Ever wonder what kind of rules people have to live by when they’re on the staff of a hardcore fundamentalist church? Ever stop to think exactly how much control the pastor has directly of their personal lives?
Presented here without further commentary is the Staff Manual for North Valley Baptist Church, kingdom of Jack “the pastor is your shepherd you shall not want” Treiber.
(If you’d prefer not to read it on scribd you can also directly download the PDF)
Just jumping around and found that the pastor is an innovator, not a scribe. Therefore, he must avoid conflict so that all of us can benefit from his creative energies.
I was just looking over their site and found this little tid bit. Wow, “she doesn’t eat in her car…” among various other things, this guy is a complete control freak.
Interesting choice of words at the end of this article, “She will abuse me for writing this article. She hates displays like this. Oh well, that’s what makes life interesting with Mrs. Trieber.”
She will abuse you!?! ❗ ❓
Having known Mrs. Trieber personally, the, “She’s quiet (not a loud-mouth, gossiping woman)” made me spit my tea out. Are.you.kidding.me.!?!? 😯
Finally, I am so disgusted by the several points that talk about her weight, “health” & her cleaning habits. So sad. The comments underneath were even more heartbreaking. Especially the woman who said she would print the list out to be a better wife. OH MY GOSH. Who needs to read the Bible or hear the voice of Jesus when you can just print out the Trieber’s way. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Typical ugly Americans. The people on this board make fun of people for being neat and not being slobs. The longer I see this board and the “do right” boards, the more I become convinced that you are a bunch of 40 and 50 and 60 year olds who never got over high school and are holding silly, stupid, trite, juvenile worthless grudges from decades ago. Instead of talking about substantive issues you have to make fun of people for not being slobs. Let me guess, most of you are reading this while juggling 2 Big Macs and a large fries between your knees as you’re driving? And this is just for starters. Wait until the bigger meal of the day.
Who the hell are you to call any of us “ugly Americans?” Seriously, who the hell are you?
Dear Shandurlki,
Thank you for bringing to light our rude behavior of treating non-slobs so rudely…I guess it IS wrong of every one of us to post about wanting to kill someone for opening the package of copy paper the wrong way. Now I can finally eat my Christian Chick-fil-a nuggets with a clear conscience.
two fingers down from the collarbone
Hm. This sounds suspiciously like the troll Darrell booted from the forums last week.
Go back under your bridge, troll. You annoy me.
I think this guy is Mohammad Kahn. Troll extraordinaire
omg, you NAILED it! We are all a bunch of 60 yo trolls who wallow in our own squalor and grump about other people’s lives. Are you psychic or something?! 🙄
Shandurlki, if I’m not mistaken, I think what EliACas was dismayed by was that Pastor Trieber’s article concerning his wife and the things he appreciates about her seemed to repeatedly refer to her weight, health condition, and physical appearance. I personally see nothing wrong with the fact that he appreciates such things.
What I think is of substantive concern though, is that by emphasizing such qualities in a publicly posted article, many of those who read it are likely to conclude that these are the things that make a good wife. Case in point, the lady who commented by saying she wanted to place the list around her house so she could be a better wife for her husband.
While it’s fine for Pastor Trieber to appreciate those things in his wife, it’s also important that he not appear to suggest to others that a woman’s value as a wife comes from having a slender waistline, making sure there’s never a hair out of place, and having perfect health, which I fear some of his readers may conclude.
I hope you’ll see there are bigger issues at play here.
RBF, finally someone who can actually engage in conversation without resorting to mindless name-calling and derogatory speech. You are a rarity at this site.
I just looked at the aforementioned blog post again and I see that things like health are just a few of the good traits he mentions. In today’s world of fast food and obese, unhealthy Americans, I find it staggering that somehow promoting a healthy lifestyle would be seen as “shallow.” Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. Call me stupid, but I don’t see a problem with actually trying to be healthy. And if being healthy also helps your mate look attractive, that’s a bad thing in what way?????? I don’t think I’ll ever understand you people.
If the part about healthy living weren’t part of a 622-page document in which he micromanages every portion of a person’s life, your point would have more power.
In my favorite Bible, page 622 is Isaiah 40-41. Just for a comparison on God’s Law to Treiber’s Law.
“Derogatory speech”….like “Typical ugly Americans.”
Sod off, Shandurlki.
I know these comments are old and I’m Cathy come later but I can’t help but think Stepford wife. Coming from a stepford wife church and recently being a non stepford wife and being given the boot by Treiber buddy pastor in central CA I can honesty say I’m glad I escaped. Hubby don’t complain of my less slender waist or my fat ass
So… your using rude, offensive, personal, vicious, non-substantive language and behavior to correct and prevent the rest of us from using rude, offensive, personal, vicious, non-substantive language and behavior. Riiight! And that makes sense how?
Let me tell you whats going on with you for both our benefit. You are a works based religionist and you cannot stand when others walk without the fear of man and put hope in something outside of themselves. Plus, your a HYPOCRITE!! Take some of your own advice bud… 😎
It’s a Poe!
