84 thoughts on “Punc’tuation”

  1. @Reader Mo is back and as funny as ever! LOVE IT!

    Can anyone explain to me what BAHI is? I can’t figure that one even out.

  2. Oops. I misspelled ‘apostrophe’. Guess I should ask them if they need an editor.

  3. @Jordan Thx, I had found that bahai, but wasn’t sure if bahi was just a typo of bahai (obv they can’t spell in fundy-land), but I couldn’t find anything for “bahi”. Thought it was something diff.

  4. @Bill,

    So you don’t drive on interstate highways? Did you ever receive a student loan? Do you not receive protection from the military? Do you plan on utilizing medicare when you are eligible?

    If you live in the US, you are a government recipient, like it or not.

  5. Go easy on his spelling! He got his doctorate from a one room church in the Smokey Mountains that offered collage courses in the parsonage two nights a week.

  6. The heart in “Why do you [heart] the Devil” sort of gave me the warm fuzzie’s.

    (@Marcus, didn’t you mean “Satanist’s”?) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. @RevDavePett I believe in @Bill’s post the “me” was identifying himself in the answer to the rhetorical question. Just FYI.

  8. @Marcus you saw the “Catholic’s”, right? Satanist’s are a subset of Catholic’s. You aren’t an ex-fundy I take it? ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Every time I see the “Sports Nut’s”, I wanna include “Dee’s Nut’s” in the list.

  10. Thi’s i’s the crazie’st ‘sign I have ever ‘seen.

    At least he knows how to use an apostrophe!

  11. “Bahi’s”? How about “Baha’i”. Living proof that fundies even spell (no, not smell) differently.

  12. I’m glad to see they didn’t leave out “sport’s nut’s.” They’re the bane of every fundy’s existence. I’ve never seen one of these sign’s with their catalogue’s of sin’s that didn’t include those guy’s.

  13. Only Republican’s can be saved; that makes it so much easier to spot a brother in Christ.

  14. Loud mouthed women’s??? ๐Ÿ˜†

    So if this guy is against women, sports, and alcohol, what does he do all day long???

  15. So if this guy is against women, sports, and alcohol, what does he do all day long???

    I think the answer is รขโ‚ฌล“making signsรขโ‚ฌย

    Darcy and Darrell, that made my day. Thank you for that. Amazing.

  16. At least he knows how to use an apostrophe!

    Well, he knows the apostrophe exists. Knowing how to use it is another matter entirely.

  17. Well, he knows the apostrophe exists. Knowing how to use it is another matter entirely.

    Strikingly similar to the fundy approach to the Bible.

  18. I count about 8 groups there that I possibly belong to or have belonged to.
    But the total could be higher, because I have no idea what P. K’s, Government Recipient’s, High Fullutent, and Sophisitcated Swine might mean.

    1. BG – Best I know:

      1) PK’s – Promise Keepers
      2) Government Recipient’s – People on Welfare
      3) High Fullutent – Rich and/or educated people
      4) Sophisticated Swine – I have no idea

      You probably can’t be 2 and 3 together so you might be up to 11 ๐Ÿ˜€

    2. P.K. refers to pastor’s kid or preacher’s kid. Basically, he is implying that the children of pastors have a special hatred for God.

  19. I have some more


    Every other christian denominations,






    Fashion Designers

    Folks with flatulence problems

    Law Enfor. Officers

    Those not working for the church
    Bus Drivers, (unless your in the bus ministry.) ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜†

  20. Wow! Preachers’ kids are lumped in with druggies and atheists!

    Then again, it is possible that being a PK could be a precursor to those conditions. Depends on the P, I guess!

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