) generalizations
4) Insult others by turning the name of their site into a joke about underwear
But of course SFL isn’t allowed to discuss anything since we have a mix of perspectives in the comments.
Double standards much?
The underwear joke is really old. Someone made it back in the very early days of SFL. So he loses points for dragging it out again.
It’s SFL vs. Fundies
Stuffed Undies vs. Polished Shafts
All these guys seem to have a strange obsesion w/ what’s in people’s underwear.
Stuffed undies vs. Polished Shafts, you say?
Well, at least we know when to keep it in our pants… *ba doom ching!*
I’m still tickled pink that the guy Freudian slipped scare quotes onto his own “Godly Love”. I’m pretty sure Godly isn’t an adjective, but I’ve never known anyone that tried to use that term, and didn’t meant manipulative passive aggression.
I prefer “Goddy” as the adjective.
Goddy Love, my goddy love
I need you, Oh how I need you
Yeah, why the quotation marks? Does he mean it’s not really godly, or it’s not really love?
RT @stufffundieslik: Hatin’ on SFL: I really had no idea we were up to all this stuff. I’ll bet most of you didn’t either. http://t.co …
my response to CAFE’s posts
“I’ve been dying to tell you what I thought of you! And now… well, being a Christian woman, I can’t say it”
I like the way Auntie Em thinks.
All one needs to do is look at the Facebook pages he “Likes” on the CAFE page to know where he is coming from. He’s just another IFB/FBCH/Hyles koolaid drinker.
Oh the good doctor is using the fundy playbook today.
Page 1.
1. Take a piece of scripture out of context and twist it to suit your needs.
2. Did it work? Yes or No. (multiple answers are allowed)
3. If no (or a portion of no), go back to point #1.
End of fundy playbook.
😀 Second verse, same as the first
♪♫ a little bit faster and a little bit worse! ♪♫
Which groups are joining angry Muslims to protest policies? Or is this just typical hyperbole? Either way, it is poor logic and improper argument.
Dr. Ach, if you brave enough to speak to us, please explain where on SFL you got these ideas, and also could you share the subject of your doctoral dissertation?
Also, why are you tempting our thought lives with your Stuffed Undies comment? You may be leading a weaker brother to sin.
2nd sentence should be “if you are brave”. My apologies.
The thought arc goes like this:
1. I hate Muslims.
2. I hate people who criticize Fundamentalism.
3. Therefore, people who criticize Fundamentlism are Muslims, or as bad as Muslims, or they are Muslim sympathizers.
Class, can you spot all the errors in logic?
I can’t see the forest for the trees.
Is there any logic in your errors?
I believe the Venn Diagram of that would be Me in 1 circle completely mutually exclusive from everyone else in the “completely wrong” circle with no intersection points.
Or weaker sister. More women than men are interested in undies with a bulge in them…
Wow, Darrell, I’m impressed! You have a real life, you write two interesting blogs, one satirical but therapeutic, one experimental but serious; and you still have time to honk off the likes of Dr. James Ach for failing to display “Godly love” in a way that agrees with him! When do you sleep?
He has young children. I doubt sleep is an option, really 😉
“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should’ve behaved better.” – Anne Lamott
Heh. “Stuffed Undies.”
Your failure to be continually filled with hatred is what indicates your lack of Christian love.
Unfortunately, too many people believe that way!
“Dr” Ach couldn’t recognize a true Christian if one beat him over the head with an original 1611 hardbound KJV with Apocrypha. He probably can’t even spell Apocrypha. He probably doesn’t know that it was included in the original 1611 KJV.
I spit on his shadow.
There is nothing passive about my aggressive.
This past weekend, I heard a beautiful and very Scriptural message on why prejudice and partiality not only have no place in the church, but are flat-out sin. The primary passage focused on was Peter preaching to Cornelius and other Gentiles (Acts 10), specifically where he says, “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” (Evil Sinful Version)
It was just a really nice reminder–and a bit of a kick in the pants–that Christianity is not an exclusive clique. It’s not only open to the “right” people. God’s mercy is open to everyone, even the ones we don’t like.
So in other words, the obvious hatred in Ach’s post toward Muslims, atheists, agnostics, homosexuals, anyone who has “anti-Christian themes” in their discourse, that’s all completely, utterly nonsense. (I would use a stronger word, but unlike Ach, I believe what comes out of my mouth (or fingers!) matters.) No–not nonsense: sin. God loves everybody. Why is it so wrong for Christians to aspire to that ideal?
I find it interesting that persons of this ilk always seem to use some type of sexual reference when confronted with something like this from with they disagree.