And, since he asked what that meant earlier, I invite you to google Poe’s Law.
From knowyourmeme.com:
“Poe’s Law is an Internet axiom which states that it is difficult to distinguish extremism from satire of extremism in online discussions unless the author clearly indicates his/her intent. This notion is most frequently observed with highly divisive discussion topics like religious fundamentalism and bipartisan politics.”
yet another person misusing the term Ugly Americans. Whenever I travel overseas for interact with people from another country I strive to be an Ugly American. But that is because I’ve actually read the book The Ugly American and took on board the message of that book and understand it. I think everyone should read the book The Ugly American. It is a very good book and it would help people to stop abusing the term.
“Let me guess, most of you are reading this while juggling 2 Big Macs and a large fries between your knees as you’re driving?”
forgot to say “and applying make-up.”
Micahel, I don’t know about you, but I try to avoid farding in the car.
“RBF, finally someone who can actually engage in conversation without resorting to mindless name-calling and derogatory speech.”
Oh really Shandurlki? Some insane crazy anti-pastor lunatic must have written:
“Typical ugly Americans…..Let me guess, most of you are reading this while juggling 2 Big Macs and a large fries between your knees as you’re driving? And this is just for starters. Wait until the bigger meal of the day.”
Thanks for being the bigger man and not participating in name calling and derogatory speech.
I suspect that he does not really have a grasp of the intent and purpose of this site… 😕
Actually, I’m holding grudges from 5 years ago, thankyaverymuch.
DON’T call me an American 👿
Only one Big Mac, I’m on a diet. And I’m eating it and my large fries while driving stick! Beat that! 😉
Me thinks this posted where I wanted it. 🙁
“didnt most where I wanted it.” Arrrgh
I’m going to bed now
Um…there’s just so much here that is WRONG or BIZARRE. It’s hard to pick just one or two things. I do find it odd that he had a full SONG printed within the “Our Walk with God” section. This guy is a tyrant! Everything is “I don’t like this” “I won’t stand for this”. It’s basically a sermon within a personnel manual.
I love this one:
I refuse to have a staff that is:• critical• judgmental• cantankerous• mean-spirited• unkind
Sounds to me like he is describing himself…maybe he should dismiss himself and move away without speaking to anyone!
I think I might have to take a break from reading this madness and go to the grocery store, even though it’s not a Saturday 😯
On the plus side the full-time employees get $100 on their birthday! I’ve never worked for a secular or Christian employer who did this.
Also employees that transfer keep their seniority in regards to vacation time. (If someone worked for another church for 10 years then transfers to NVBC they start with 3 weeks paid vacation as if they had worked at NVBC for 10 years) That’s pretty nice. I’ve never seen that before.
Don’t let the smoking mirrors fool ya!
What you need to understand is that the $100 birthday gift might be a 20% bonus on their monthly salary.
In that context, and considering they they must give up their adulthood and revert to childhood in order to serve His Royal Pastorness, it’s not so great.
Also, I’m wondering if seniority only transfers if they come from an approved church. Just because it is a Baptist church doesn’t necessarily mean that they agree or even like each other. I was looking for the fine print there and didn’t see any. I’m curious about that though…
There’s no doubt it’s if they come from an “approved” church. They also state that the benefit is also at the pastor’s discretion. 🙄
Everything is at the pastor’s discretion or indescretion
For the first bit I didn’t think it was too bad… just a bit on the looney side. Then he kicked in the “this is MY ministry”, “don’t kill ME”, “ME, MINE, MY, I”, ad infinitum and it sped up its descent downhill. What a delusional, arrogant buffoon this man is.
I just scrolled through the whole thing.
Jack Trieber needs an editor the way Pinnocchio needs a hedge trimmer.
What’s with the fixation on cleaning cars? He mentions it over, and over, and over, and over.
Easy for him to say. He can have anyone of his college slaves wash and wax his Lexus…or Caddy…or whatever luxury car he’s driving this semester.
I was wondering the same thing. Did you see the part about Armoral must be on your tires when you go to another church as a representative of NVBC?!?
Holy Crap! This is absurd. How does anyone have time for their families? I’ll gladly drive a dirty minivan if it means my baby boys have a Mom!
Amen to that. Between a clean car and loving parents, I know which one I’d choose.
Because appearence is everything don’t ya know! The staff must be happy and well-paid because they all drive clean & shiny cars!
That’s why they’ll buy a school bus that the public schools won’t use anymore because of mechanical problems, slap on a fresh coat of paint and voila! Church Bus!
That is exactly what it is! Keep up those appearances so no one will guess how very unhappy you are because you can’t get the bills paid or take your children to the doctor when they need it.
Hi everyone,
I have actually been visiting Stuff Fundies Like every day since the site began in November 2008. I have followed each of you on your journeys, but have always hesitated commenting. Sometimes I wish I’d jumped in a long, long time ago, but I finally figured it’s ever too late!
So here it is, my “first”!
