84 thoughts on “Punc’tuation”

  1. You can see they started running out of ideas toward the end of the sign. “High fullutent”? “Sport’s nut’s”?

  2. Punc’tuation. LOL. Great post.
    PK must be Promise Keepers.
    @Brandon, he should add “por speler’s” to the list.

  3. are these in any particular order? cause i’m pretty sure that “catholic’s” are more evil than “homo’s”, and that “high fullutent” are more evil than “catholic’s” and “homo’s” combined.

  4. “P.K’s” Pastors’ kids??? 🙂

    Wifebeaters, racists, liars, etc… Aren’t they condemning themselves, too?

  5. @phil I was wondering that, too, but I think the proper spelling is “high-falutin’ “.

    And yes, that one legitimately should have an apostrophe…

  6. Government recipients? That’s quite a broad brush. Does that include our veterans?

    And I too wonder what P.K.s are.

  7. Remember, an apostrophe does not mean “Look out! Here come’s an S!”

  8. Kudos on the inclusion of loud mouth women!!! We certainly can’t have any of those pants wearing, opinionated jezebels running around!

  9. PK’s stands for Promise Keepers and High Fullutent (Highfalutin’) for pompous people. All I can comment is that whoever came up with this sign is low on openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. He may be sky-rocket high on neuroticism, though.

  10. I’ve heard “High falutin” all my life. I had no idea that it made my fundy family a bunch of vicous apostates. 🙂

    Aren’t churches “Freeloaders” by not paying taxes? Huh? When did they get exempt?

    I noticed rapists didn’t make the list. Guess they get a special exemption too.

  11. Aren’t churches “Freeloaders” by not paying taxes? Huh? When did they get exempt?

    Not really — but that’s way too serious a discussion for this forum. 🙂

  12. I probably know the person that made that. I hope that list is exhaustive. Did the miss guild leaders?

  13. the more i read thi’s sign, the harder i laugh. hope i don’t pee my pant’s.

    i’m glad to see that bahi’s made the list.

    some noteworthy omissions:

    southern baptist’s
    kjv corrector’s
    public school’s
    rock music’s
    publisher’s who reject my manuscript’s
    pant’s-wearing women’s
    cartoon cereal spokesmen’s
    velcro shoe’s

  14. who else needs to repent and trust jesus?
    Baptist Preachers
    Sunday School Teachers
    Respectable Businessmen
    Preacher’s Kids
    Missionary Kids
    Christian School Principals
    need I continue?

    “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”
    Luke 13:3

  15. Reader Mo, I’ve just nearly spit out my orange juice twice. Well done as always.

  16. I thought it was high flatulence.

    BTW, it’s

    who else needs to repent and trust jesus?
    Baptist Preacher’s
    Sunday School Teacher’s
    Respectable Businessmen
    Preacher’s Kid’s
    Missionary Kid’s
    Christian School Principal’s
    need I continue?

  17. PKs = psychokinetics? Pulemyot Kalashnikova machine guns? penalty kicks?

    I wonder if they mean Promise Keepers.

  18. Took me a second for the joke to catch. Epic! My junior year English and grammar teacher may have just had a heart attack if she would have read this.
    Although the “emo’s” one really didn’t seem to make sense. I’ve never seen an emo kid condemned before…strange.

  19. My daughter just read the list and it seems that “High Fullutent” and “Sophisticated Swine” go together.

  20. Hey, at least they’re calling us homos now, not fags. And we make the top of the list. 🙂

    I see they missed guy’s who wear their pant’s too low. Those SOB’s are evil!

  21. Of course they condemn sports nuts. The IFBx pastor is a jealous pastor, and not willing to share his glory with another.

  22. I’m a freelance editor, and most of my editing jobs are self-published Christian books. This makes my day.

  23. Oh, and I’m both a feminist’ AND I’m sure when I was very young I was a government recipient’ (my parents were capital-p Poor when I was born).

    I guess I must blob the devil a whole lot.

  24. I’m a double dipper: a gov’t recipient and a Catholic. Maybe even a little feminist.

    Better be repentin’ soon.

  25. I was thinking maybe the “High Fullutent” were kind of like the “Highly Flatulent” (if not I’m sure they are both rotten)

  26. @diachenko: since “fag’s” ha’s become associated w/ fred phelp’s (who identify’s himself as a calvinist), fundy’s have had to switch to “homo’s”.

    Somewhere there’s a fundy lamententing that fag’s have ruined the word “gay”, and calvinist’s have ruined the word “fag’s”.

  27. ‪

    a “high fullutent sophisticated swine” is a pig in a top hat, with a monocle, a pocket watch, and masonic “G” cufflinks.‬

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