Today’s challenge is simply to fill in this blank.
“I used to think _________. I was wrong.”
It’s good for all of us to realize we’ve wrong once in a while. (And might still be sometimes.)
Today’s challenge is simply to fill in this blank.
“I used to think _________. I was wrong.”
It’s good for all of us to realize we’ve wrong once in a while. (And might still be sometimes.)
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I used to think there was no way out of the dark pit we were in. Thank God for showing me I was wrong.
Triple that!
BTW, thanks for posting a quote from my school’s founder.
I used to think the pastor loved me and my family, I was wrong.
I used to think having only the pastor in sole authority was the best way, I was wrong.
I used to believe only baptist were the bride of Christ, I was wrong.
I used to think the church was only local & visible, I was wrong.
I used to think the trail of blood was true history, I was wrong.
I used to think the church was full of saved people serving God, I was wrong.
I used to think about hurting an IFB pastor, I was wrong……
I couldn’t have said it better
I used to think I wasn’t “good enough” to marry someone like Dave Hyles. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA AAAHHHHHAHAHAHA!!!! LOL LOL LOL I crack myself up sometimes!!!!!!!!

Haha, Sims. Thankfully, you didn’t marry Dave Hyles in his succession of women. LOL
Fortunately for ME, back in my Bible College days (when he was the youth pastor at FBC) I wasn’t even on his radar. But the way he was hoisted onto that pedestal of his own making certainly made him look like a great *catch* back then. I had a few friends who flirted with him and thought they had a chance. {Which I am sure they did… just not a chance at what they THOUGHT they would be getting}
O Sims, you were NOT good enough,given that HIS meaning of the word’s WORLDS APART from our meaning!!!

As a guy, I’m so glad that trying to be good enough for Dave Hyles was never any consideration.
I’m guessing Dave’s tried everything….
“I used to think that evolution was a lie of the devil, not a scientific fact. I was wrong.”
I always knew that evolution was not a scietific fact and I’m still right.
greg, you’re not playing the game right.
Greg, you seem to have missed the point of the game by a substantial measure of grace and several billion years.
Don’t worry; we’ll wait for you to catch up.
I used to think that women were naturally less trustworthy than men. I was wrong.
I used to think that pre-marital sex was the ultimate evil. I was wrong.
I used to think that my past sins dictated my current worth. I was wrong.
I used to think that Jesus was constantly disappointed in me, couldn’t stand to be associated with me. Thank God, I was wrong.
I used to think that women who couldn’t have children might have sin in their lives. I was wrong.
I used to think that God cared more about rules than He cared about people. I was wrong.
I used to think I had it all figured out. I was wrong.
I couldn’t agree more with all of those!
I used to think that Homosexuality was the Ultimate Worst Sin of all. I was wrong. I also used to think that no Gay person would ever want to change their Lifestyle. Wrong…
I used to think if I could be perfect enough my mother would love me, but I was wrong.
I used to think my old pastor really loved and cared for me and that it wasn’t about power, ego, and contol. Boy, was I wrong.
Tena, I am so sorry about #1, and so relieved we both ound out the truth about #2!
I used to think that I had found the perfect church where all the people loved each other. I was very wrong.

I used to think christians were one in the spirit. I was wrong.
I used to think everyone who did not do it my way must be deceived.
I used to think people in my church loved my kid and had great hopes for her like I loved their kids. I was wrong.
I mistook legalism for holiness. I was wrong.
I used to think that I would be a good Christian by following the rules perfectly, but I was wrong.
I used to think my friends were friends because of me, but I was wrong.
I used to think life was fair, but I was wrong.
I used to think I was like Abraham, and bad stuff happened to me to test my faith. I was wrong.
God was just using any old ass to get my attention.
….which would make me more like Balaam, I guess.
I used to think that there was only one way to interpret every passage and that my church had it…I was wrong.
I used to think that charismatics were some trick of the devil and probably weren’t going to heaven…I was wrong.
I used to think that my former church might have a few problems, but at least they were right on theology…I was wrong.
I used to think that people that sprinkled babies probably weren’t going to heaven…I was wrong.
I used to think that Catholics weren’t saved…I was wrong.
I used to think that “the world” meant the people of the world…I was wrong.
I used to believe in a rapture and millenium…I still don’t know what I believe.
I used to believe that spiritual people always went into full-time Christian ministry…I was wrong.
I agree with all of these!
I used to believe that God hated me, I was really really really wrong.
I used to think the “international” version of Jesus Loves Me wasn’t racist. I was wrong.
What is the international version?
Jesus loves the Indian boy, bow and arrow for his toy, big Filipino, little Chinese, Jesus died for all of these.
I also used to think the pastors job was easy.
Oh past me…you were so wrong.
I used to think that if I skipped my devotions God wouldn’t talk to me anymore. I was wrong.