I still call myself a Fundy, but think of myself as a Fundy with a heart and a brain! Reading this manual was the straw that finally broke this camel’s back and brought me to the need to finally post.
I want to share with you what I shared with Mr. Trieber. After reading his manifesto, I went back to his post about sonogram images and left the following note:
Pastor Trieber,
You state that sharing sonogram photos “debases” the birth process of a child. On the contrary, I believe making such images available to others reinforces the intrinsic value, quality and status of human life as it visually presents us with the stark reality that life truly begins at the point of conception. It reminds us all that what is growing inside is a human life with clearly defined features and unique physical characteristics. It is something to be excited about, to celebrate and to share. Surely sonogram images do more to promote human dignity and the sacredness of life than anything else.
Or, could it be that this is a matter of preference and personal conviction? In your ministry staff manual you implore your staff not to “impose weird ideas on my people.” You list not owning a television as an example of such a “weird idea.” However, I’m sure one could find many biblical principles to justify such a choice. Pastor Trieber, I think you need to take your own advice here, and “be very careful about turning preferences into convictions.” This quote also comes from the staff manual.
I am certainly willing to allow you your preferences in this matter, but please reconsider speaking so firmly on a matter of preference, and where genuine believers may follow biblical principles to other conclusions. Surely there are greater matters central to the Gospel to focus our attention upon.
Anyway, I guess now that I’m finally posting, I hope I’ll finally get to know each of you a little more personally 🙂
Pleased to meetcha, RBF!
Welcome to the madhouse. 🙂
Welcome! Post early (you too might be FIRST and become the recipient of one of Natalie’s famous butt cushions); post often.
Drat it, George! That’s a reply to Reformed Baptist Fundy, not Big Gary. Go bug somebody else!
Hello and welcome! Your post to pastor Trieber was very well stated. I look forward to getting to know you better as you post. Enjoy the madhouse!
Been a stalker myself for a while and just recently came out of the closet…welcome!
Welcome aboard “The Black Pearl of Great Price Before Swine.” We always suspected we had some stowaways on board. 😀
Now you can join us at “The White Piano Lounge.” 😎
I heart Don in a platonic way.
I heart Don and Polished Shaft in a … oh, never mind.
Welcome! I like you already!
It feels almost surreal to be greeted by people I’ve been reading and following, in some cases, for years now! Like I said, I’ve been checking in daily since ’08. I appreciate the warm welcome from each of you though, and hope to learn still more about each of you as well as we journey along together.
Welcome Reformed!!!
I would also like to add my greetings. The best part of this ship is the rule book. We don’t seem to have a need for one, since we have a benevolent dictator, the great Dar-El.
WELL THEN, Reformed, you get a Charter Member butt cushion with a monogrammed blazer to match, and special top bus route pin (because I’ve been dying to get rid of the thing).
Welcome welcome!
I’m honoured, really. To be completely honest, I was secretly hoping you’d see my post and would welcome me with a cushion! I’m in Canada, so of course I’ll allow extra time for shipping.
The jacket and pin though, well, that was totally unexpected, but I’ll gladly wear them with humble distinction.
Thank you again for the warm welcome 🙂
Ok, now I’m flattered. So, you’ll also need your own hymnal, a pack of mints, a box of tissues, a platter of deviled eggs, a gallon of my sanctified sweet tea, a crocheted bookmark, and a pound cake.
Reformed Baptist ex-Fundy? Person after my own heart…
I became convinced of the doctrines of grace about eight years ago. What might seem strange though is that at the same time I was also entering deeper and deeper into a full embrace of radical Fundamentalist culture and traditions. I didn’t, however, embrace much of the doctrine they taught, such as dispensationalism or semi-pelagianism (what they called “biblicism”).
However, to make a long story short, it’s only been over the last few years that I’ve really come to understand the fullness of the “grace” that is so central to the truth of the Gospel, the nature of God, the way I view myself in Christ and relate to others.
I’m thankful that God in his grace has also led many others, and so it seems many here, to an understanding of himself and salvation in this way. I look forward to enjoying fellowship with you and the rest here 🙂
I really like your response to the Trieber’s blog.
Me too.
Welcome aboard, sailor. At ease. 🙂
G’day, and welcome 🙂
At least they’re not focused on appearance. This church is NUTZ!!!!! When you leave a place, you can’t contact or correspond with anyone??? He fires anyone who struggles with lust (Hahaha…yeah…).
So as not to struggle with lust, I think I’ll just give in right away!
SNORT! Yeah, why waste everyone’s time and God’s money?
622 pages?! You’re killin’ me smalls!! This explains why staff members at NVBC are so tense, anxious and get ill so often. While I was there, I became fast friends with two staff members, a married couple, and the wife was always so anxious, constantly in a panic and I felt so tense around her. It gave me an ulcer just listening to her constant stress/worry. I remember one time the husband played a really awesome jazz tune on the piano & said he used to play jazz. There was a look in his eye that hurt my heart every time I saw him. He looked like a prisoner in every way. The fake smiles didn’t hide the sadness in their eyes as they walked from the church to their “housing” in the dorms. I looked at North Valley’s website and see he is still there. So sad. I had hoped they got out. 🙁
Well, you narrowed it down pretty well.