Remember when Persickity Polecat was referred to as “pole dancer”?
Makes me go “hmmmm” 😉
What a Jackass.
The form of Christianity he is refering to I suffered from at the hands of Roloff’s goons in Corpus.
“Dr. James Ach has a doctorate in theology, masters degree in Christian counseling (Nouthetic), Paralegal degree, and a former special forces intelligence agent. He has the entire New Testament committed to memory and methods on how to memorize the NT within 2-5 years are available upon request, and will be available on youtube soon. (At 5 verses a day, you can memorize the NT in 5 years, 10 verses a day cuts the time in half, and takes @ 1.5-2.5 hours per day for review, if you are dedicated, I will show you how to do it.)”
I smell the strong odor of BS wafting from the previous paragraph. 🙄
We get a good example of how Real Christians™ are supposed to behave:
“All scripture quotations are taken from the King James Bible without apology. Any deviations therefrom are not intentional. If you email me with ignorant questions about “which KJV do you use” I will likely return your comment with a picture of James White photoshopped with you on a street corner holding a sign that says “Will Mock God For Food””
His site is definitely worth a glance if your bitter and angry immunizations are up to date.
Oh, hey, look! Another person claiming to have been in special forces. I was reading the other day that there have been three times as many proven fraudsters as actual members of one of the groups (Navy Seals?).
I was just thinking the same thing. A few of the people who say they were something like intelligence agents, or members of Special Forces or the like, really were, but for each real one there are a hundred BS artists saying they were.
Perhaps more to the point… what does being in the Special Forces have to do with the quality of your theological arguments? If you were a SEAL, or a Green Beret, etc, and you had an opinion on the best way to sneak into an enemy base and slit the commander’s throat, I’d be inclined to give your thoughts on that topic extra weight. If you offer me advice on cooking, programming in Java, or art history, and say, “I was a Navy SEAL!” as a way of increasing your credibility in those areas, I’ll just look at you funny. (Obviously, at least for the first two, it’s possible you could have gained those skills in the military, but I don’t think that being Special Forces has much to do with how good a cook or coder you are. Or art historian. Admiral Thrawn showed how valuable that could be to a war.)
Lol. I laughed at that too. It just screams of inflatable cod-piece. But more to Lizards point, how is it relevant?
+500 for the Thrawn reference!
My dad really did memorize the whole New Testament and it did take an extensive amount of time for him to do his review every day, so I have no trouble believing that part of this guy’s bio.
For a less serious, more juvenile take:
My favorite is the Heffalump Green Beret.
Well, technically, according to the structure of that sentence, he [i]has[/i] a former special forces intelligence agent. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Someone should call him on that.
Yes, that sounds like either kidnapping or slavery, unless it’s a consensual relationship.
From what he wrote on his facebook page, clear communication is not a high priority for him:
In response to Scorpio’s criticism of his grammar, he wrote, “I’m not a spell-checker-onlyism theologian. (A spell-checker onlyist is a person that spends 15 minutes on a one paragraph post, runs it through a spell checker, sends it to their editor, and only then if the material is 100% grammatically correct is it considered truthful and/or relevant)”
But why shouldn’t he try to use good grammar (to enhance clarity) and if you make a mistake, admit it instead of defending your mistakes and denigrating people who DO spell-check?
Yeah, he can’t tell you where his doctorate is from but he can tell you his name and that he was in military intelligence. 🙄 🙄 🙄
Because people who work for intelligence agencies are always supposed to say that… doesn’t make them a target of foreign intelligence agencies and/or terror organizations. 🙄
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. If you actually took part in highly top secret actions, had access to still-classified material, etc, you would not say, “Oh, I have all these amazing secrets, but I’m not going to tell you any of them, ha ha!” You’d say, “My military service? Oh, I was just an infantryman, never ever saw much action.” You’d do nothing that would let anyone with malicious intent suspect you might know something worth knowing… because then you become a target. I’m pretty sure that military service is a matter of public record, even if specific operations and actions might be classified. So, if you were a SEAL, this will be documented. If you were involved in something so secret that your public records were changed to cover it up — you wouldn’t drop a bunch of coy hints like a fifth grader with a secret. (And if you brag about having a doctorate, but won’t say where it’s from, that’s a sure sign you know that it’s laughable. If there were such a thing as a “secret doctoral program”, you wouldn’t then call attention to it by mentioning said doctorate.)