I used to think God was Baptist. I was wrong.
I used to think I was rebellious for not buying into the IFBC standards. I was wrong.
I used to see everything in black and white (wrong or right). I was wrong. Now I realize God created colors for a reason.
I used to think that God had a perfect will for my life and everyone else’s. I was wrong.
I used to think that the pastor was the most important person in a church. I was wrong.
I used to think that a single pastor rule was fine. I was wrong.
I used to think that if the pastor said something, then it must be true because he’s been in the ministry for decades. I was wrong.
Everything I used to think about the position of the pastor…..I was wrong.
I used to think that there were consequences for forgiven sins. I was wrong.
I used to think that those who shouted grace the most, or shouted love the most, understood it the least. I was wrong.
I used to think that homosexuality was one of the worst sins. I was wrong.
I used to think that if I kept trying and waited long enough most of the people at my fundy church would open up and be friendly and real with me, I was wrong. I used to think that when scriptures were interpreted by the IFB a certain way that they were being interpreted correctly and that of course they would never purposely twist the meaning of things to make people conform to mans’ rules, I was very wrong. I used to think visiting other churches was wrong, I was wrong. I used to think that “worldliness” was not being like an IFB, I was wrong. I used to believe that as a woman I was kinda substandard in God’s/Jesus’s eyes, I was wrong. I could go on and on but just recently I was making a list of some of the things I missed out on enjoying because of having been in a fundy church, OH, and I used to think DANCING was a sin and I was so very horribly wrong.

yes yes yes, I forgot! My son gets to dance now. There is joy in the Lord. I used to be afraid to lift my hand in praise to the Lord in church.
Holy guacamole. Have to remember to DANCE TODAY!
Love this. Big smile.
I used to think it was wrong for me to see really horribly wrong statements posted here and not correct them, I was wrong.
I used to think that women wearing big earrings were demonstrating worldliness. Really, I did. Boy was I wrong.
yup, I was told one of the Bob Grays (I can’t keep them apart) preached that only whores wear hoop earrings. (Note to self: wear hoop earrings today)
Yes, hoop earrings and wire-rimmed glasses (because John Denver wore wire rims) were both signs of someone not sold out to Jesus…
I used to think people with tattoos were evil. Then I got a few of my own. Then a lot.
I thought I had a church family, real friends. I found out it’s all tied to the church. You leave, you loose. Most of them, not all.
I thought only the King James Bible is any good. Yikes.
I thought that little man (“pastor”) and his little wife really cared about me. Then I thought, maybe a little? Yeah, right.
I thought ministry people all live on a tight budget. Hahaha, a wedding anniversary trip to Brazil – I wish I could afford that, by we gave all our freaking money to the church.
I no longer believe, when in this temporary “new church” of ours the MOG Oulette shakes my hand and asks me “what can we do for you?”, it means a blooming thing.
I now believe that God is real, Jesus loves me, and I try to remember to pray “Lord, forgive me, as I forgive them. They must not know what they do.” Ouch.
Wow. This was powerful. So sorry.
Heyy! I just want you to know you aren’t alone there, certainly not the only one that thinks how you do. I find myself thinking “is that really right???” during sermons. Your temporary church is my part-time church. (On Wednesdays I help out a little church with their kids’ program. Such a breath of fresh air.)
You’ll see me these days wearing a very long brown overcoat. And by long, I mean long and whooshy. I won’t lay down all my geek cards and tell you why I got it….. But anyways, please do come up and shake my hand. I hope it’ll be more of a warm welcome to you.
Do you aim to misbehave?
Or “Molto bene”?
Noooo, not THAT kinda browncoat. Though I am a fan… Think more along the lines of, “Don’t blink.”
Is your MOG’s name Oulette, or is that a play on roulette, as in, “I wonder how awful the MOG will be at this church?”
I used to think my little fundy college was the center of the universe. Probably 90+% of the regional population has never even heard of the place. Uh,I was wrong.
I used to think God was good all the time. I was wrong.
I used to think preachers and their wives were qualified to tell people what “God’s perfect plan for their life” was. I was wrong.
I used to think any field of study unavailable at PCC was not worth my time. I was wrong.
I used to think my dreams and aspirations were to be be rejected so that I would be free to follow what the Lord wanted me to do. I was wrong.
I used to think the Cowboys were God’s team. I was wrong.
I used to think the following phrase was unoffensive: “The Bible clearly says…” I was wrong.
I used to think questioning God was evidence of a lack of faith. I was wrong.
I used to think there was a God who loved me. I was wrong.
I still believe that God is there and loves you, even when IFB’s don’t.
I used to think I could think. I was wrong and still am.
I used to think that the King James Version was the only acceptable version for the English speaking people. I was wrong.