* Married staff couple
* Lived in the dorms
* Husband plays piano
* Husband used to play jazz piano
I’m sure every staff member from NVBC/GSBC would know who that is if they read this. Unless they have multiple married male staff members who lived in the dorms and used to play jazz piano. Either way, I think we just ratted somebody out.
I didn’t “rat” them on anything. *I* said they looked sad & anxious. This was my feeling & my interpretation of based on their body expressions, anxious movements, stress, etc. Never did either say they weren’t happy or say one negative word about NVBC or GSBC. So, there’s nothing they could be discplined for except I guess not being “excited enough”?? Who knows. With 622 pages I’m sure Jack could find something to expel anyone on staff- himself included.
I thought he meant ratting on him for playing jazz on the piano. If I could travel back in time, I would do everything I could to get my young self expelled from Fundy High.
@ Papa Bear- Ohhh I see what you are saying. He played the jazz tune in chapel, so I can’t imagine he could get in trouble since the speaker asked him to play it as an example of “giving up your talents for the world” e.g. playing jazz, and instead using them to glorify the local church. I mean, the mog. I mean, God. ❓ ❗ 😐
@ Andy, I fear your fundy logic is quite right on. Especially at North Valley. 👿
(I made a change to my name; was EliACas, now Eli@Cas)
But if you noticed/perceived this..
then that makes you “the weaker brother”..
which means they failed their weaker brother..
which means they must be fired and expelled from their housing and jobs within hours, unless they are genetically related to the pastor of course.
622 pages? Don’t worry, a 44 page appendix is coming soon!
Check this out! Under “Be a People Person,” He says, “Be careful: (1) that you do not try to conform everyone to your wishes. (3) that you are not opinionated. (9) that you don’t adopt the attitude, ‘it’s my way or the highway.’ (10) that you do not drive away those that are different from you.”
(1) because I already made everyone the same. (3) because my opinion is the only on that matters. (9) because it’s MY way or the highway. (10) I want to drive them away, don’t rob me of the joy of condemning.
Do as I say; don’t do as I do.
Answer the phone on the second ring, don’t rip the copy paper package, when on vacation don’t travel during service times! Really? Really? 😯
Unlike T’s staff the copier gets a day off 😉
Sad and true. 🙁
Seems like there might a lot of guys in Texas who wouldn’t appreciate string ties being called “sissy ties.”
I don’t know anything about this Trieber character, but he sounds like a product of Hyles. If that’s the case, this is further proof that HAC needs to be shut down.
I saw that, and I wondered if he was talking about Bolo ties. Probably; can’t think of any other ties that might be called “string ties.” Anyway, I live in Arizona, in a rural area not too far from Tucson. My hubby occasionally goes to the local fundy church; and I even more occasionally will go with him. I see almost as many bolo ties there as other kinds of ties! 😆 (And, no, the men who wear them would not appreciate the name “sissy ties.” Heck, I sometimes wear them and I don’t appreciate that name!)
It is heartbreakingly ironic that Jack’s pulpit says, “In all things He might have the preeminence.” I guess the “He” is Jack, since he’s also the Shepherd, and the mog, and the dictator… 😯
“THAT in all things…” George. 😳
“Pastor is your friend; you should not expect him to be your buddy.”
Don’t worry; I certainly won’t, especially not after reading this list.
I had pretty much ruled out him becoming one of my buddies by the time I finished reading the first page.
“Never put your Bible on the floor. When your Bible is in a stock with other books, never put other books on top of the Bible.”
This actually is a preference of mine, but I recognize it as a preference and don’t insist others do this.
In addition, I have a friend who doesn’t like his Bible facing down – he’ll always turn it face up.
I got demerits in class because I had other books on top of my Bible. Now I know where the rule came from. 🙄
I emerged from fundydom fairly unscathed, but this is a hangup of mine, too, and I fear it borders on idolatry.
Yes. I have no problem with you arranging your books that way if you want to, but if you think it’s a moral issue or a question of faith, then you have a serious problem.
Despite my great reverence for my Bible, and despite my personal love for the King James Version–and despite the many evangelists that have urged me with rafter-rattling screams to never put another book atop the Holy Writ–I continue to stack books according to size. . .and as I sit at my desk this morning, my KJV currently resides underneath my Qur’an. . . 😯
The “Bible on top of the book stack” thing is totally not fundy only. I have several extremely liberal (from an IFB point of view) friends who are militant about this as well.
After reading this, I’m just sad. Sad to realize that although we never worked for a church that had these things written down, we absolutely have worked in churches where these things were unspoken requirements that you just had to figure out. And recently, we were at a church that is considered ‘out’ of the fundy world, and on the side of grace. And yet that pastor and this pastor have way too much in common.