Quote from “Dr.” Ach on his blog–
All scripture quotations are taken from the King James Bible without apology. Any deviations therefrom are not intentional. If you email me with ignorant questions about “which KJV do you use” I will likely return your comment with a picture of James White photoshopped with you on a street corner holding a sign that says “Will Mock God For Food”.
If you don’t know the proper answer, insult the questioner. I’ll try to help you, Ach. It is most likely the 1769 Cambridge Edition.
Anything to avoid answering a simple question. Sheesh.
Cambridge? Heresy! The true KJV is only from Oxford, and by no means ever from Westminster.
Geez. I was just reading through the CAFE FB page and I think Darrell may have a stalker. This guy is creepy.
He got booted from the forums; he’s just bitter.
From our forums? What was his name there?
My apologies. DrJamesA was his screen name and, yes, he was banned.
BTW, on the forums he claimed “D.D., MACC, paralegal”. I suggest that only the last is probably true.
James A has been targeting the Do Right groups too. I think he might of been the guy who was calling people satanists (not sure on that though).
A few people have theorised that he might be Dave Hyles. I’ve heard conflicting evidence, so I’m not sure. But this guy seems to be obsessed, and he seemed to come out after Schaap got arrested – and DH would have reason to be scared, since people are now talking about his alleged sex abuse of minors and the suspicious deaths of his step-son and son.
Dave Hyles is literate. This guy is not. Two different people.
What is the one thing most macho psycho BS slingers claim? Yep, there it is. He used to be in the special forces.
Very special forces. http://www.theonion.com/articles/clinton-deploys-very-special-forces-to-iraq,645/
I’m proud to be a ‘Stuffed Undy’. It’s tight in front, not in the back.
Wearing my stuffed whitey tighties today 😆
What??? You don’t own CRIMSON undies? For shame! 😉
Got the Crimson but today is whitey tighty day…Roll Tide!!
Here you go, Bama Man!
I was going to show my wife my comment on the Facebook post from last night, but it and the follow-up comment have mysteriously disappeared.
My guess is that the good “Dr.” can’t handle (or answer) the truth. All he can do is insult and belittle. I did make a comment wondering how he earned his higher degrees without the proper preliminary degree. Maybe that was deemed offensive.
It is offensive. To anyone who has put the hard work into real graduate degrees. For what its worth, the fundy doctorate is just another form of stolen valor. It didn’t surprise me a bit to see him claim SpecOpsIntel (if he knows what that is); his title is a lie, so why would I believe any of the rest of it?
There is an epidemic of people lying about their military experience, including a senator from Connecticut.
There are people and websites that monitor false claims of military service.
If they really believe that they are right, have the truth and God on their side. Then why are they so insecure? Do they really believe what they are saying?
Ok, ok, I’ll admit, I was ok with the right to his own opinion until I got to the last few words. That immaturity right there blew his whole case.
Heh-heh, he said “undies”, heh-heh-heh. 😆 😎
We’ve been up to all kinds of things. This guy doesn’t know the half of it…
We could tell him, but then we’d have to kill him.
People who are genuinely secure in their faith, philosophy, worldview, etc, who know they have come by their beliefs honestly (by evaluating many ideas, comparing them to others, and to the real world, and to their personal sense of morality and justice) do not fear being exposed to other ideas. Those who know they can’t defend, justify, or explain their ideas, who believe them tautologically (“It’s true because it’s true!”) are the ones who insist that any exposure to dissent or criticism is bad for faith.
so true
I’m reading through the comments on the CAFE post. He was banned from the SFL forums?
I think “Dr” Ach’s piece goes better with its musical accompaniment:
I just read this article this morning..hmmm!
I just bought the “idiot” a cup of coffee.
I’ve done some extensive research; hit the internet so hard this morning that parts of it will never recover. I’ve asked living (and dead) theologians and bible scholars, but i can’t find any support for the concept of a bible verse being able to prepare food. The closest thing was when Luke 12:2 ordered a pizza on papajohns.com,but that’s not the same.
Your username is ever so appropriate, methinks.
I am ashamed of myself for associating with such malcontents and heretics. Or not.
I love how he accuses Darrell (& SFL by extension) of not having “Godly Love.”
I also noticed how love exudes from the good “Doctor’s” “writing.” I can feeeeel it through my monitor. Do you feeeeel the Spirit moving, bruth-ahs and sis-tahs? What you think is irritation-ah or frustation-ah is the convicting pow-ah of the Holy Spirit-ah! Do not mock-ah the Spirit-ah, for that is only un-foh-give-uh-bul sin-ah! Confess-ah your sins against-ah Fundamentalism-ah or you will burn-ah fo-evah!!!!!
🙄