I used to think I could play prophecy connect the dots with vague passages of Scripture and could know exactly who the antichrist was and that pre-trib, pre-millenial eschatology was the only way to go. I was wrong.
I used to think that dressing in a suit for church meant I was giving God my best, and that I was pleasing Him by doing it. I was wrong.
I used to believe that I should be ashamed for going to a godless state run atheistic university and getting a real diploma. I was wrong.
I used to believe that people in churches would not care that my wife was a different race than me. I was wrong.
I used to think that Bible college and going to a Christian summer camp were essentials for every youth. I was wrong.
I used to believe you just needed to say a sinner’s prayer to be saved. I was wrong.
I used to think my pastor would never betray me or turn his back on me. I was wrong.
I used to think deputation was the Biblical way to raise support for missionaries, and that faith (guilt) promise was God’s way to budget for missions by way of a missions conference/telethon. I was wrong.
I used to think one must knock on doors to be right with God. I was wrong.
I used to think it was wrong for a woman to direct the choir. I was wrong.
I used to think Sunday School was discipleship. I was wrong.
I used to think I should personally separate with others with orthodox theology over minor issues like music styles and bible versions, etc. I was wrong.
I used to think expository preaching was too fancy and that preaching was picking my soapbox and finding a verse to fit what I was trying to say. Boy, was I wrong!
I used to say I believed in the priesthood of the believer but didn’t practice it as I blindly obeyed the preacher in areas of my life that weren’t his to manage. I was wrong.
And I used to think Southern Baptist churches were evil and weren’t autonomous independent churches. I was wrong.
And I used to think Calvinists were spawns of the devil. I was also wrong about that.
Wow, Michael. Just wow. You say it so well, there is so much there, and I was wrong about all of that, too.
I used to think I could understand people’s motivations by observing their actions. I was wrong.
I thought that “freedom in Christ” only meant escape from fiery torment. Thank God, I was wrong!
I used to think I could learn nothing from theological liberals. I was wrong.
I used to think if i was thinner i would be loved i was wrong
I used to think if i just tried harder God would love me i was wrong
I used to think i would go to hell for being mad at my mom i was wrong
I used to think that God was pleased with me when I was cruel and unkind to other Christians, when I set up boundary markers to show everyone that I was ‘right,’ and they were ‘wrong.’ I used to think that God wanted us to hide from his world and those in his church who were different from us. I was wrong.
I liked this assignment, a lot (it’s actually one of the few Friday Challenges I’ve done).
It feels like confession, and it’s good for the soul, I think. Cleansing. Whatever your religious / non-religious affiliation is.
I used to think that I was evil and sick because I was gay. Thank G-d that he brought people into my life that showed me I was wrong.
I used to think that Catholics weren’t “real” Christians. Now I am one myself.
I used to think Ayn Rand was the greatest writer of all time. I was so fracking wrong.
You’ve got me reading about Ayn Rand now! Thanks a lot!
Hear hear! Ayn Rand is not a good writer, and certainly not close to a great thinker.
oh, but she’s so appealing at a particular idealistic and rebellious time in one’s youth!
And I have never heard of her, so I am enjoying reading excerpts of a Google book about her. Sure was one gutsy person. Have to admire that at least. (And she’s only 23 so far!)
I used to think that it was very important to God that the right person got elected president. I was wrong.
I thought our church had an independent and honest board of deacons who had the backbone and authority to provide proper checks and balances for the pastor. I even believed the congregation actually selected these men. LOLOLOLOLOL!!! What was I thinking?! I was most definitely wrong!
I used to think I was right and I was only running with those who were right. I was wrong.
It’s amazing that a post about humility ends in some people bragging about the fact that they were wrong. Not saying I disagree with post, just interesting.
While I laugh at myself for falling blindly and head-over-heels over IFB extreme beliefs, I truly believe I was being foolish and ignorant. I can either laugh or cry over those hard and seemingly wasted years. I choose to laugh.
I’m not sure why you interpret our admitting we were wrong with “bragging.” Many of us used to be braggarts (at least inwardly; I know I tried to present a sweet and humble appearance, but inwardly I KNEW that I was better than all those worldly Christians because of all my strict rules), but many of us have been humbled and freed by a discovery of true Christian liberty and the realization of what God’s acceptance and forgiveness of us means.
In the world in which I grew up, few people EVER admitted they were wrong — not even on minor issues like public schools vs. private schools or on confusing ones like end times prophecy. No, they were convinced they were right and everyone who didn’t agree with them was a heretic. It was rare to hear ANYONE say, “I was wrong.”
So, I’m sorry. I don’t see this as bragging. And many of the statements touched my heart deeply — so many of us raised in fear and guilt who are finally learning what it’s like to “taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!!!”
I think a lot of us are also relieved to find a place we can talk about what we used to believe without people thinking we were absolutely insane, which is normally the reaction I get other places.