This document reminded me just how hard it is to work for a church. And how glad I am that we aren’t doing that anymore.
He states that failing to follow any one of these instructions will weaken their ministry…then goes on to give such nonsense rules such as “8. Don’t be breathy or too soft-spoken or quiet on the phone.” (and that’s not the weirdest one by FAR!) How strong is their ministry, really, if it can be weakened by soft-spoken secretaries? I wonder if J hyles knows that answer.
Bahahaha!! 😆 And yeah, that is really pervy it’s a rule. That means *someone* would’ve complained about another person’s “phone voice”. Creepers!
Not necessarily. If this manual shows anything, it’s that they like rules just to have them – there doesn’t have to be a reason.
At the beginning of every GSBC orientation I attended, The President (Mr. Harrell during my days) would give a speech about how every year the rule book gets bigger & if students just followed the rules it wouldn’t be so big. He then would show us the rule book from when the college opened to note how small it was and had such few rules. He & staff said, “For every stupid rule was a stupid person making the rule necessary.” That is why I assume this rule was made because someone had an issue with someone’s “phone voice”. 😯
😈 😎
I am proud to say I put a rule in the GSBC handbook before my time was up. 🙂
This rule is foolishness! Everyone knows that a heavy breathing church secretary brings in more tithing members. And think of the money the staff will save on those 900 lines. Just when I thought “Dr” (and I’ll give 1MM to 1 odds that is honorary) Jack had it figured out…
I have made a fool out if myself in Panera today
B/c of this post! I haven’t laughed this hard in a loooong
time. Oh my word what a joke. Words don’t
really even come close to expressing what utter crap
this “manual” is. There is soon much info in just 1 page of this
Darrell you could have done a chapter a day for the rest of the year!
I realized that I would never make it here b/c
as I read I kept saying the 1st thing that would be my reply if I was there
Would’ve been on day 1 for ssssoooooo many different reasons. So sad people
Will live like this!
That would be “would’ve been FIRED on day 1”
RT @stufffundieslik: Staff Handbooks: North Valley Baptist Church Edition Ever wonder what kind of rules fundy staff have to live by? h …
Yeah, I stopped reading after his comments about being “personally disappointed” in his staff. No thanks.
Talk about the misuse of Power, this is it!
This is proof positive why the “ONE” man leadership template practiced in Churches is so wicked. This is proof that men of lesser character are drawn to IFB pulpits. Once there they have nearly unlimited power and ample opportunity for the abuse of the same. Who is Jack accountable to? If he answers God then all he has to do is look in the mirror to see and meet the god he claims to be accountable to.
Yes there should be rules governing behavior related to the church… but this is textbook micro-management. This is psychotic in scope and practice.
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
“There is no worse heresy than the fact that the office sanctifies the holder of it.” -from Lord Acton’s Axiom
Remember: Every child is a prospect. You represent Jack Trieber. ‘Nuf said.
Remember…always do what Pastor Trieber would do. Because he was in ministry before you were even born!
I assume WWJD bracelets are still in fashion there, then; but the J doesn’t stand for Jesus.
Horrible sickening stuff.
Also…having taught in a Christian school for 6 years, I would suggest that if any of his teaching staff lacks prayer and Bible reading time, it is because they are beaten down and exhausted. Not for the reasons he proposes.
I don’t usually post but this just hit a little too close to home because of the position I served in at my former church. Under dismissal of a staff member section the king of the empire states the following: “7. If you are a liability—The work you do should be valuable to the ministry here in some way. Though we are a ministry, we are also a business; businesses don’t need liabilities. They need assets.”
I have never seen a pastor admit his little empire is in fact a business. I had this argument with my former pastor and his head deacon and they both told me there was a spiritual side and a business side to the church, and most people could not handle the business side of the church. Most people don’t realize that these are in fact for profit businesses, disguised as non-profit religious organizations for the direct purpose of providing the pastor with an above average (okay lavish) lifestyle and a church full of paid and unpaid servants and slaves. I find nothing in the Bible that gives and example or the framework for such an organization led by a dictator who allegedly has seen the vision when no one else has. If you take money out of the equation then I guarantee the church as we know it today would rapidly disappear as there would be no motivation for the suppose mog to even show up, much less perform his ministerial duties. The tactics are no different than those that are used in sales, with the goal being to increase income and create more customers. They are selling an experience whether they care to admit it or not. People are not important only the $$$$$ that they put in the offering plate each week. Remember its the love of money that is the root of all evil and these men sure love their money to the point of obsession.
Well, in support of your statement is the quote from THE MANUAL: “…you are a liability until you have reached twelve new, tithing families.”
On the other hand, I don know of small IFB churches where no such nonsense goes on, and where the pastor sometimes cannot buy fuel to heat his house. It may just be in the churches that try to be a big influence that have the business aspect — Tom Neal’s church (at which he, his wife, his son, and his son’s wife all work, and, collectively, make about a quarter of a million dollars a year) seems to be acting more like a business than a church.
That should have been “do know”, not “don know”
(go away, George!)
I just shake my head in sadness when I see this spirit and attitude. I’ve always been a part of small churches; the biggest one was about 200, but that was unusual. I’ll admit that I always wanted to be part of something larger, but seeing this sort of thing, I am grateful that God saved me from something so soul-crushing.
I had always been part of smaller curches as well and I was never mis-treated by the pastor, as well as this being my first experience in the IFB. It was much more of a family atmosphere unlike my last church which was so corporate and business like. I too wanted to be part of something bigger and was so excited to be able to be a part of a large ministry. I was devestated by what I found going on behind the church members backs and how poorly the staff was really treated, but because of my position I saw most of what was hidden from the church. As I look back I’m thankful that for what I observed as it has made me a stronger christian, but it still hurt to see that people were not seen as important, but rather an inconvinience.
My last church was my first experience in the IFB. I just realized what I types made no sense.
Wondering if his staff is required to wear those 100% Jack (with the Hyles name marked thru with a black sharpie from 1989) buttons 😯
This is the background music I chose while trying to read this encyclopedia of man-made commandments:
Has Trieber written a manual for how lay members of his church, or students at his school, are supposed to act? If so, where’s the link(s)? I’m ready for more Christo-fascist (sic) horror.
Wow. I’m 57 years old, have been married almost 32 years, and sucessfully raised three well-adjusted adults.
How did I ever do it without the Trieber Instruction Manual telling me when to clean, how to greet people at church, and what to serve for breakfast on Sunday mornings?
I was going to hang the Saturday chore chart all over my house so I can be better at managing my weekends…. 🙄
It’s a good thing cleaning the house every week is in the Instruction Manual. My husband and I wouldn’t know to do that without that word.
And now that both my parents are deceased, I know what time to go to bed on Saturday nights. Whew. I was having trouble with that, too.
Sorry – reading this made me tighten up inside. Now I’m feeling totally snarky.
I was just amused (laughing mockingly, I suppose) until I do to that point. *I* will choose what to feed my family and when to put my children to bed, thankyouverymuch! And grooming instructions? Where does he get off telling me to do the things I’ve known how to do, without being told, since I was 8 years old?!
Micromanager? By comparison, Seurat was painting with a broom!
I don’t have the time to read this entire ridiculous document…but is there anything in it whatsoever about the proper procedures for reporting sexual assaults?
You’re such a silly.
Reading between the lines of the document, the answer is “Don’t complain, shut up and smile because I’m too busy to deal with negative people”.
I just find it very telling if there are no instructions about following CA law in reporting sexual abuse.
He has rules about deodorant, copy paper storage, proper car cleaning procedures, etc…but no details on something as important as how to properly report sexual abuse?!?!
This says so much about Trieber and North Valley Baptist Church…and it is not good.
Surprisingly, there is one blurb about it:
“The police will be notified immediately if a minor is touched in any inappropriate manner. Please note that I am required morally, ethically and legally to report such behavior.”
The needle in the haystack, that.
But that also says that all such reports have to be filtered through him, Jack Treiber. Only he can report such things. And that is dangerous!
And illegal. There are laws about how the TEACHER is to report any suspected physical of sexual abuse. My significant other works in a middle school (he works in the tutoring center) and they have training a couple of times a year on how to spot abuse, and how to report it as detailed in the laws of Oregon. And I am sure that is the case in California. The report goes to the civil authorities. Not to the school head.
It also says nothing about church members who abuse & become sex-criminals to people outside the church. When I was at NVBC, someone told me they went on Megan’s Law & saw a member on the registered sex offender list & didn’t know what to do. They told GSBC staff, I assume nothing was done because the man continued to attend church. Also, there was a NVBC-raised kid who brutally raped a woman, was sent to a psychiatric hospital for his sentencing, released and right back at NVBC. JT is fully aware of this as he counseled the abuser & his wife and no announcement was made to the church. No discipline…just some counseling and pedophiles & sex criminals in the pews next to unsuspecting families. 🙁 👿 🙁
I guess his rule does not apply if your name is Mike Strouf (the elder one). 👿
Definitely not since Mike Strouf is J3’s brother-in-law. Family of the pastor is always exempt from the rules. 👿 👿 🙁
OHMYGOD!!!!! I just started reading where I left off earlier and look what I just came across:
No one goes into theministry with the goal ofailure. However, most fail.Many of my college peershave failed. In fact, justrecently, a man I know whoused to be in the ministrymarried an acknowledged
BTW, I copied and pasted straight from the document…I think the words running together like that kind of adds to the ridiculousness of the situation. 🙂
Was thinking about this last night…
First of all, I doubt that it is true in any way. The lady in question probably just wears pants and has shoulder-length hair. 😉
Treiber must completely skip the book of Hosea, then.
Why would a man marry a lesbian?
I find that less puzzling than the news that some woman married the author of the North Valley Baptist Church staff manual.
Any dumber of reasons. To provide a legal father for her children, or so she can get health insurance. In a state where there is no recognition of same-sex relationships, this can be a real consideration.