The post is about admitting we were wrong. That is how you show humility. And that is something fundies can’t do, admit they are wrong about anything.
– I used to think that pleasing my pastor equaled pleasing God. (How sick! I think he got off on knowing that.)
– I used to think that women would go to hell for wearing pants until I realized that we all looked like freaks.
– I used to think that my grandparents were going to hell because they were Catholics.
– I used to think that praying the “prayer of salvation” was the ticket to heaven.
– I used to believe that if I didn’t obey my parents, my little sisters would follow me and go to hell. (Actually my parents convinced me of that.)
– I used to believe that a person who believed that baptism was necessary for salvation was not saved.
– I used to believe that I would marry a “preacher boy.” Ick!
– I used to believe that drinking and dancing were wrong until I watched Footloose.
– I used to believe that only my parents, the managawd, and PCC knew God’s will for my life.
– I used to believe that God would never forgive me for having sex with a married man when I was single.
– I used to believe that God would display my sins on a movie screen for all to see during the last judgment. Oh the shame.
– I used to believe that tithing was an insurance policy and a way to gain God’s favor.
– I used to believe that God didn’t love me.
Thank God I was wrong.
Oo, I got the “obey for the sake of the siblings” argument, too. Isn’t freedom sweet?!!
“I used to think that women would go to hell for wearing pants until I realized that we all looked like freaks.”
Spit coffee on this one. And I can’t stop laughing …
“- I used to believe that God would display my sins on a movie screen for all to see during the last judgment. Oh the shame.”
This is another lie I believed. Then I realised Jesus had dealt with all stuff that on the cross.
I used to thing that Jack Hyles was the epitome of Christianity and being a pastor… but I was wrong.
I used to think that there was no other church to attend but the church I attended… but I was wrong.
I used to think I actually had friends at that church… but I was wrong.
I used to think my [first] husband was a good, special, important, loving man, and that marrying into such a godly servant family– all so well thought of and held up as perfect — would mean years of happiness and a perfect family of my own. That he would never be abusive or neglectful; that his family loved me. That he would be a terrific dad and a shining knight of a husband. That he was right in that he was “saving me” and “perfecting me” and that I was lucky to have him.
Boy howdy, was I wrong.
This is so sad, and I am so sorry! I am so glad you know the truth now. I know so many women who could say, “I have been there.” One who is very dear to me, who was my student thirty years ago, is going through this right now.
I used to think psychology was evil. I was wrong.
(I’m taking Intro to Psych this semester of college and am looooving it.)
I love my shrink! I first started seeing him when my husband was killed and my children were small, and the Lord has used him to help me through some trying times. I think fundies are afraid of psychology. This may be because a good shrink can see right through fundie garbage.
I used to think making God happy meant working full time in the ministry. I was wrong.
I used to think bottling my passions was surrendering to God. I was wrong.
I used to think I could make God happy. I was wrong.
I used to think that my fundy church actually cared about each other.. I was wrong.
I used to think Dr. Bob Jones III was an intelligent, godly man. WRONG
I used to think the churches run by BJ graduates were good. WRONG
I used to think salvation was in some way influenced by church attendance. WRONG
I used to think as long as you were looking at porn, smoking, drinking, listening to music, or watching movies, you weren’t sinning. WRONG
Did you mean “weren’t?”
Otherwise, that is unlike any brand of fundyism I’ve ever heard of!
I used to think of a relationship with Christ as the list of rules I had been taught. I never even *thought* of Him as someone who really loved me until I was over 18. So sad.
Thankfully, I was wrong.
I used to think that my friends who went to Southern Baptist churches instead of IFB churches probably were not really saved. I was wrong.
I used to think that there were no Christians left in public schools. I was wrong.
I used to think that I would be more spiritual and God would love me more if I listened to the right kind of music, didn’t go to movies, and went on visitation every week. I was wrong.
I used to think that the really spiritual people went to IFB colleges and then into “full time Christian service.” I was wrong.
I used to think that Calvinist Fundamentalists understood grace better than non-Calvinist Fundamentalists. I WAS WRONG. Calvinism was not the route to grace. Christ is the route to grace.
~ I used to think that God was perpetually disappointed in me, I was wrong.
~ I used to think that I could never be like those “godly, Christian women” at our IFB church. I was right about that one. PTL! I am nothing like them.
And THAT is a true blessing! Great post.
I used to think God has no use for gays,liberals or feminists.
Thank God I’ve learned otherwise.
I used to believe that, if I did everything I was told, God would make me one of the small-g gods, and I’d be a ruler in the church.
I used to believe that I was better than everyone else for attempting to bear this burden.
I used to believe that sinners’ (non-fundys) smiles were hiding sadness on the inside, unlike mine.
I used to think Bible college would prepare me for adult life.