Oh, George! That should have been ‘number’, not ‘dumber’!
(I’ve been sick the past few days. My only excuse.)
Calling Dr. Freud! Calling Dr. Freud!
I agree Liutgard…I would think that would very well be the only reason. Maybe if the guy is gay as well,for similar reasons or to protect themselves in that environment of not being accepted. None of the OUT gay people I know would marry a straight person for any other reason…
Three-way opportunities.
I was wondering if she was an ex-lesbian. Or maybe, as Sweet T says, wears pants and has shoulder length hair. Or maybe she was just unacceptable for some other reason. But the first think I really thought when I read that was that there wasn’t a shred of truth to that whole thing. Just fundy scare tactics: If you don’t do ministry right, look where you’ll end up.
What do the words “huh,” “yeah,” “turkey,” “stupid,” and “dummy” have in common? Hint: They’re all a good way to get under Jack’s skin. 🙂
A mnemonic:
“Yeah, that dummy, Jack Treiber, is one of the stupidest turkeys in the minstry, huh?”
This guy is on a total power trip… I was hoping he might say, “We are co-laborers!” or “We are all accountable to this congregation!” ugh…
Almost. He says, “You are accountable only to ME, and I am accountable only to me, too.”
Is that close enough for your?
Did anyone see anything about bow-ties in the handbook? I’d sure hate to give them up. (Like I’d ever be offered a position at NVBC!)
I don’t recall seeing anything about bow ties, but there is a total ban on “string ties” which the manual also refers to in parentheses as “sissy ties.” I’m not sure what these are, but I think they are the very thin ties that were popular in the 80s.
Its 4:05 PM and I’ve been reading this off and on throughout the day. I’m only half way through it….. This is just sad.
Same here. Lots of sanity breaks LOL!
Reading this monstrosity, I was taken at how insecure this guy is. I think that he sees staff gangs all around him, just waiting to destroy HIS work. It is like looking at the big face from OZ and finding the wizened little man behind the curtain.
I feel for the people working there.
I wonder how big his ‘Home Life’ manual is.
Probably about half the size he says it is …
Oh my goodness! I’m having flashbacks.
The church I worked for “borrowed” the same manual, but they changed the name of the church & the name of the pastor and added rules as they came up. For example, they banned denim skirts & jumpers (c’mon, what’s a fundy without a jumper???) and allowed khaki only a couple days a week and NEVER on Wednesday when we were expected to wear Sunday best.
Thanks for posting! I’ve wanted to read it again just to make sure I wasn’t crazy, but you can bet the first thing that I did after escaping from fundyland (literally) was to rip it from the staff binder page by page before putting it in the circular file. And yes, that did feel good!
I just now got your name. When I saw “Jumper Junkie” I was thinking that you were referring to “jumping” out of Fundyland1 😆
Is there no rule (along with the disconnect your phone, never speak to church members again demands) to “Turn in your staff manual before leaving town”? At FundyU we had to return our manuals. Perhaps this was slipped to Darrell from a current, disloyal staff member? I just fear for Jack’s staff when he finds out this manual has been seen by the public. He’ll surely suspect each member of his staff to be the traitor, even if it came from somoene who’s been gone a while.
I’m kind of wondering where Darrell got this; possibly from the same staff member that provided the email (isn’t this the man that sent an email to staff about “start producing or else”, featured here a little while ago?).
Sounds like Darrell has a mole on the staff there.
If Mr Trieber sees this post, he is bound to get a little paranoid about his staff.
I wonder if other churches go to the trouble of writing down all these rules.
I should get a special award for getting all the way through!
“If security is breached, as Pastor, I reserve the right to waterboard all staff members until I find the source of the leak …”
I wondered the same thing — it’s posted on ScribD, for goodness’ sake. How in the world did it get there?
Hi there. I’m actually a current staff member for NVBC and I forwarded the manual to Darrell originally as an .epub. I’m also the one who forwarded Pastor’s email about the “phenomena” with staff and a lack of showing up to public soulwinning meetings.
I’ve been on staff for almost 15 years and have recently become rather disillusioned with this ministry and (obviously) Pastor Trieber. I’m not necessarily out to cause harm but rather to do what I can to make it more publicly known what really goes on here.
Unfortunately it took me this long to realize that I had literally been brainwashed. I am ashamed that as a 40(ish) year old I was too blind and insecure to doubt, question, disagree, or -gasp- rebel against the ordained authority of Pastor Trieber.
I will be leaving this ministry in the next year or so (unless I get caught being disloyal [which I won’t 😉 ]) So until then I’ll keep sipping the kool-aid, but promptly spitting it out when no one is paying attention.
Oooooh, I hope they don’t bust you. That would be bad.
Be very careful. Set aside some money ASAP, assuming they pay you enough that you can actually set some aside…just in case he DOES catch on to you. Good luck to you!
Hi mini jack, I hope you can get out much, much sooner. I’ve never been so happy & never known the love of Christ more or deeper than I have since leaving NVBC & IFB. Leave and don’t look back! He is on the other side.
May the LORD bless you and keep you.
May the LORD make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.
May the LORD lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.
While on vacation don’t travel during church times?
Man, talk about micromanaging.
Did anyone notice this under “Dismissal of a Staff Member”?
“5. You should not be unenthusiastic about me, the ministry in general or the philosophy of this ministry in particular.”
“…unenthusiastic about me…” ???
I noticed that, too. The whole diatribe is about Jack and promoting Jack and Jack’s control over ever detail of a person’s life. I can’t understand how or why anyone would subject themselves to this.
Well, at least he is clear about his demand for enthusiasm, rather than just passive-aggressively wheedling about it from the pulpit….
Trieber makes the Pharisees look like raving libertarians.
I am so glad that I don’t have to live like this.
the copier is not to be used on Sundays . . .
ok, now I can keep reading. This literally made me spew coffee on my screen.
“Use deodorant; change brands frequently to maximize effectiveness.”
That’s funny. My old fundy church was against deodorant. All the women went around with little packets of baking soda under their arms.
Ok, maybe it’s because I live in Granola Central and because I have chemical sensitivity issues, but I’ve always found that simply bathing regularly does the trick, unless you’re athletic, of doing heavy manual labor. Good old-fashioned soap and water, followed by clean clothes? If I’m nervous (speaking engagement, music performance, etc) I use a bit of hand sanitizer (most gel alcohol) in place of deodorant- it’s the bacteria that are the problem, after all.
But the very thought that a pastor would counsel someone on their toiletries… simply ridiculous. 🙄
how would Jesus smell? We’ll never know, but the closest we’ll come is sniffing Jack’s armpits. I think I’ll pass.
we do know Jesus would alternate between suave, Speed Stick and Old Spice. My husband has never used anything but Old Spice since he was a teenager. I’ll let him know he’s on the broad path to destruction.
I really, really hope that church isn’t located in the desert where it tops 110 in the summertime, or the deep south, where you get 95 degrees with 95 percent humidity…
ANYwhere this church sits could rightly be considered a desert place.
Next is going to come a dictate that says you should use Shoe deodorant inserts, but not to insert them on a Sunday or you may be guilty of overworking, and only to use Dr. Scholls since that is the brand Jack Trieber uses.
good question. I’ve been wondering if it’s ok to fart in public? Does whether or not you’re representing NVBC make a difference? Is it ok if you’re talking to a poor dumb bus kid? If you make it silent but deadly? I mean the book doesn’t specifically state one way or the other, and I figured if there were instructions about deodorant I’d better wait to find out about farting before I make up my mind.
I wonder if it’s ok to use mouthwash? I mean it does have alcohol in it . . . I mean after all if my breath stinks and I’m trying to win a soul to Jesus, and that soul rejects the gospel because I didn’t brush or gargle enough, then I will be walking the streets of heaven with blood on my hands . . .
You will be guilty for all eternity.
Is the guy sitting behind him the one who said he kept his eyes open during prayers so he could spy on staff members? Do I have the right church & family?
It’s his son, Tim Trieber, but I have no idea if he ever said that.
He said this:
“Be friendly. Be personable.
Shake hands with people, sign Bibles, and talk to folks —whether it is a mentally handicapped person in the church, a poor bus rider or the one who apparently is intelligent and perhaps has some money.”
He actually said this.
I thought the EXACT same thing. Does he even know how he sounds?
Lol. Sign Bibles. You put a pen near my Bible, ass-clown, and you’ll need my services to remove it.
Scholars believe that there are 613 commandments in the Old Testament. This opus has 622 PAGES! 😆
That’s because Jack Treiber wasn’t around to help with the Old Testament, silly.
I can remember vividly a pastor saying the following to his workers, “What the staff does in moderation, the membership will do to excess.”
I can not express how much that statement set my teeth permanently on edge.
Can somebody tell me who this clown is? I grew up in OH and IL, went to BJU, and live on the east coast. I’ve never heard of him or his “college.” Is he a big deal nationally?
Second thought is Dr. Koresh exhibits behavior that reminds me of the soon to be sentenced Jack Schaap. I’d love to hear Dr. Koresh preach on what’s wrong with Catholocism, because it inserts a man into the God/God’s children relationship where the Holy Spirit is supposed to be. This is classic cult-leader behavior.
He is the pastor of North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, CA (near the San Jose area & where Netscape used to be located; as the handbook says, they are in Silicon Valley).
I know that Jack Trieber and Jack Hyles have preached together.
After looking at this, and his earlier email, I admit with shame that I attended his church when I was living in that area. What I remember of the messages were not bad.
He’s not quite as well-known as Paul Chappel, but pretty close to the size. I don’t know that he does a lot of conferences, which seems to be how churches get known nation-wide.
He’s been the pastor there since 1976; the college was started in 1996.
He has three kids (names are alliterated); Tiffany is married with four kids; Timothy is married with two kids; Tabitha is married with three kids.